Monday, February 29, 2016

Monica K.- dad update

A quick update on my Dad: While his physical health seems to be improving, his mental state took a turn last night. He has become violent argumentative and super nasty to anyone within earshot. They are running blood tests to determine if it is medication induced or something else. He is not himself and it has us concerned.  Please continue to pray!

Christy K.- health

"Please pray that I get some sleep - I have been running on a deficit and having insomnia since moving to Guam. I am exhausted but can't sleep. Thank you!"

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mark S.- health

Sixteen months ago, when I was diagnosed with cancer, Capt. Mark solicited intercessory prayers on my behalf, asking prayer warriors to pray for healing.  Today, I am soliciting your prayers for Capt. Mark as he recuperates from his surgery and continues in his goal towards complete healing.  Get well, Capt. Mark!

Jennifer S.J.- praise report

I have a great big PRAISE! Had my follow up colonoscopy and no more cancer was found!!! Not even a little bump remained! I now get to go FIVE years before I have to go back!! Can I get a HALLELUJAH?!?!

Monica K.- Father's health

God is hearing your prayers!  My Dad seems to be turning the corner and making progress toward healing.  He still isn't out of the woods, but there was marked improvement this evening.  Keep praying!!! I'm cautiously optimistic.

Mead High School - Mission Trip to Hilo

Please pray for the Nevada Mead High school students and leaders who are on the big island to serve. They will be helping Hilo and Honokaa Salvation Army tomorrow (Sun) til Wednesday...among many projects. One of them will be bringing the message tomorrow during the service. Pray for safety and a time of growing in their faith. Praise the Lord for this group! 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fiji Hurricane update

