Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Julie - Son's Health Update and Family
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Julie S. - Andrew's Health
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Western Territory Prayer Requests
Prayer Request List-December 19, 2024
Lisa Garcia-Prayers for my friend who is battling pneumonia.
Doris Hall-Please pray with me for the Salvation Army Programs, Officers, employees and their families and Risk Mgmt.
Hillary Jackson-Please pray for my neighbor, Joanie, who has been in the hospital for over a month undergoing surgeries and cancer treatment and desperately wants to convalesce at home for Christmas.
Stephanie Bobadilla-Please pray for my brother-in-law Wayne Moore as he is currently in the hospital with pneumonia in his right lung, thank you.
Major Butch Soriano-Pray that my shoulder surgery scheduled in January will not be cancelled due to a continuing nationwide IV shortage. They have already cancelled Oct, Nov, and Dec shoulder surgery. They will let me know by next week if it will need to be rescheduled.
Patricia Evans-Please pray for my 94 yr. old mother, Rose. She had hernia surgery due to a blockage on Sunday and is still hospitalized with a few setbacks.
Erin Sedlewicz-Please pray for all finance teams in the Territory. Audit season is a bear (during Christmas too) and they need strength, peace and wisdom.
Major Shari Fowler-Please pray for: God to be glorified through our words and actions drawing people to their Savior, Major Gaylene Yardley and pending surgery, Officers, staff and volunteers to be energized to finish the Christmas distributions & kettle season strong, generosity of donors so we can meet or even exceed our goals and not have to cut people or programs in the new year.
Jaycelyn Diaz-Thank you for all your prayers.
Please kindly add an anonymous prayer for my friend who is going through a court case. She is wrongfully accused of taking drugs, and she is pregnant. She’s required to take drug testing, and it always shows negative. I pray that our Justice system will make the right decision regarding her case as soon as possible.
Major Keith Bottjen-For all of us to finish well and for good health for officers.
Capt. Carlos Souza-I would appreciate your continued prayer for my daughter
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Lorenzo's Family - Daughter PTG
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Julie S. - Son's Health and Recovery
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Western Territory Prayer Requests
Prayer Request List-December 12, 2024
Major Jonathan Harvey-Satan is working overtime to sow discouragement within our Officers. Please pray for a hedge of spiritual protection around them as they diligently serve and encourage others.
Capt. Joanna Wang-Please pray for our daughter, Elizabeth. She's 13 and is having some health issues and needs to have blood tests and to see a cardiologist.
Capt. Joshua Sneed-I just want to thank the prayer team and praise God for coming through in an amazing way. Anjie at SoCal DHQ was already planning on helping me, but as soon as people prayed, all her efforts came together in an amazing way. The shelter resident gift bags are fully assembled and ready to go. Thank you for your prayers!
Doris Hall-Please pray with me for: Craig & Sally and Donzell Hall.
Major Shari Fowler-Pray for Christmas efforts – Kettles, Angel Tree, Holiday food boxes, community meals and corps outreaches that people will experience the love of God through our service.
Pray for our Officers, staff, and volunteers to “not grow weary in doing good” and that God will strengthen and encourage them.
Susan Lawrence-Please pray for my brother who is having eye surgery on Friday 12/13.
Major Frank Desplancke-At a recent Dr. visit, they took two biopsies from my cheek. One tested as Basil Cell (cancer). I have surgery to remove it Monday at 1pm. Please pray for a good result and a quick recovery.
Jaycelyn Diaz-Please pray for my mom to get a fulltime job that suits her before Christmas.
Major Bonifacio Andres-For Antelope Valley Corps:
1. Cameron Garcia - Will undergo Surgery this Friday, Dec. 13,2024
2. Maj. Emily Andres – Tonsilitis
3. Mario Solis – Recovery from Surgery
4. Bell Ringers - Strength/Health – because they are calling for sick excuse
5. Corps Ministry/Music Ministry
6. Corps Comrades/ Junior Sunday School
Capt. Carlos Souza-I would appreciate continued prayer for Natalia, for her to be set free from Worldly distractions and make the Lord's way and kingdom her priority.
Anonymous-Please pray for my family member who is incarcerated. May he have strength and peace and wisdom as he overcomes his own challenges. And pray for him as we approach yet another holiday season without one another.
I'd also like to pray for my children as they are growing into adults, may they make healthy and wise decisions.
