Dear Cascade family,
Our territorial leaders have invited us to join them in a day of prayer and fasting. Please take a moment and read through Colonel Colleen s invitation/instructions for the day. I am excited and encouraged to be a part of this important call to prayer. We will have thousands of voices joined at the same time, seeking God’s favor and wisdom. What an incredible opportunity awaits us!
As we ready ourselves individually for our time of prayer, please know we remember you in prayer often. You are loved and play an important role of being God’s hands extended during this time The Salvation Army finds itself in. We may experience shortages of many kinds, but God is never lacking. He is all we need.
The Salvation Army
USA Western Territory
Office of the Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
Dear Friends,
As you will know, times are different, things are not as they have always been, however, our God is the same and His desire is for us to seek Him in all things. With that in mind, as we have already shared with you, we will continue to have our day of prayer and fasting here at THQ. Our day will be modified that on every hour, we will begin the hour with prayer as outlined below.
We commit to you to pray. THANK YOU to each of you for who you are. God intends to use this time for His benefit. We will lean in and focus on Him to hear his voice in this time of most need.
Just a note that we will be happy to add to your personal prayers for yourselves or for your appointment, anything you specifically would like pray for beyond this list below. Please send those to me and I will share them throughout the day with Cabinet to pray for you.
…We believe PRAYER is our life-breath, not “just another initiative” or “mandate”
…We are attempting to meet huge missional challenges (The Way Out)
…We are concerned about certain statistical trends in our territory
…We have experienced opposition from without
The USW Territorial Leadership has decided to Call a Day of Prayer and Fasting for the Territory in first quarter of 2020 where “Business as usual” stops for one day and we (Cabinet) commit to pray.
For 15 minutes at the beginning of each hour, starting at 8:30 am, we will have a specific focus. The following will serve as our guide for the day and for you to know what we will be focusing on for each hour.
8:30 Focus on the needs of the Covid19 Virus
9:30 Confession both Corporate and Individual cleansing
10:30 URGENT NEEDS: Revival, guidance, direction, God’s favor
11:30 BREAK for Broth (Prayer Walk) – Take a walk outside if you can
12:30 Challenges: Need Wisdom, Resources, Vision, Solutions,
1:30 INTERCESSION: USW, employees, officers, corps ARC units, etc.
2:30 INTERCESSION: Global, World, Missionaries
3:30 Thanksgiving and Praise
In each of your communities, we are inviting all soldiers, officers, employees and volunteers who can, to join us in our day of fasting and prayer. Will you join us? Even if it is for a half hour or hour, we encourage you to take the time and pray.
Our commitment is to you and to the needs of the Territory. We will be praying for you. Join us!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me personally.
God bless each of you,
Colleen R. R, Colonel
Territorial Secretary, Spiritual Life Development
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