Thursday, May 23, 2019

Deanna S. - Prayer and Encouragement

"Good Morning My Friends! I pray that you are having a blessed day!

I just wanted to reassure that you are being prayed for! With all the emails flying around about our financial situation and then the ones cancelling programs, sometimes we can get a bit discouraged in our ministry! I have been there personally! We were told many times to cut back and it was hard. When we had to let employees go, we had to take up their jobs. Sometimes it meant mowing the lawn at the Corps, being the janitor, picking up donations on top of all the regular Corps Programming. It isexhausting work especially when days off are few, but the rewards for persevering are greater than we can ever imagine! Through those times in our exhaustion we would see glimpses of how God is in Control! So… as you continue the amazing ministry that you are doing… please look for those moments with God!

Let us all remember each other in prayer during these difficult days. It is an honor to serve alongside you in this great Cascade Division!"

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Prayers from Children