Prayer Focus 9 - 15 December 2024 Germany, Lithuania and Poland Territory
§ We give thanks to God for the recent officers and leaders councils and the Territorial Congress led by General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham. We thank God that the Holy Spirit’s presence was felt, people made new commitments and people were encouraged and uplifted by this time of fellowship and worship.
§ We give thanks for the commissioning of two new Lieutenants and the start of training for two new cadets. Please pray for the new officers, cadets and their families.
§ We give thanks for the commitment and dedication of soldiers, officers, employees and volunteers in Germany, Lithuania and Poland who show the love of Jesus to others through their actions.
§ For the encouragement of seeing lives transformed by the power of Jesus in all three countries of the Territory.
§ For strength and grace for our officers, many of whom bear heavy workloads and juggle many responsibilities.
§ For more people to offer for Officership and Local Officership.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Elizabeth H. - Daughters Health and Hers
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Joy R. - David's Health
Joanna W. - Daughers Health
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Don G. - Wife's Sugery Recovery
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Western Territory Prayer Requests
Prayer Request List-December 5, 2024
Colonel Genevera Vincent- Please pray for my sister-in-law, Donna Frampton. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer this past week with spots on her liver as well. She is just 48 years old. As she undergoes further tests to rule out cancer elsewhere in her body, please pray that no more cancer will be found and that her cancer will be treatable. They are still waiting for an appointment with the oncologist to talk about next steps. Please pray for my brother Jason as well as this is devasting news.
Capt. Caroline Rowe-Please pray for our Marketing Manager. She was hit by a drunk driver heading home for the holiday weekend. She has been in a coma, and they had to amputate her arm and hand. She is 22/23 years old, and this was her first professional job. This has hit our team hard – we are praying for recovery of her kidneys and liver. Also, no brain damage and we pray she is able to walk (Her knees were broken and other bones in her legs).
Capt. Tim Brown- I would ask that you pray for all our activities at Christmas time. In particular there are very few people willing to stand at a kettle these days and as a result meeting our goals and expectations for kettle income is becoming nearly impossible.
Personally, I would ask for prayer for strength and energy as we are going above and beyond the normal level of working hours each week. Pray for our children who sometimes must sacrifice for the ministry.
Jeffery C. Hesseltine-Please pray for a coworker who is out sick and has no voice.
Vinnie Olds- Pray for peace, patience and understanding in my job duties. Pray for the new year ahead with changes in our government. Pray for those who are lonely, sick, shut- in. This time of the year is so very hard for many.
Major Bob Schmig- Please pray for St. George (Utah) Outpost Angel Tree and Kettles and overall financial health. Pray for fire of the Spirit and for The Salvation Army in St. George’ congregation, Advisory Board and Volunteer base to grow exponentially.
Major Keith Bottjen- Season is crazy so health for all us officers and strength. Also, Majors Lacey, strength and health.
Major Jennifer Cortez-Please pray for the Los Banos Corps. We are doing all volunteer bell ringing this year. May God provide the volunteers that we need.
Lt. Christopher Rockwell- Truthfully the weight of the Christmas season has been overwhelming for us in Farmington because we are doing our best to manage the many responsibilities with little volunteer assistance. Please pray that we are certain to make Jesus first every day because He is the only one
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Mike J. - Tooth Ache
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Monday, November 25, 2024
Claudia P. - Sanjay Passing
It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of the passing of Sanjay Desilva, our Payroll Coordinator for the Del Oro & Golden State Divisions. Sanjay joined The Salvation Army in October of 2023, and he was a great team member and friend. He will be remembered for his wonderful spirit, warm smile, and dedicated work ethic. His sudden loss has deeply saddened and shocked us all. Please keep his family—his wife, Neluka, and their teenage son, Dylan—in your prayers during this difficult time.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Elaine M. - Healing / Health
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Western Territory Prayer Requests
Prayer Request List-November 21, 2024
Major Gwyn Jones-For all Corps officers as we work for Jesus seven days a week with toys, food, kettles and most of all, people to share Gods love and forgiveness with.
Major Mike Halverson-We need more bell ringers. Both paid and volunteer.
Major Keith Bottjen-Robin and I could use prayer for health throughout the season. Also, pray for friends and fellow workers who are needing God’s healing touch.
Major Shari Fowler-Pray for a wholehearted spirit of gratitude to sweep over people this week, that it will lift their hearts towards heaven.
