Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Territorrial Prayer Requests

CALL TO PRAYERSalvation Army Western Territory USANovember 29, 2007. Please pray for the following prayer needs this week:
1. As the world looks to the Annapolis Peace Summit, may God guide each nation as they pursue a new season of peace in the Middle East, characterized by freedom, security, justice, dignity, respect and mutual recognition. May each diplomat sense a new leading of God in finding resolution to these age-long conflicts.2. Pray for President Bush and Secretary of State Rice as they seek to influence the peace process in the world. Pray for God's hand to move powerfully to bring peace in every area of unrest. 3. Pray for the victims and the disaster workers of the terrible cyclone that devastated Bangladesh this past week. At least 10,000 are dead and millions homeless and hungry. Pray for relief aid quickly.4. With a little more than a month remaining before the first of the series of votes for the coming national elections, pray that the candidates will provide clear information that voters need to discern whom they will choose. 5. Give thanks for our troops., Praise God for their successes diligence and sacrifice. Pray for those serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, and around the world as they protect our freedoms. Pray for their families, that they will be strengthened and comforted by God. 6. Pray for General Shaw Clifton, that the powerful, healing touch of God will bring about a complete healing! Pray for Commissioner Helen Clifton, Commissioners Israel and Eva Gaither, Commissioners Philip and Pat Swyers, Lt. Colonels Don and Debi Bell, the THQ staff, and every Divisional Commander and staff. May they be blessed by God as they share the Good News of the Gospel! 7. Pray for children who live in troubled parts of the world. Pray for their daily care and protection and that adults will show love and a good example.8 Pray that this year's Christmas Programs will be successful and that many needy families will be blessed and given new hope this Christmas season.
9. Pray for the following who need our prayers: Brigadier Ben Nunes who suffered a stroke, Marvel Hokum, mother of Major Eda Hokom, Major Glen Doss, recovering from back surgery, Major Kathy Timpson, broken hand from a fall, Glenn & Patsy Lycan, Jim and Susan Spencer, Captain Vickie Jackson's mother, Ann Jackson, health complications, Major Jeanne Baker's mother and dad, Norma and Lynn Chewning, and grandmother, Elva age 93, for Sue-Ellen's mother, Cathy Chamberlain's mother, who has a pancreatic tumor, for Bethany, Brandon, Wendy, for Prescott Wilson, serious burns. Pray for Major Jeanne Baker's uncle, Dave, for Jean, for Mandy Eakins and her family, Majors Hector and Gerde Ramos whose son Danny, is waiting for a transplant, for Denise, Brian , Captain Brenda Smith, Frances Janssen, Dottie and David, for Raul and his family, for Michelle, Jane and Artis, and retired officers who have not been well, and others. 10. Pray for those fighting cancer: Major George Bawden, Mrs. Captain Sylvia Waldron, skin cancer, Sue Ellen's Mom, lymphoma, David R., lymphoma, for Dick Wiseman, Captain Diane McEaneney, Major Sheila Bradley, Major Dallas Pedersen, Florence, Eddie, Andrea Smith, Robert, Katie, Dina, and others. May God give each one faith, courage and a wonderful healing miracle!
11. Pray for the families of those recently been Promoted to Glory: Major Ann Patterson, Shirley Faulkner Hetherington Martin, Brigadier Clara Rydell, Major Jeanne Baker's uncle, David, Debbie Hood's father, Sam Ragle, Captain Dawn Smith's sister, Carol Lindsey and family, in the passing of her brother in law, and for others. May their families be comforted by God and know of our love and sympathy.
12. It is less than one year until the next presidential election. Pray for the candidates, their campaigns and for God's will to be done in the primary process. The new Pray the Vote web site is at:
13. The Territorial Prayer emphasis is detailed at: 14. View the new web page at SAPRAYUSW.COM 15. Pray that every Salvation Army worker will give joy and blessing as they share the Good News of God's love this Christmas Season! God Bless! Mervyn L. Morelock, Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator

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Prayers from Children