Friday, September 13, 2024

Crystal S. - Protection/School

There's nothing like receiving a call from your child's school at 7:30am telling you they received a threat of a possible shooting planned for today. That's a next level fear I never wanted to experience. So I'm holding my son a little tighter today at home! Please pray for the school and all the kids that go today!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lynn S. - Sister PTG

Tell me, what am I going to do without my big sister? How did we get here? It was too sudden, and now it's too painful to process. A piece of my heart died last night. Dawn Marie, I will love you forever. ❤️

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Melanie O. - Surgery

Well… we are waiting in pre-surgery. Doc will be doing 2 surgeries on my right hand today. Gonna be out of commission for a bit. Prayers are greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Turnie W. - Today

Father God Lord Jesus good morning thank you for the nights rest and the new day to serve you. Lord as we go on about your business today guide and protect us each one. Allow us to seek you in all we say and do and most importantly Lord may we praise your name no matter the outcome. In your mighty name. Amen!!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Julie S. - Son's Health and Family

Duncan and Andrew are having an unexpected stay in Downey at Kaiser hospital tonight.

Drew developed a fever of 103.8 yesterday. We got his temp down with meds and a cold shower. Called the Dr this morning who said that because of his history of sepsis we needed to take him in if his temp went up again. Tonight his temp went over 103, so Duncan took him in. They are waiting for a room in the ER, but he will be admitted.

Please pray that this is a short hospital stay. We are concerned for Drew, but we also have A LOT going on this week with our full move next weekend. We know that God has a plan for all of this and He is not worried so we are trusting Him…but both Duncan and I are juggling a lot.

Thanks for praying friends. We appreciate it.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Flo - Health/Procedures/Healing

"Hi friends, 
Yesterday's appointment went good. My knee is wrapped with an ace bandage so I can walk and put pressure weight on the leg (still need to use the cane) but healing. I will have PT starting in a few weeks for knee and shoulder. 
Today's eye appointment wasn't as nice. I have a tear behind the lens in my right eye. I'm having  laser surgery on the 11th. 
I would really appreciate your prayers, I'm a bit nervous."

Prayers from Children