Pray for continued healing for those recuperating from surgeries and illnesses.
Pray for those who are grieving, that peace and comfort will fill them.
Patricia Torres-For a smooth Thanksgiving and Christmas season, the peace of Jesus for officers, staff and volunteers.
Major Petr Janousek-Please pray for Juneau corps as we have entered this very busy season and yesterday, we lost our Thrift store manager. She had to step down from her employment. Pray for her as it is a very difficult situation for her, but please pray as well for us so that we will manage the store and find a replacement ASAP. God is GOOD, all the time …
Major Sybil Smith-Pray for all working with Holiday events/programs. Pray our spirit will always be joyful- even when stressed or mad at a situation; that the Lord will, in His Holy Spirit, defuse and calm us and remind us of the mission of showing Jesus in all we do and give.
Lt. Terri Snyder-Please pray for God’s wisdom, direction, peace and strength to grow through the decisions needing to be made and the life changes that will come from those decisions.
Lt. Christopher Rockwell-Please pray that we remember to slow down and prioritize spiritual care above everything else knowing that as long as we do our best, our Savior Jesus will handle the rest.
Capt. John Birks-This is a busy week for us. Thursday is Thanksgiving distribution and youth programs, Friday we have a Celebration of Life Service for a family in the community, Saturday we have our Kettle Kick Off event, and
the Holiness meeting on Sunday with Soldiership classes after church. God will make a way, and everything will work out for His glory. We will remain faithful.
Alice Barsegian-Praise: my husband’s pet scan report stated tumor has decreased and no evidence of metastasis. His oncologist left him a voice mail
the other day, and you could tell in the doctor’s voice that he was astonished because he doesn’t see anything (no cancer)!!! Pray for his conversations with the oncologist (and with others) for God to receive all the glory as the Healer.
Captain Khamsavart (KV) Saengthasy-Pray for Wendy, she needs financial help to pay for heating fuel.
Pray for me, there has been a lot of spiritual growth and resilience growth this October. I give praise to God for his yoke of discipline.
Prayer Focus 18 – 24 November 2024 The Philippines Territory
Praise Points:
For the third quarter of the year, the following programmes were blessed and mightily used by God for the development of personal spiritual lives of officers and comrades and The Salvation Army’s presence in the communities.
· Ministry Workers Training- August 14-25
· Active Single Officers Retreat August 21-23, 2024
· Holiness Conference – September 24-28
· Integrated Community Development Program: Evaluation of Phase 1 (different sites)
Prayer Requests:
1. Change in the leadership as our present Chief Secretary and Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries will farewell from the territory.
2. Construction of a new Bethany Children’s Home (BCH) building. The building which served for more than forty years had to be demolished. BCH caters to sexually abused girls. Please pray that we will be able to build a better shelter for the girls.
3. NetSuite Go-Live on 2 December 2024
4. Second phase of the Integrated Community Development Programme
5. Gospel Arts Camp in May 2025.
6. Health of officers.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
George B. - Healing/Arteries
Monday, November 18, 2024
Darren N. - Roger's Father PTG
Good morning, friends,
I write to ask you to lift up the McCort family in prayer. Captain Roger’s father, Robert, passed away this weekend after several weeks under hospice care.
Thank you for remembering Roger and his family before the Lord this week.
God bless you,
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Phyllis P. - Western Territorial Requests
Prayer Request List-November 7, 2024
Major Phyllis Pease-Please continue to pray for Trevor’s physical recovery, as well as his spiritual & emotional healing.
Major Bob Schmig- Prayers for my mother Toni Hassell. We just found out that her breast cancer is stage 4 and has moved to her lungs. Please also pray for my wife Karen. She has fibromyalgia.
Lisa Garcia-Prayers for our country, no matter what side you are on; prayers for a friend who is battling cancer.
Major Dina Graciani- That we would all be bound together by HIS great love IN ALASKA!
Capt. Ligia Ambriz- On November 1st, my brother, Jorge, was promoted to glory after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in February. We are grateful for the privilege we had to share with him at his bedside worshipping the Lord with songs and hymns we grew up and celebrating Communion with him, at his request. Even in his pain, his unwavering faith in God gave him the strength to lift his frail hands in praise. We know he is now in the presence of the Lord free from all pain and sorrow. Nevertheless, the loss is real and very difficult. Prayers are appreciated for our family, his wife, Nancy, children, grandchildren, our mother and my siblings and me.
