Friday, November 6, 2020

Claire H. - Personal Prayer

Hi friends. I’m not doing ok. 

So if you could pray for me, that would be great. 

Also, if a few kind and interested souls could occasionally encourage me to eat and drink and maybe get outside, I need that. Those things tend to slip away from me. iykyk (If you witnessed Aleen airplane feed me chicken, well 😂 lucky you, you witnessed pure friendship)

There’s been too much trauma and disruption in my life this year. I’m feeling extremely unsettled and extremely unsafe. I’ve coped extraordinarily well through all this. But I thought in a room filled to the the brim with hard things, I was all maxed out and wouldn’t have to endure any more; I had reached the ceiling. But the ceiling keeps rising to accommodate new pains. That feels like a mean trick and I don’t know where it ends. I know this extended no-end-in-sight trauma is a familiar feeling for most of you this year. 

God is faithful, but I’m putting his crew on notice. So... consider yourself notified. Please love me extra right now.

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Prayers from Children