NEWS RELEASE: Prayers Requested as The Salvation Army in Fiji Continues to Offer Shelter and Support to People Affected by Cyclone Winston London, 25 February 2016/IHQ/ – THE Salvation Army in Fiji is continuing its ministry to help people affected by Cyclone Winston – the strongest ever recorded in the southern hemisphere. The disaster has affected 90 per cent of Fiji’s approximately 900,000 population. At least 42 people are known to have been killed, with that figure expected to rise when contact is made with remote communities. Aerial images show that some villages have been completely destroyed, with reports of serious damage and destruction of schools, clinics and two hospitals. Four days after the cyclone struck, Fiji’s two largest islands – Viti Levu (where The Salvation Army’s divisional headquarters is based) and Venua Levu – were still largely without electricity and many areas had no water supply. Fiji Divisional Commander Major David Noakes decribes the storm as ‘vicious’, saying: ‘Fiji is severely battered and its people extremely traumatised. The damage in villages is extensive, with a great many homes destroyed and left roofless. There is kilometre after kilometre of crop damage, with power lines down.’ Almost all Salvation Army halls and many officers' quarters were flooded, as the tremendous force of the wind pushed water into places where nothing could stop it. The quarters at Ba was badly damaged by the storm and the officers there are in deep shock, says the major. At the time of writing, The Salvation Army has not been able to contact its corps (church) in Savusavu, on Venua Levu, and on Taveuni Island in the north east, where storm damage was known to be severe and communication and access are very difficult. Major Noakes says preparations are being made to fly to both locations as soon as possible to assess damage. Ahead of the cyclone, The Salvation Army established 10 evacuation centres at its halls. The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) Aid Programme funds The Salvation Army in Fiji to provide immediate and ongoing emergency relief to cyclone and flood-affected people. This includes the provision of emergency containers stocked with mattresses, tarpaulins, generators, shovels, wheelbarrows, chainsaws and protective clothing. There is also an arrangement with major Fiji food supplier RB Patel to ensure sufficient food and water for each of its evacuation centres. Due to the government curfew, some Salvation Army centres were not utilised, but the Army’s centre at Nadi was full, with 40 people seeking shelter at Lomaivuna, 30 at Sigatoka and Ba, 20 at Saweni and six at Nasinu. All Sunday church services were cancelled to ensure the safety of attenders, although Raiwai Corps held a service for those who had sought shelter there. At Sigatoka Corps, The Salvation Army has offered assistance to those living in a nearby squatter camp, where the oldest resident is 85 and the youngest just nine months. The situation for many Fijians is now desperate, explains Major Noakes. Low-lying areas were severely affected by storm surges and ongoing flooding along major river valleys was likely to drive more people to seek help with food, shelter and clothing. Fijians face challenges to food supplies and livelihoods, with agriculture, fisheries and tourism industries badly affected by the disaster. At Rakiraki Village (between Suva and Nadi), where the cyclone first made landfall, there is almost complete devastation. ‘It can only be described as catastrophic,’ says the major. ‘The people’s response ranges from being in total shock to a determined resignation. There is a desperate need for water and The Salvation Army is sending supplies from Suva.’ The officers at Rakiraki Corps Plant were forced to evacuate their quarters due to flooding, but have since returned home. They were initially joined by several Salvation Army families who lost their homes in the cyclone. The Fiji Government was encouraging people to leave evacuation centres to return to their homes and help with clean-up efforts. However, at Nadi Corps 15 families were still living at the Army hall after their homes on the banks of the Nadi River were inundated by water. Although they were doing their part to help in the cyclone’s aftermath, Major Noakes says it seems likely that those from the hard-hit Nadi area will need ongoing shelter and food. Lautoka Corps is also still operating as an emergency centre, with people returning to the Army hall at night to rest from repairing their homes. The officers at Nadi Corps were involved in providing post-cyclone chaplaincy services at Nadi Airport. All Salvation Army officers in Fiji are trained in cyclone readiness. This includes training in emergency crowd management and grief counselling. In Rakiraki Village, Major Noakes estimated 60 to 70 homes to have been destroyed. ‘It is clear that there will be huge need for assistance in rebuilding homes,’ he says. ‘The Fiji Government seems to be emphasising damage on outlying islands, but our visits confirm urgent needs on the Western side of Viti Levu from Ba through to Rakiraki.’ The Salvation Army’s New Zealand Coordinator for Emergency Services, Major David Bennett, has travelled to Fiji to assist with the Army’s response. A working group at divisional headquarters in Suva has also been formed, with Lieutenant Saimone Gatauraua (Divisional Public Relations Officer and Corps Officer, Suva) acting as the Army’s government liaison. Prior to becoming an officer, Lieutenant Gatauraua had long experience working on development strategies and infrastructure within the Fiji Government. Initially, The Salvation Army will continue to support people’s basic needs for food, shelter and pastoral support. As a second phase of its response, the Army is exploring the possibility of rebuilding housing in one of the affected villages where it is already at work. More details will be released as plans are developed, assures Major Noakes, adding that it will be important to do this work in collaboration with local government and tribal chiefs in the affected area. ‘Thank you to the many Salvationists who are praying for the people of Fiji,’ says the major. ‘Please continue to pray, as people’s lives will be very different for a long time to come. Salvationists in Fiji have dedicated themselves to serving their communities, despite the impact of the cyclone on their own lives. We are told our evacuation centres had a good atmosphere about them and there is a deep appreciation of the Army’s care.’ Report by IHQ Communications Based on a report from the New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Steve B.- wife's surgery

"Thumbs up for Jesus and the surgeon doing my Precious Patti Jean's knee replacement. Prayers appreciated. 
See you in a few hours, Sweetheart! ❤️"

Vicki G.- family

"Getting ready to board plane to Los Angeles Community Cares Ministries Conference. Already missing my family. A lot going on and hubby has been quite sick. Had to cancel his trip to Belize which I know breaks his heart. Please pray for my family."