Capt. Carlos Souza-Please continue to pray for my kids, especially Natalia, she is going through a very difficult time and God has not been her priority. She needs to be delivered from the distractions in her life.
Major Shari Fowler- Pray for our states and peoples’ response to the elections. For peace, hope and protection as we move forward.
Pray for the health and vitality for our Officers, employees, and supporters in this season – may people know God’s sustaining power.
Pray for the Gospel to be clearly shared in word and action through the many ways we serve and engage with people.
Pray for our DYS’s and Camp staff as they create a business plan for the future of our camping ministry.
The Cadets-May God strengthen and bless their ministry at their various Christmas assignments.
Capt. Dana Walters-Please pray for our shelter staff as we will be losing four people today to unpaid leave of absence.
France & Belgium
Praise and thanksgiving:
§ Five new cadets in the ‘Keepers of the Covenant’ session and responses to the call to vocation at their welcome meeting
Prayer requests:
§ Implementing the territorial's new spiritual strategy in the corps
§ A successful seminar bringing together social centres managers and corps managers (the first time in France)
Praise and thanksgiving:
§ Welcoming five new corps managers (short-term ministry and auxiliary-captain)
Prayer requests:
§ Successful integration of the new social centres and corps managers with enthusiasm for them to serve through the Salvation Army
Praise and thanksgiving:
§ The festive day on 21st September brought together the Belgian Salvation Army's corps and social centres at our Ukrainian refugees’ centre in Spa, in the presence of the Territorial leadership team and the 5 cadets from the territory. The atmosphere was very good, with a strengthening of brotherly ties and collaboration between Salvationists, officers, employees, managers and residents.
Prayer requests:
§ The finances for our spiritual and social activities, as well as the finances for our buildings, with major works to come. Let us pray for new legacies to the Salvation Army.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Evadne W. - Health
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Friday, November 1, 2024
Territorial Requests
Prayer Request List-October 31, 2024
Major Phyllis Pease-Thank you to those who have prayed for Trevor. Please continue to pray for his physical recovery, as well as his spiritual & emotional healing.
Capt. Carlos Souza- Please pray for my daughter Natalia, for wisdom, desire and strength to seek the Lord first in her Life.
Patricia Evans- I would like to ask for prayer for: Raul’s 94-year-old mom, Martha, who was admitted to the hospital yesterday due to a possible stroke. For Steve who will be having a PET scan today and for James who was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Capt. Kevin Woods- Please keep us in prayer as we move into this busy Christmas season, that we always do our best to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Captain Serina had some major medical issues this last summer and although she’s doing much better, it’s a long road to recovery, and I’m still feeling the effects of the stress we went through and having a lot of trouble sleeping. Just wanted to lift this up to my brothers and sisters for their prayer support.
Doris Hall- Donzell Hall, Jt and Kg, Jon, LaStar and Children, Mary Hart, Doris Hall, Craig & Sally, Employees and Officers of TSA.
Major Bob Schmig- Prayers for my mother Toni Hassell. We go in next week to see the results of her biopsy to see if her breast cancer has metastasized into her lungs.
Lt. Michele Dell’Olio- Praise Report: We held a Community Outreach event on October 29, with 31 people in attendance and 8 volunteers joining us for a Free Family Pumpkin Decorating Night. We shared a message about the Light of the World (Matthew 5:14-16) and an invitation to join us for Worship Services and other programs coming up soon. At least 1 family explicitly expressed interest in coming to church with us.
Prayer Request: In just shy of 2 weeks, we will have the first Kettle Kick-Off in our community for at least the past several years. There hasn’t been a lot of traffic on the fundraising site, but we are hopeful and trusting the Lord will send people who will support our efforts in Lincoln County, OR.
Capt. Daisey Reiher- Please pray for the Rita corps during this busy season.
The Cadets-As they start their Christmas Assignments next week.
Major Harold Laubach- The Clark County Command would love the prayer support from THQ! While our prayer concerns are many, our current prayer concerns are:
challenges with staffing and finding fair compensation for our employees
finding the right people to fill in the leadership roles
finding Godly church leadership, lay leaders and Sunday School teachers
the upcoming National Advisory Board Meeting in Vegas
finishing out our Capital Campaign with the correct donors
holding our first KKO in 5 years! please pray that it is successful
holiday toy drives and finding the volunteers to assist with them
finding the right partners and community agencies to help sustain and expand our homeless programs
our congregation members that have recently lost loved ones
finding skilled and motivated bellringers!
