Sunday, May 17, 2020

Silvia S. - Cascade Division Prayers

Good Evening friends


I hope you all had a chance to rest and renew your strengths this weekend. As I am sitting in my sofa this afternoon and watching the 2020 Divisional Encore Competition, I am thankful for the technology and for the gift of music that many young people has in our Division. Encore it is an annual youth music and arts competition and this year our Divisional Music Director John Opina encouraged our youth to do it in a different way and it was a blessing. I am thankful for John’s leadership and also for his ability to adapt to this new way of teaching our kids. I am sure may people was blessed by this beautiful presentation.


Psalm 95:1

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.”


Let’s pray;


Father God thank you so much for loving us. We are grateful for the opportunities we have to serve our communities. Thank you for your provision and for your care. As we continue to navigate this new way to do things, we are thankful for the gift of music and for the leadership of John Opina in our music department. Father we pray for blessing upon his life. Please be with his family and provide their needs. Give him the assurance that you will always be with him. Thanks again for his ministry in our division.


Father we also want to lift up each department at DHQ. Father we are thankful for all our employees, we ask for your protection and guidance. Give them the rest they need and refresh their soul. We want to pray for blessings upon them. Please be with them and pour your Holy Spirit and give them the joy to continue to serve you. In Jesus name we pray,


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Prayers from Children