Sunday, October 23, 2022

David S. - Sons Passing

You know how you hate those late night calls? They're always trouble. I got one the other night that started with... "are you the father of Tylor?" I've gotten calls like that before about my oldest son. Once when he was hit by a car and a couple of times when he was arrested. But when the officer spoke the next line I knew what it was. "I hate to do this over the phone"...that meant only one thing. My son was no more. You don't start a conversation with that unless it ends with, "but I'm sorry to inform you."

My dear son, who was 46 years old died on Thursday night. My heart is broken. He was a free-spirited man with a huge heart for others. He had his problems, he had his issues, but he loved Jesus and he loved everyone with whom he came into contact with a pure heart and no ulterior motives. He had seven siblings. Two brothers and five sisters. They are all broken-hearted, as am I. His mom doesn't even know because she had a stroke and floats in and out of coherence. We don't even know if we should tell her, because it might kill her. She loves that boy.

Thanks for your prayers and if you knew Tylor, I'm sorry for your loss too!

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