Prayer Focus 28 October - 3 November 2024
South America East Territory
§ The awakening of vocations in young people who wish to accept the call to become officers of The Salvation Army.
§ The implementation of the new strategic plan that will guide the actions in corps and institutions in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay for the upcoming years.
§ That each of the salvationists in our territory, involved in the privilege of serving God, will be salt and light in their communities, bringing the gospel to children, young people, ladies and gentlemen of all ages.
§ We trust that growth in membership is the only way to sustain our mission over time. And at the same time, we ask God to help us find the best strategies to raise funds and sustain the work throughout the territory. We pray for the Lord's blessing on the charity shops, our main source of funding, and for each appointment to make the most of its potential in the community.
Territorial Requests
Prayer Request List-October 24, 2024
Major Shoshannah Ruwethin- Managing expectations on self on officers on the field - who drastically attempt to switch gears into Christmas fundraising.
Veronda Ramsey- Please pray for Lisa Cordova and her mental health.
Doris Hall-Please pray with me for: Craig & Sally, Donzell Hall, Commissioner Riley, JT & KG, Jon & LaStar and children, Doris Hall, Pastor J, Jaycelynn, Lily’s Grandmother, Officers & Employees, The election
Major Phyllis Pease-Please pray for my son Trevor. He will be having his Tonsils taken out next Wednesday, the 30th. Please also pray for his mental & spiritual health.
Lt. Christopher Rockwell- Please pray for focus and intentionality for Farmington. Sometimes when we get busy there’s a temptation to loosen up on the gas pedal when we really do not need to. We want to serve Jesus and all the people He places in our path without a second thought.
Major Shari Fowler- Pray for Albuquerque and the cleanup taking place since the floods last week. Strength and resources to our EDS folks as they help people recover.
Pray for our officers and their preparations for numerous Red Kettle Kick-offs planned over the next couple of weeks that they will have success in garnering support and sharing the Gospel.
Pray for continued health and good recovery for Major David Yardley.
Pray that we keep the “main thing the main thing” – Jesus-1st, last, only.
Major Gaylene Yardley- That David’s pain diminishes each day. That this back surgery takes the pain away that he has been facing for years.
Patricia Evans- Please pray for a speedy recovery for my 2-yr. old grandson, Will, who had his tonsils & adenoids removed on 10/23.
Major Mike Halverson- On top of all the extra Christmas positions we are hiring for; we have a few others that need to be filled as well. Pray that God will give us the right “Team Members” for all these open staffing positions.
Major Keith Bottjen- Robin and I and our ministry here at the Phoenix Citadel; Rachael our neighbor who has stage 4 brain cancer; Christmas
Lt. Terri Snyder-PLEASE pray for peace, comfort, and continued reliance of Gods plan and wisdom for upcoming appointments. There are several life changing things coming up.
Cadet Orippa Rodriguez- Pray for Cesar and me please, October 24, 2023 our oldest child was promoted to glory. His name was Ethan Lucas Rodriguez.
Prayer Focus 21 – 27 October 2024 Zambia Territory
§ Pray for God’s provision and sustaining grace during the current drought in Zambia and that ministries of The Salvation Army will continue to meet increasing individual and community needs. Pray for a good rainy season to resolve the national hydro-energy crisis. Pray for wisdom for government officials to manage this challenging situation to minimize loss of life due to malnutrition.
§ Pray for the spiritual growth of salvationists and that the mission will expand to areas of Zambia where there is no Army presence.
§ Pray for the financial sustainability of the territory, allowing the mission of the Army to flourish and the officer and infrastructure needs to be adequately met.
§ Pray for the social ministries of the territory, including the Chikankata Mission, Mitanda Home for the Aged, and various health services, schools, pre-school groups, community work, and community development projects in the country.
§ Pray that officers and salvationists will be ‘Mobilized to take part in Building a Vibrant Modern Territory, Obedient to God and Relevant in the 21st Century’, the theme of the new Territorial Strategic Plan (2024-2028). Pray that the territory will have the necessary resources to implement the strategic plan.
