Please pray for the following prayer needs this week:
1. As we look forward to the New Year, may we spend more time in prayer for our nation and its leaders who face increasing challenges and dangers, never known in our history. Pray for our leaders, our military and our religious leaders, asking God to draw our nation to Him. Pray for all hearts to pause and honor the miraculous love of God for the world shown through the birth of Jesus.
2. Pray for the people of Pakistan, after the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. The country needs the hand of God to bring calm and peace. May the dangerous radical group responsible be brought to justice. Pray that Salvationists will be kept safe and able to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
3. Pray for President and Mrs. Bush and our national leaders. May God give guidance and blessing to all our leaders as they prepare for a significant new year.
4. Pray for the men and women of our military who uphold freedom around the world. Pray for them to experience the nearness and protection of God. Pray for their families and pray for those in stressful situations to be strengthened by God.
5. Pray for General Shaw Clifton, for a complete healing from cancer. Pray for Commissioner Helen Clifton, Commissioners Israel and Eva Gaither, Commissioners Philip and Pat Swyers, Lt. Colonels Don and Debi Bell, the THQ Cabinet and staff, and for every Divisional Commander and staff. Bless them with health, courage and vision for the future.
6. Pray for children living in troubled parts of the world. Pray for their daily care and protection.
7. Pray for the following who need our prayers: Major Rhode Danielson who had major surgery in Mexico City, Mrs. Brigadier Siri Carlson, (Elsa Cisar's mother) who was recently injured, Majors Don and Pearl Pack ask for prayer for restored health and strength, and to take each day as it comes, for Brigadier Ben Nunes who suffered a stroke, for a retired officer requesting prayer for her daughter, Donna, and family. Pray for Captain Beau Perez for a full recovery from triple by-pass surgery., for Major Essie Lescano, in hospital for pneumonia., Pray for Major Hartt's daughter-in-law, Karen, with serious health problems, for Glenn & Patsy Lycan, for Jim and Susan Spencer, Captain Vickie Jackson's mother, Ann Jackson, Major Jeanne Baker's family, for Sue-Ellen's mother, for Cathy Chamberlain's mother, for Majors Hector and Gerde Ramos, whose son Danny, is waiting for a transplant, for Captain Brenda Smith, Frances Janssen, Dottie and David, for Raul and his family, retired officers who have not been well, and for newly commissioned Captain Nesan and Cheryl Kistan of Auburn Corps, Australia, and their two month old son, Micah, who was born profoundly deaf.
8. Pray for Karen Imai, undergoing chemotherapy to eliminate two spots on her liver, for Eileen O'Brien, cancer, for Major Bill Dickinson, diagnosed with adeno carcinoma, For Jake, a three year old, who is having an operation to remove a tumor in his kidney. Pray for 10 year old Lucas, who has a tumor on his brain stem, For Colonel Diane Hogan, chemotherapy, Lt. Colonel April Strickland, complete healing, , Mrs. Captain Sylvia Waldron, skin cancer, Dick Youngworth, for Sue Ellen's Mom, lymphoma, David R., for Dick Wiseman, Captain Diane McEaneney, Major Sheila Bradley, Major Dallas Pedersen, Florence, and others. May God give each one faith, courage and a wonderful healing miracle!
9. Pray for the families of those recently been Promoted to Glory: Lt. Colonel Dalyong Park in the Promotion to Glory of his wife, Lt. Colonel Yongsook Park in Korea, Captain Regina Shull's mother, Valerie Gallegos, and for Mr & Mrs. Clayton Bileyeau, whose son passed away in Iowa, and for others. May each families be comforted by God and know of our love and sympathy.
10. Pray daily that God will direct the voters of our nation to select godly, effective leaders for office. We must pray! See
11. View the new web page at: SAPRAYUSW.COM
God Bless! Mervyn L. Morelock, Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
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