Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Fabio S. - Cascade Division Prayers

Tonight I want to share what God has done through Kroc Center Corps.
Lts. Markham and Lt. Laura

“Some of our Kroc Center staff have continued in emergency service roles in food box preparation and delivery along with our regular Social Service staff. At our Family Service office, there is currently no identification or paperwork required. Just grab and go. Each box contains enough canned food, produce, dairy and protein to supplement a family of four for a few days. We are also assisting with Meals on Wheels food preparation, and assisting other social service agencies in the area. We are highlighting some of our workers on our Facebook pages.
Our Emergency Child Care program is almost full at this time. We anticipate this number rising to 100 in the coming days. This child care service is Monday through Friday from 6:30 AM through 7:30 PM and includes three meals and two snacks daily. Kids are separated into pods of up to 10 children in their same age range, and have a certified teacher and aide assigned to their class, exclusively. They cycle through a schedule of educational, fun and recreational activities throughout the day.” Lt. Quinton Markham

God, we praise your name for the opportunities that we have to serve people. We are so blessed to see what you are doing in our division. Thank you for the officers at Kroc Center we pray that you continue to strength and protect them.
Give them your joy everyday and guide them to make a difference in the local community.
It is a privilege to be used by you to spread love and hope.
In Jesus name. Amen.

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Prayers from Children