Friday, May 3, 2019

Vicki G. - Mom and Church

"I want to thank God and give Him the Glory for opening so many doors these last few days. Thankful for a supportive corps(church) family who has been lifting us up in prayer. Thankful for friends and family all over the world praying. We will be putting my mother in a care home this afternoon because of your prayers. Please pray extra hard this afternoon around 4pm we will be taking her to new home and she will definitely put up a fight and gets quite agitated and abusive. Pray she goes calmly and settles well. Also at home in Scotland please pray for my corps family as they celebrate and say goodbye to a beautiful soul and retired officer today our hearts are with them. And continue to pray for our sweet Cara who has leukemia and her family. God is answering prayer. I have been so overwhelmed by your love and support. 😘"

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Prayers from Children