Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wayne M. - Health/Cancer/Recovery

25 days of radiation are completed! No more radiation mask, though it kind of became soothing. It also makes me look like I’m wearing a toupee. I got to ring the bell, which I have been anticipating since I started. I’m a simple man. Thank you for the prayers! I humbly and graciously ask that you keep me in your prayers. The next test is going back to school in a few weeks. Thank you! 💪🏼❤️

Dave H. - Friend Gil's Health

Today I committed to pray for my friend, Gil. He was diagnosed with ALS this past week. Gil is a great guy, a good friend, a loving husband, and an incredible father and grandfather.

To all my friends who have followed me this past weeks and been so encouraging, I’m asking you turn your attention to Gil and his family. If you believe in prayer, please pray for them. If not, I know he would appreciate you thinking about him. Gil always thinks about others, and finding ways to make their lives better. So perhaps, you and use this opportunity to acknowledge those you love and find ways to “make their day.”

Regardless what you do. I’m asking you let Gil know you either prayed or thought about him. The simplest way is to make a comment below and he will see it. I believe you can also click on this name above and message him directly.

To my Camino friends, please consider taking time tomorrow on The Way, and either think or pray for Gil. I’d really appreciate it.

Lastly, would you consider sharing this post with your friends and family? I would like my friend Gil to know people around the world are thinking and praying for him.

Gil, I love you, brother, and will keep in touch.

Buen Camino. 



Thursday, July 18, 2024

Keepers of the Covenant Session

Karina R. - Europe Vacation

Today is the day!!!
Keep my children and I in prayers so we enjoy this trip and come back home safe and sound! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Wayne M. - Treatment/Healing

Week 4 of radiation is in the books. 5 days remaining! The doctor told me that next week might be the toughest one. 🙏🏼 Thank you for praying!

Turnie W. - Today

Morning Lord thank you for the safe travels yesterday. Lord I have leaned this morning of a friends mother having a fall and breaking her leg. Lord be with her as the doctors treat her and be with her family as they help mom heal. Lord you alone are the great physician healing those that need healing in ways they do not understand. I thank you for this in advance. In your mighty name. Amen!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Turnie W. - Today

Good morning Lord thank you for the nights rest. Lord be with us today as we travel to camp to pick up our camper. Keep us safe in our travels. Lord when we get back may we be able to take care of what we need to and pack away our stuff for our move in your mighty name. Amen!!

Prayers from Children