Thursday, December 12, 2024

Western Territory Prayer Requests

 Prayer Request List-December 12, 2024

Major Jonathan Harvey-Satan is working overtime to sow discouragement within our Officers. Please pray for a hedge of spiritual protection around them as they diligently serve and encourage others.

Capt. Joanna Wang-Please pray for our daughter, Elizabeth. She's 13 and is having some health issues and needs to have blood tests and to see a cardiologist.

Capt. Joshua Sneed-I just want to thank the prayer team and praise God for coming through in an amazing way. Anjie at SoCal DHQ was already planning on helping me, but as soon as people prayed, all her efforts came together in an amazing way. The shelter resident gift bags are fully assembled and ready to go. Thank you for your prayers!

Doris Hall-Please pray with me for: Craig & Sally and Donzell Hall.

Major Shari Fowler-Pray for Christmas efforts – Kettles, Angel Tree, Holiday food boxes, community meals and corps outreaches that people will experience the love of God through our service.

Pray for our Officers, staff, and volunteers to “not grow weary in doing good” and that God will strengthen and encourage them.

Susan Lawrence-Please pray for my brother who is having eye surgery on Friday 12/13.

Major Frank Desplancke-At a recent Dr. visit, they took two biopsies from my cheek. One tested as Basil Cell (cancer). I have surgery to remove it Monday at 1pm. Please pray for a good result and a quick recovery.

Jaycelyn Diaz-Please pray for my mom to get a fulltime job that suits her before Christmas.

Major Bonifacio Andres-For Antelope Valley Corps:

1. Cameron Garcia - Will undergo Surgery this Friday, Dec. 13,2024

2. Maj. Emily Andres – Tonsilitis

3. Mario Solis – Recovery from Surgery

4. Bell Ringers - Strength/Health – because they are calling for sick excuse

5. Corps Ministry/Music Ministry

6. Corps Comrades/ Junior Sunday School

Capt. Carlos Souza-I would appreciate continued prayer for Natalia, for her to be set free from Worldly distractions and make the Lord's way and kingdom her priority.

Anonymous-Please pray for my family member who is incarcerated. May he have strength and peace and wisdom as he overcomes his own challenges. And pray for him as we approach yet another holiday season without one another.

I'd also like to pray for my children as they are growing into adults, may they make healthy and wise decisions.

Prayer Focus 9 - 15 December 2024 Germany, Lithuania and Poland Territory

§ We give thanks to God for the recent officers and leaders councils and the Territorial Congress led by General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham. We thank God that the Holy Spirit’s presence was felt, people made new commitments and people were encouraged and uplifted by this time of fellowship and worship.

§ We give thanks for the commissioning of two new Lieutenants and the start of training for two new cadets. Please pray for the new officers, cadets and their families.

§ We give thanks for the commitment and dedication of soldiers, officers, employees and volunteers in Germany, Lithuania and Poland who show the love of Jesus to others through their actions.

§ For the encouragement of seeing lives transformed by the power of Jesus in all three countries of the Territory.

§ For strength and grace for our officers, many of whom bear heavy workloads and juggle many responsibilities.

§ For more people to offer for Officership and Local Officership.

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