Saturday, August 21, 2021

Monica K. - Husband's Healing

Mark’s oncologist told him on Wednesday that if he was walking  in his office for the first time he would tell him his throat looked perfectly normal! His kidney levels were even better this week than last. His next appointment will be a CT scan to hopefully show the cancer is gone. 

He had his feeding tube removed yesterday. Sooner than his radiologist would have liked but it wouldn’t stop leaking. Mark decided it was a quality of life decision and told them to take it out. He enjoyed a blissful night of sleep last night untethered to any tubes or machines. 

His goal now is to get his belly healed up and ingest enough calories to maintain his weight so his body has enough strength to continue healing fully. 

Continued prayers appreciated this week and leading up to his appointment on the 30th. Thanks friends!

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