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Fiji Update

The Salvation Army in Fiji Responds to Record-breaking Cyclone Winston London, 23 February 2016/IHQ/ – CATEGORY 5 storm Winston caused devastation in parts of the Pacific nation of Fiji overnight on Saturday 20 February 2016. With wind speeds exceeding 200 miles per hour and waves of up to 12 metres, Cyclone Winston was one of the most severe weather systems ever to hit the southern hemisphere. At least 20 people were killed, power and communications disrupted and thousands of people moved to evacuation centres. The Salvation Army established 10 such centres in Labasa, Ba, Nadi, Sigatoka, Suva Central, Raiwai, Lomaivuna, Nasinu, Saweni and Lautoka, although due to a government-imposed curfew some were unable to open – a pattern that was witnessed across the country. Using funds made available by New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Aid Programme, The Salvation Army in Fiji provided immediate and ongoing relief to cyclone and flood-affected people. This included the supply of emergency containers stocked with mattresses, generators, shovels, wheelbarrows, chainsaws and protective clothing. As part of the cyclone preparedness training, all Salvation Army officers in Fiji are skilled in emergency crowd management and grief counselling. At around noon on Sunday, the Nadi evacuation centre was full and there were 40 people at Lomaivuna, 30 at Sigatoka, 30 at Ba, 20 at Saweni and 6 at Nasinu. Salvation Army church services had been cancelled to ensure the safety of members. ‘There has been some damage to Salvation Army properties,’ detailed Major David Noakes, The Salvation Army’s Divisional Commander for Fiji. ‘Some of our refuge centres struggled with internal flooding – the force of the wind was such that hurricane shutters were ineffective.’ The major explained that The Salvation Army would have a better idea of needs over the next few days, but one priority after meeting initial urgent needs would be restocking the emergency containers for the next natural disaster. Major Noakes was ‘expecting a considerable food bill, particularly as support for displaced people might be required for some time’. The Salvation Army is anticipating that more people will be referred by police and the country’s Disaster Management Committee as they continue to find those in difficulty. ‘The worst situation we’ve been made aware of to date is in Rakiraki [where] The Salvation Army’s officers had to evacuate their house due to leaks but are now back home and looking after several families, all of whom have lost their homes.’ ‘Thank you for your ongoing prayers for Fiji,’ concludes Major Noakes. ‘We are very proud of our people here and their service to others, despite the disruption to their own lives.’

Fiji Hurricane Recovery Effort

In the news: 'In advance of the storm's arrival in Fiji, numerous shelters were opened, and a nationwide curfew was instituted during the evening of 20 February. Striking Fiji as a Category 5 on 20 February, Winston inflicted extensive damage on many islands and killed at least 28 people. Communications were temporarily lost with at least six islands, with some remaining isolated more than two days after the storm's passage. Immediately following the cyclone, the Governments of Australia and New Zealand provided logistical support and relief packages.' 

Source: Wikipedia

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Joanne G.- health

"Spent night in ER waiting for anything to done while spasms and pain were skyrocketing. Finally got something but it was too late. Nothing was working so they said I should wait a few more hours but no pain meds would be given because someone has to drive me home. The people next door decided it would be fine imitate my breathing exercises by making monkey noises. Just left. Pain not better and knots and spasms are worse. It really makes me sad when 1) healthcare professionals don't know enough about invisible illnesses, 2) when others think you aren't really "sick", have a drug problem or you look fine. And then they send you home with no resolution but tell you to come if it's "worse." If it gets worse I might be dead! Crying out to the Lord for relief!"

Friday, February 19, 2016

Praise Report - Our Division

Ebeye reports: Last Sunday after the morning service the members of the corps were shown their respect to one of our members (Martina) that her mom was past away last week. Please keep Martina and her family in your daily prayers.

Imiej reports:  We praise God for the 12 new soldiers that were enrolled by Major Bennett during his visit this week. 

Jabor reports:  We praise God that we have received heavy rains this week, which has helped fill our catchments once again !!!!!

Jaluit reports: We praise God for one enrollment during the visit of Major Bennett and Captain Herine H.

Kauluwela reports: This week we celebrated music and dedicated our new song books, new instruments to God! We are delighted that our acting bandmaster has agreed to make this position official! We are grateful for the gift of music. After our morning worship we were excited to take 19 of our children to the 8th annual Ukulele picnic. We are so excited that we will be receiving new ukuleles for our corps! It is always a blessed day at Kauluwela!

Madolenihmw reports: Praise God for what He has prepared for the John's family at Madolenihmw Corps. Captain Senelyn's father who opened up his piece of property for The Salvation Army work has passed. During the past 9 days the family and friends gathered together every evening to worship. Through these evening meetings God's mighty hand has touched the lives of these people. The Salvation Army had the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel to the family and others.

Marshall Islands Coordinator reports: It was a blessing to visit this week the corps at Jabor, Jaluit, Narmiej and Imiej and enroll new soldiers. The Lord opened the floodgates and sent heavy rains to fill dry catchments. Surveys were done on two properties which will enable us to proceed with drawing up contracts for those corps. The Lord is moving on Jaluit Atoll. 

Kroc reports: Since it was Valentine's Day on Sunday, we offered married couples the opportunity to renew their wedding vows in our worship services. 47 couples honored their marriage by renewing their vows in front of the congregation. We thank the Lord for godly couples who model what a Christ-honoring marriage is all about. 

God bless you as you serve others!



