Monday, June 27, 2022

TSA World - France and Belgium Territory (7/4 -- 7/10)


Prayer Focus – 04 – 10 July 2022

France and Belgium Territory


Territorial leaders:  Colonels Jacques and Claude-Evelyne Donzé

Prayer requests:

The officers and leaders of the France and Belgium territory are grateful for the prayers of our international Salvation Army family. 



We ask that you pray for our officers who are moving this July, that transitions for them personally and in their ministry will be God-infused with treasures they could not otherwise expect or imagine. 


Our territory has significant changes occurring at THQ within the executive leadership of both the Congregation and Foundation teams due to retirements and international moves. Please pray for Holy Spirit power to intercede for the blessing and binding together of these new teams. 



The 5th wave of covid has washed over a number of our active officers. Please pray for restoration of their health. We pray that they will take time to heal fully and not race back into action preventing full health renewal. 


Covid has also impacted our corps ministries in France and Belgium as it has around the globe. Please pray for our ministry teams to lean into God to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit as He unfolds insights into the way forward. May each ministry accept the spiritual challenge not to return to the past, rather to press forward for the glory of God and salvation of humanity. 



We are a territory that is receiving refugees from the Ukraine. Please pray for clarity for us in how to move forward in caring for these individuals and families as we embrace them. We desire to care for their needs so that they feel that they are valued as people, that they belong in community where safety can be felt and that the love of God is experienced. 


Thank you for your intentional prayers for our territory.



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