Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Fabio S. - Cascade Divisional prayers

God has done great things!
Tonight the story comes from Grants Pass Corps.
Lts McBride share it.

“We received a letter and a $270.00 check donation from a donor in the mail today.

In her letter, she asked if a food box could be delivered to her residence. I called Diana and spoke with her over the phone.

Diana, along with her husband, are among the high risk population within our community and love The Salvation Army and what we do for our community.

Due to her and her husband’s age and health, they don’t come out as much. However, that doesn’t stop them from helping out their community!


She said they fervently prayed and asked God where should they should donate to and support in the community of Grants Pass.

Diana said God laid it on their hearts to donate and support the work of The Salvation Army in Grants Pass.

She said, “Between the Food Pantry and the Thrift Store, you guys do some much good work for our community and all that you do to support it; we believe you are the ones that we should contribute and donate to.”


We are grateful for folks like Diana and her husband and their obedience to the Lord. 

They sought out the Lord and honored Him with their obedience and how they stewarded their finances to support their community.

Because of their generosity, we are able to do the most good with the resources that we’ve been entrusted with. 


I am reminded of the words penned by Evangeline Booth, “There is no reward equal to that of doing the most good to the most people in the most need.”

Let’s pray.

Dear Lord we praise your holy name. We are so wonderful and your grace is sufficient for us.

We thank you for your provision and care. We lift up Grants Pass Corps and Lts. McBride Father. Keep them close to you and bless their ministry and their family.

Also God ,we ask for Dianna and her husband. Protect them and provide everything that their need.

God glorify your holy name on us and through us.

In Jesus name. Amen.

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Prayers from Children