Thursday, February 18, 2016

Worship Arts Retreat

Please pray for our Hilo crew (Shoshannah, Lila, Mel, Meagan) who are flying at this moment to San Jose California for the Worship Arts Retreat. Pray for safe travles and for spirit filled experience and growth. Bless them and all who will be there! 

Christa S.- health

It's been quite the day... It began as "Thankful Thursday" and quickly turned into "Grateful to be alive" Day!

1. Blacked out in the salon bathroom 
2. Busted up my face & head on whatever I hit on the way down 
3. A lovely ride in an ambulance 
4. An uneventful day in the Emergency Room with my amazing husband
5. Still no good reason as to why my BP dropped to 85/52😳

🌸Thankful to Jannette, Melenie & the other salon girls who found me in the bathroom, stopped the bleeding and & called 911 (and Mathew). 
🌸Thankful to Ms. Tamara for caring for our children in our absence. 
🌸And, thankful for all the prayers lifted up on our behalf today!🙏🏻💕

Monday, February 15, 2016

Dianne M- Matt. Health

Would you please pray for my Valentine, Matthew Madsen? He has a nasty case of pneumonia. Thanks!

Friday, February 12, 2016

John and Nalani and Family -

Please pray for John and Nalani's relationship. Pray for their kids going through this difficult time. May God draw each of them toward Himself and give them peace and comfort. 

Mary N.- grandma - promoted to Glory!

"My Grandma passed away earlier today. Nathaniel came home from work and is with me. I'm glad she's no longer in pain and she went peacefully. She was an extraordinary woman of God. She's been promoted to glory!"

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Major Jaime and Lilia - Chuuk Corps

Good morning, Mark. 

This is in response to your message in facebook.

We had a very good Sunday worship and Bible classes last Sunday, February 7, at Chuuk Corps. Majors Wenjune and Noveminda Tanedo went to Wichap while Jaime and I took charge of Chuuk Sunday meetings. The day was started with a Bible Study on church leadership and cell groups. There were 55 in attendance including children. For the first time, the church members were divided into cell groups by area of residence. Four (4) groups were initially established, namely: Neotes cell group (Airam's compound); Iras/Seletiw cell group; Tunnuk cell group; and Nantaku/Mechitiw/Motolong/Sonofo cell group. They have chosen their own group leaders and these group leaders will be trained by officers.

The leaders chosen are as follows:
  1. Neotes (A. compound) Cell group - Penita A., Sincerty S., and Lissy A.
  2. Iras/Seletiw Cell group - Ranik O. and Mara O.
  3. Tunnuk Cell group - Klyn W. & Seveno M.
  4. Nantaku/Mechitiw/Motolong/Sonofo Cell group - Martina P. and Corps Officers

The following are the aims of these cell groups:
  1. Winning new Christians into their membership
  2. Caring for the weak members of the group
  3. Teaching its members basic Christian living and worldview (grounding in the Word)
  4. Providing members help and opportunity to build relationships with each other
  5. Providing counseling and guidance in Christian living as needed
  6. Providing motivation (encouragement) and creating vision in the minds of the members for serving Christ
  7. Helping each member to develop their own ministry, including, for most, winning their own disciples
  8. Providing a venue where young Christians can get supervised experience serving others, as well as coaching/teaching on sharing the gospel, and responding to challenges to their faith, and other ministry opportunities
  9. Training new leaders for the cell groups

The above only shows that the members of Chuuk Corps want to grow spiritually and in quantity. Please pray for the leaders to be stronger in their faith in God and to be more inspired in their service to God.

After the Bible Study, we had Prayer Meeting attended by 65 people.

The Holiness Meeting was also attended by the same 65 people. Major Jaime shared the message and during the appeal time, there were 22 (#2) seekers and 1 (#3) seeker. During the message, Soldier Sincerty S. conducted Sunday School for children. There were 20 in attendance.

The Home League was divided by Major Novie into 3 groups to be in-charge of Sunday lunch. Group #1 was in-charge of lunch preparation and serving last Sunday. 65 people shared the lunch fellowship.

After lunch, we had Home League and Men's Fellowship combined. 23 women and 9 men. Our TLW consultant shared the importance of eating healthy food to prevent us from going to the hospital.

While the Home League & Men's groups are having a meeting, Major Jaime handled the children's Ukelele class with 20 in attendance.

Major Wenjune also conducted a Recruit class with 8 in attendance.