§ Pray for the Officer Training College staff, the newly commissioned officers of the Defenders of Justice session (October 19) and the accepted candidates for the next session, beginning in January 2025.
Rachel G. - Recovery/Healing
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Mike J. - Recovery/Health
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Doug R. - Surgery
David Y. - Surgery
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Lila P. - Hurricane and Others
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Jonathan H. - Cascade Division
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Glen M. - Health
Monday, September 16, 2024
Friday, September 13, 2024
Crystal S. - Protection/School
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Lynn S. - Sister PTG
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Melanie O. - Surgery
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Monday, September 9, 2024
Julie S. - Son's Health and Family
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Flo - Health/Procedures/Healing
Friday, August 23, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Karina R. - Travels
David Y. - Health/Upcoming Surgery
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
GS Cadets at Training School
We are delighted to share that our division sent three Cadets to CFOT at the beginning of this month: Cadets Breden and Kiara Armendariz from the Modesto Corps, with their three-year-old daughter, Irene, and Cadet Robert Galbreath from the Hanford Corps. These Cadets are the fruits of our division’s ministry and will represent God’s kingdom in powerful ways. We sincerely appreciate your prayers and care for the FOF group in your corps.
We kindly ask for your continued prayers and support as these Cadets embark on their first year of training at CFOT. Your corps' prayers, along with encouraging cards and care packages, will be invaluable in uplifting them spiritually and emotionally as they navigate this new chapter. Please consider adding them to both your personal prayer list and your Corps’ prayer list.
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Sunday, August 11, 2024
Turnie W. - Today/Moving to Casper
Friday, August 2, 2024
Noelle S. - S. Korea Move
Monday, July 29, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Lynn S. - Daughter to S. Korea
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Angel M. - Headaches
George B. - Wifes Family
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Wayne M. - Health/Cancer/Recovery
Dave H. - Friend Gil's Health
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Karina R. - Europe Vacation
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Wayne M. - Treatment/Healing
Turnie W. - Today
Monday, July 15, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Rochelle N. - Willows Health
Friday, July 12, 2024
Salvation Army South Market Ministry
- 1. Strength for Brenda and her family
- 2. That society be at peace with all people
- 3. For a successful trip and experience during my training; care for all worries
- 4. Success in whatever we pursue
- 5. Good health
- 6. Sending love to those who need help and for those who are finding themselves
- 7. My overall being and to not be so worried about everything
- 8. To find the right path and be free to choose whatever I want
- 9. Scott and I to be together with God in His love
- 10. Lost a close family friend recently, praying that everyone has the space to mourn
- 11. My sister Brenda has cancer (Stage 4) – strength, faith, and joy
- 12. Hope I get what I lost
- 13. There’s light at the end of the tunnel
- 14. Prayers for my papa Joe
- 15. My missing friend, Pearl Pinson – missing since 05/25/2016
- 16. Levi, get well soon – beat your disease
- 17. “Dear God, I humbly ask that you place your healing hands on my parents. I’ll never be ready to not have them here.” – James & Vicky
- 18. That I win in court and keep my job and they don’t hate on me
- 19. I pray that all people, despite their orientation, are loved by God
- 20. “Dear Lord, I pray you love me, flaws and all. May all I ask be on your time. – Amen.”
- 21. Everyone to accept – as is
- 22. Healing for all sentient beings
- 23. Praying for peace in Palestine
- 24. Prayers for grandpa Joe
- 25. I hope my health and loved ones’ health improves
- 26. I’m in need of financial success for my business. And finally get my kids bac
- 27. For my emotional trauma healing
- 28. A prayer for my mother to find self happiness
- 29. My partner and I will be okay with we move
- 30. Prosperity and happiness bountiful future
- 31. Prosperity and happiness, bountiful future
- 32. That Sophia and I will keep growing in our relationship
- 33. Alex Rodriguez
- 34. “Grandma and Dave, I love you so much. Have a nice time in heaven.”
- 35. Pass my driver’s license test
- 36. Family, happiness, and love
- 37. Good health and prosperity
- 38. Greater acceptance
- 39. My 3 kids (boys) in Indiana – Ethan (27), Nick (23), Derrick (19)
- 40. Love always wins
- 41. That we get approved for an apartment soon; peace for my kiddos through hard change
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
Raymond - EK. - Procedure/Recovery/ Healing
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Turnie W. - On the Move
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Judy S. - Recovery / Healing
Message from Judy for posting:
It is with a grateful heart that I thank you for all of the get-well cards, text messages, voicemail & flowers that I received since my falling accident. Without a doubt I know that my surgery success and recovery progress is due to the prayers that were included in those messages and those that were said on my behalf - God is so good and He has proven His gift of healing to me every day, since I broke my femur on May 19th!
