Friday, November 1, 2024

Territorial Requests

 Prayer Request List-October 24, 2024

Major Shoshannah Ruwethin- Managing expectations on self on officers on the field - who drastically attempt to switch gears into Christmas fundraising.

Veronda Ramsey- Please pray for Lisa Cordova and her mental health.

Doris Hall-Please pray with me for: Craig & Sally, Donzell Hall, Commissioner Riley, JT & KG, Jon & LaStar and children, Doris Hall, Pastor J, Jaycelynn, Lily’s Grandmother, Officers & Employees, The election

Major Phyllis Pease-Please pray for my son Trevor. He will be having his Tonsils taken out next Wednesday, the 30th. Please also pray for his mental & spiritual health.

Lt. Christopher Rockwell- Please pray for focus and intentionality for Farmington. Sometimes when we get busy there’s a temptation to loosen up on the gas pedal when we really do not need to. We want to serve Jesus and all the people He places in our path without a second thought.

Major Shari Fowler- Pray for Albuquerque and the cleanup taking place since the floods last week. Strength and resources to our EDS folks as they help people recover.

Pray for our officers and their preparations for numerous Red Kettle Kick-offs planned over the next couple of weeks that they will have success in garnering support and sharing the Gospel.

Pray for continued health and good recovery for Major David Yardley.

Pray that we keep the “main thing the main thing” – Jesus-1st, last, only.

Major Gaylene Yardley- That David’s pain diminishes each day. That this back surgery takes the pain away that he has been facing for years.

Patricia Evans- Please pray for a speedy recovery for my 2-yr. old grandson, Will, who had his tonsils & adenoids removed on 10/23.

Major Mike Halverson- On top of all the extra Christmas positions we are hiring for; we have a few others that need to be filled as well. Pray that God will give us the right “Team Members” for all these open staffing positions.

Major Keith Bottjen- Robin and I and our ministry here at the Phoenix Citadel; Rachael our neighbor who has stage 4 brain cancer; Christmas

Lt. Terri Snyder-PLEASE pray for peace, comfort, and continued reliance of Gods plan and wisdom for upcoming appointments. There are several life changing things coming up.

Cadet Orippa Rodriguez- Pray for Cesar and me please, October 24, 2023 our oldest child was promoted to glory. His name was Ethan Lucas Rodriguez.

Prayer Focus 21 – 27 October 2024 Zambia Territory

§ Pray for God’s provision and sustaining grace during the current drought in Zambia and that ministries of The Salvation Army will continue to meet increasing individual and community needs. Pray for a good rainy season to resolve the national hydro-energy crisis. Pray for wisdom for government officials to manage this challenging situation to minimize loss of life due to malnutrition.

§ Pray for the spiritual growth of salvationists and that the mission will expand to areas of Zambia where there is no Army presence.

§ Pray for the financial sustainability of the territory, allowing the mission of the Army to flourish and the officer and infrastructure needs to be adequately met.

§ Pray for the social ministries of the territory, including the Chikankata Mission, Mitanda Home for the Aged, and various health services, schools, pre-school groups, community work, and community development projects in the country.

§ Pray that officers and salvationists will be ‘Mobilized to take part in Building a Vibrant Modern Territory, Obedient to God and Relevant in the 21st Century’, the theme of the new Territorial Strategic Plan (2024-2028). Pray that the territory will have the necessary resources to implement the strategic plan.

§ Pray for the Officer Training College staff, the newly commissioned officers of the Defenders of Justice session (October 19) and the accepted candidates for the next session, beginning in January 2025.

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Prayers from Children