Monday, April 13, 2020

Captain Silvia - Cascade Division Prayers

Good Evening friends,


“He is not here, he has risen just as He said” Matthew 28:6


Easter is a time when we celebrate God’s love and sacrifice for us. As Christians, our great task to obey the command to tell the whole word

About Christ crucified, buried, yet risen again. My prayer for you during this season of the year, when we meditate on our Savior’s great sacrifice

for us on the cross, Is that you will be filled with great peace and hope, because “He is risen! That is the Good News.


Let’s pray:


Father ,thank you for the cross, thank you for your unconditional love to us. We love you and we want to glorify your name.

We ask for strength and wisdom. Help us to keep our eyes on you. You are the Holy Lord, and all of our hope rests in you.


Father we want to lift up your officers in Roseburg, Captains Brent and Kristy Church. We pray for your guidance and protection

as they are serving their community in the frontlines. We pray for their kids as well, help them to figure out how to be home all day.

Father help them to do what they have to do with joy in their heart.


We pray for Salem Kroc, and their officers Lts Quinton and Deanna Markhan. We are so thankful for their leadership in Salem. We pray for wisdom, guidance and joy. May they find strength in you Lord. We also pray for Lt. Laura Fyn and her son Callun, father give her the rest to continue to be the light in her community and home as well.


And we also lift up The Dalles, as Captain Raymond Morris is serving in the frontlines. Father provide his needs and protect him. We pray for discernment and peace as he is doing your work.


Father as we continue to navigate this new season help us to put our trust in you every day.


In Jesus name we pray,





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Prayers from Children