Monday, October 2, 2017

Sid S. - praying for our Army

"Ok Everyone, tomorrow starts the beginning of our PRAYER time together.  I will go to our buildings chapel room at 9:00 am sharp PACIFIC TIME.  For those who will join me, if you are able to take time to pray at the same time so we may appeal to God together.  That would be 12 noon Eastern Standard (right John?) and could be as late as 2:00 am if you are in Austraulia (if you can't sleep, join).  

My prayers will be for the Army to have a revival back to the historic truths that we have always stood upon.  Also, that more officers who believe that truth join, and bring back the zeal that the Army had many years ago.  Thanks to anyone who can join, and if you cannot, do it sometime during the day when you can, for at least 15 minutes of devoted prayer.

Thanks everyone! :)"

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Prayers from Children