Currently I am at home, doing my physical therapy, walking carefully & slowly with my walker and trying to stay active around my home as I continue to improve my walking! I thank the Lord for my friends and family that have fully supported me over this past month of health crisis!
Your continued prayers would also be appreciated as I continue on my road to full recovery!
Vickie S. - Healing / Health / Recover
Major Vickie writes, “I fell yesterday, Tuesday, while walking on a slope. It resulted in a crushed hip socket bone, and I will be having surgery tomorrow, Thursday, to replace it. Prognosis is good. Recovery is likely to be speedy and full according to the medical staff after some PT. Prayers are appreciated during this unexpected turn of events. Thank you!”
Please join with the Shiromas in praying for a divine touch on Major Vickie as she undergoes surgery and recovery.
Harry L. - Health / Recovery / Healing
From Major Marina this morning:
“I just want to let you know that Harry had a heart attack four days ago. We arrived in Canada on the Friday and he and our daughter were out for their walk when it happened. He had 90% blockage in one artery and 50% in three others. They did angiogram to put in stint and clear out the other arteries as much as possible. He is out of hospital now and recuperating at home here in Canada with our daughter and family. We appreciate the love and prayers of our Western Territory Army Family. We love them all very much.”
Friday, June 28, 2024
Flo - Update on Health
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Wayne M. - Treatment Update
Turnie W. - Today
Evadne W. - Mental Health
Friday, June 21, 2024
Rose M. - Husband's Health
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Sharon K. - Health
Jenn. S. K. - Surgery/Recovery
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Saturday, June 8, 2024
David K. - Grandma PTG
Friday, June 7, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Erin K. - Health / Healing
Sarah W. - Sons Health
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Friday, May 31, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Susan D. - Health
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Emmanuel M. - Moms Eyes / Family
Susan D. - Husband's Surgery/Health
Rochelle N. - Vehicle
Erin K. - Health / Corps People
Monday, May 27, 2024
THQ Prayers - Canada and Bermuda Territory (May 27-June 2)
Prayer Focus 27 May – 2 June 2024 Canada and Bermuda Territory
Territorial Leaders
Commissioner Lee Graves – Territorial Commander
Commission Deborah Graves – Territorial President of Women’s Ministries
Colonel John Chamness – Chief Secretary
Colonel Lani Chamness – Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life Development
We praise and thank God:
§ For the souls being saved into the Kingdom and for the recommitment of lives to Christ being made throughout our territory.
Please pray:
§ For continued renewal and revival:
- That the Holy Spirit would continue to breathe renewed life into individuals and into our ministries across our territory.
- That Salvationists would experience the power of the Holy Spirit in all its fullness and live lives of holiness and compassionate love for others.
§ For continued strengthening and spiritual health:
- That continued emphasis on strengthening a disciple-making culture that grows authentic followers of Christ that will help our ministry units be places of holiness and spiritual vibrancy, and help our communities of faith flourish, having transformative influence in the neighbourhoods where The Salvation Army is present.
- That the evidence of the continued pastoral care over our officers will bring new strength, healing, renewed purpose, and a deeper joy in their calling.
§ For the harvest of candidates:
- That hearts would be open and courageously willing to follow God’s call, and with His strength, trust in his guidance and the assurance of his presence.
- That officers would be filled with a joy and boldness and a greater discernment to intentionally engage in meaningful conversations with individuals regarding officership.
- That God would open the floodgates of candidates for His service in this territory and throughout The Salvation Army world.
§ For the continual efforts in forging stronger partnerships:
- That with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we would seek knowledge, discernment and understanding of spiritual and social issues, developing solutions and partnerships with Kingdom-oriented individuals, groups and organizations, to best support and serve our mission.
- For our 2024 Partners in Mission Self-Denial Campaign and that as a territory we will be reminded of the importance of sacrificial giving. With a goal of 2.4 million dollars, we pray earnestly for the surpassing of this target. May our collective efforts ensure the expansive presence of The Salvation Army worldwide.
