Sunday, May 13, 2018

High Council - S.A. world


General André Cox has asked us to stand together in prayer as we anticipate the start of the High Council:

‘As the High Council convenes in May, The Salvation Army’s leaders from around the world will be tasked with electing the next General, the 21st leader of our global Army. Friends, would you join me in praying – very simply – that God’s will be done? Many column inches, tweets, Facebook posts and blogs will be written – of that I have no doubt – but it boils down to this: Listening to God’s still, small voice. And then acting decisively on it.

‘So pray for the members of the High Council. Pray, too, for the man or woman who will take on the leadership of The Salvation Army as General in August. But as you pray, ensure that – as you pause today – you also listen for God’s still, small voice. Is the Holy Spirit gently nudging you to do something? Perhaps to speak to or offer a helping hand to a friend, colleague or neighbour? Is God calling you to take a more radical step in your discipleship journey?’

The High Council members are pictured here by region: Africa, Americas & Caribbean, Europe, IHQ, South Asia and South Pacific & East Asia.

A High Council comprises all active Salvation Army commissioners, territorial commanders and territorial presidents of women’s ministries."

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