Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Silvia S. - Cascade Division Prayers

Good Evening family,


Philippians 4:4 says: “ Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!”


Today I would like to praise the lord for the technology and the opportunities that God has given to the youth department to continue to do ministry to the kids, youth and young adults in the division. Even when we had to cancel our events, the youth department decided to start a Zoom youth group. The blessings about this youth group is that we have had a girl who has joined our youth groups that have never attended The Salvation Army before. Our department contact the parents of the kid and she started to join us. She never missed a week, she engages and every week she is looking forward to meeting us. As soon as we will go back to the Corps we will invite her to join us and even offer a transportation if need. 


Again we are so thankful for the opportunity to be together apart. God is good!!


Let’s pray:


Father we love you and we are thankful for all the wonderful things that you give to us. Despite the social distancing of isolation we can still worship you. Father tonight we want to pray for the youth in our Division. We pray that during this time they will get closer to you. We pray for wisdom, comfort and strength. Holy spirit give each one of them guidance and assurance that you will be always with them. In every moment let them know your love. We also pray that many others will be encouraged to join Christian ministries so that they too may come to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus name we pray,



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Prayers from Children