Susan D. - Health
Flo T. - Healing
Friday, May 24, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
David C. - Wife' s Health/Surgery
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Christopher K. - Dad's PTG
Turnie W. - Today
Elaine M. - Healing
Monday, May 20, 2024
THQ Prayers - Rwanda and Burundi Territory (May 20-26)
Prayer Focus 20 – 26 May 2024 Rwanda and Burundi Territory
Territorial Leaders:
Lieut-Colonel Jean Laurore Clenat - Territorial Commander
Lieut-Colonel Elianise Clenat - Territorial President for Women's Ministries
Major Emmanuel Ndagijimana - Chief Secretary
Major Dancille Ndagijimana - Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries
We give thanks to God for the following:
§ Completion of first phase of Officers Training College.
§ Territories that have agreed to support us in construction of pre-schools in our territory.
§ For the success of all planned events that were accomplished last year.
Prayer Requests:
§ Legal issues in Burundi district to be sorted out.
§ Good health to officers, employees, and all salvationists and spiritual awakening among all.
§ To get funds for the second phase for officers Training College construction.
§ Smooth transition for the change of leadership at Territorial Headquarters and the Officer Training College.
§ God to open new opportunities in our territory.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Inmate Prayer Request – May 2024
Please keep these
individuals in your prayers.
Gabriella – I’d like help and encourage others in a healthy
and meaningful way. Plus I believe in the Lord God.
Matthew- Please pray for my mom, Kathy. She is going to have brain surgery this year.
Thank you.
Jorge- Please pray for my family’s health and protection and
for my safety as well. But most
importantly that I may grow in with faith with God.
David- I need prayer as a believer to be able to become an ordained
paster and open my own chapel.
Ruben- Prayer for drug addiction and release date.
Raymond- I pray for forgiveness with every heart beat
because even then I can’t keep up.
Jay- That I get out early from prison and never come back
and my relationship is solid
John- For me and my family
Jasmine- Recovery, temptation, understanding
Elizabeth-Please bring joy to the world and peace and lots
of patience.
Mike J. - Health
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Monday, May 13, 2024
Flo's Nephew Passing
THQ Prayers - Hong Kong and Macau Territory (May 13-19)
Prayer Focus 13 – 19 May 2024 Hong Kong and Macau Territory
Territorial Leaders:
Colonels Philip and Deslea Maxwell - Territorial Leaders
Major Minny Chan - Chief Secretary
Prayer requests:
· We thank God for the reactivation of our ministries across Hong Kong, Macau and China.
Please pray for:
· Increased stability and peace within the region: Hong Kong, Macau and China.
· The strengthening and realigning of the Army’s ministries in the wake of the emigration of personnel to other countries.
· Candidates and ‘second career’ officers.
· The refining of the Territorial Strategic Plan 2025-2030.
Friday, May 10, 2024
Shari S. - Brother passing
Wayne M. - Treatment/Eye
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Monday, May 6, 2024
Jenn K. - Guidance
THQ Prayers - India Central Territory (May 6-12)
Prayer Focus 6 – 12 May 2024 India Central Territory
Territorial Leaders:
Colonel Yaqoob Masih - Territorial Commander
Colonel Sumitra Masih - Territorial President of Women's Ministries
Lieut Colonel M Stalin- Chief Secretary
Lieut Colonel Kezial Stalin - Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries
Prayer requests:
We thank God:
§ For successful territorial level Home League rallies completed successfully and helping hand money raised Rs.22,74,208.
§ Thank and praise God that two divisions were made full self-support divisions.
Please pray for:
§ Commissioning of the ‘Defenders of Justice’ session of cadets on 20 and 21 April 2024 and for their new appointments.
§ Field changes in 2024.
§ The parliamentary election which is going to be held in various states. In Tamil Nadu the election will be held on 19th April 2024. Pray for a peaceful election process.
§ After COVID many of the officers are suffering from different kind of sickness. We need your fervent prayer support for good health for all officers (active & retired) and soldiers of the territory.
Saturday, May 4, 2024
Turnie W. - Today
Brazil Flood
At least 29 people have been killed and a further 60 are missing as heavy rain and flooding hit the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul this week.
The local government has declared a state of calamity in areas where more than 67,000 people in nearly 150 municipalities are impacted. Almost 10,000 have been displaced and more than 4,500 are in temporary shelters, the civil defense said.
info: https://share.newsbreak.com/6s77pg4y