God is surely moving in the lives of our people in Chuuk Corps. We praise God and give Him back all the glory and honor.

Majors Wenjune and Noveminda will report on Wichap Corps.

May God richly bless you.

Lilia M., Major
FSM Resource Development Office
Chuuk, FSM

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lynnel B.- surgery

I want to thank all of you for your prayers for me. I went in to go and have a heart cath done this morning, and they did put another stint into my heart. Can't believe how much better I feel already. Thank you Lord Jesus for being there with the surgeon today, guiding and directing his hands during not only my surgery, but the other surgeries that the doctor did today.  To do an angioplasty usually the area they insert the Cath through is the groin area, but they have a new area of inserting the Cath into the heart..... the doctor went through My wrist.  Interesting  procedure huh?  It doesn't hurt at all.  I Love You All!

Mary N.- grandma update

"The doctors think my grandma was in a coma brought on by low blood sugar. She's been eating and responding to the doctors. They are impressed with her recovery. My uncles (Tim and Joel) are looking into care home facilities for her to be released to tomorrow. It's a miracle! She's still fragile and in poor health. Thanks so much for the prayers! I've been so blessed by the outpouring of love and support from all of you!"

Mary N.- grandma

"Grandma woke up this morning and was responsive! It doesn't mean she's out of the woods yet, but she was able to focus and said a word "no". If she wakes up again, the doctors will try to get her to eat. Thanks so much for all the prayers and good thoughts!""

Monday, February 8, 2016

Mary N.- grandma

"My Grandma is being made comfortable right now and could go to heaven at anytime." 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Taiwan Earth Quake

Taiwan Earthquake: More Than 150 Missing After Deadly 6.4-Magnitude Temblor

Phil Helsel

A powerful earthquake struck southern Taiwan Saturday, killing at least 14 people and leaving more than 150 people missing in one building alone, officials said. 

The 6.4-magnitude earthquake shook about 30 miles east of Tainan, a city of around 2 million, just before 4 a.m. local time (3 p.m. Friday ET), the U.S. Geological Survey said. At least 484 people were hurt, Taiwan's Central Emergency Operation Center said. 

Nine buildings collapsed in the temblor, which also caused at least five to tilt at alarming angles. The focus of a massive rescue effort was the 16-story Weiguan Jinlong residential building in Tainan, which buckled. 

Some 200 were pulled from the building that had been home to about 80 families, but as of 9 p.m. local time Saturday, there were still 156 missing from the building, according to the government's forward command post in Tainan that deals with rescue work. 

At least 12 people died in that building, the Tainan City Fire Bureau said. Among the victims was a 10-day-old baby, Reuters reported.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Maggie L.- cousin's passing (update)

My cousin Luis Jr passed away today. I will always remember his contagious smile and kind heart. Please pray for his children and my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins.  I'm amazed at how many in The Army world knew him, but then again not surprised that he is remembered so well. He loved the Lord and his family and I rejoice in knowing that one day we will see him again.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Chris G.- church member - health

Attention Inglewood Citadel Corps:

Our brother, Mr. Johnny H. is asking for prayer as he will be undergoing open heart surgery on 2/4/16 at the West LA VA Center. This will be a 7 hour process that will begin at 7AM. I am asking that as you go about your day tomorrow, if you would dedicate yourself to prayer for 20-30 minutes for Virginia, Nathan, and Johnny. 

Your support in this regards would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Crystal N. - son's health (praise the Lord)

About 4 years ago, Nathan stopped walking and we discovered a growth in his thigh bone. They did a biopsy of it and thankfully it broke into tiny pieces which eventually dissolved away. He was in a spica cast for a few weeks to let the bone heal and doctors said we'd have to keep following up to make sure it was all gone. Today, we received the good news that there is no trace of it! God is good!!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Manu - grandfather's health

Please pray for Manu's grandfather. Manu stated that his grandfather would like to travel, especially to Vegas. Pray for healing and for his grandfather to know/draw near to the Lord during this time.

Sammy - job interview

Please pray for Sammy's job interview today. May God be with her. Ultimately, we pray for God's will.

Di S. - travel and family

"We made it safely to Barcelona and are now waiting for my mother to arrive. Unfortunately I received some very sad news from Saipan while on the airplane. Please keep my family in your prayers. Mahalo & Si Yu'us Ma'ase."

Prayers from Children