Thursday, May 14, 2020

Charles H. - Wife's health

UPDATE on my wife. Dara's kidney numbers are not where they want them to be, but are slowly going down. No further dialysis at this time. We are hoping for continued improvement and no permanent damage to her kidneys. She was in acute renal failure on Saturday, so very thankful for where she is at now.

The possibility of an internal bleed is no longer an issue. The endoscopy only showed some inflammation in the esophagus. The signs of a bleed may have been the result of her chronic nosebleed problem, which can be so bad that blood tends to go down her throat. No plans for a colonoscopy. 

Her health and strength needs to continue to improve, so that the surgeries can be performed to remove the very large kidney stones. It may take as long as two weeks to get her to that point. 

Her appetite has improved some, but it is still difficult for her to eat all that they serve her.

She is very thankful for all the prayers from family and friends, and love and concern expressed for her. Thank you. We appreciate all of you.

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