Friday, April 24, 2020

Silvia S. - Cascade Divisional Prayers

Dear friends ,


Psalm 91:1-2

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord,

‘He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I trust.”


Let’s pray,


Father, I am so thankful for the privilege to serve in the Cascade Division and I and blessed by each one of our Officers and Employees.

I pray that you can use each one of us to share your love in our communities. May your name be glorified in everything we do.


Tonight I want to lift up our brothers and sisters from TVC, Yamhill and Safes. We are grateful for their leadership and we pray for your protection and guidance.


Father we pray for the TVC community, Tami Mandrell and her staff. Thank you for their faithfulness to the community and for the wonderful service in the area. We pray for blessings, joy and peace. Father keep them under your protection.


We pray for Lt. Sandra Solis, father be with her and remind her that she is precious. We are thankful for her ministry and all the wonderful things that she is doing in her community. Please give her rest to continue to do your work.


We also pray for Rebecca McBrayer, her staff and women’s that come to Safes every day. Father be with each one of them, provide their needs and bless them in all areas

Of their lives.


Father we love you. Please be with each one of your people .

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Prayers from Children