Thursday, January 23, 2025

Steve S. - Surgery/Recovery

There is a new medical issue I would like to share with you at this time. I wish I was done with these things, but this one came as a complete surprise to me. 

I fell off a treadmill in our house on December 30. After a visit to the ER, some X-rays to confirm I didn’t break anything, and an MRI last Friday, it has been confirmed that I suffered a complete tear in the rotator cuff in my left shoulder. I had to go and look that one up. Long story short, the tendons connecting the muscles in my shoulder to the shoulder bone completely tore. If I want to gain any use of my left arm again, the muscles have to be reattached surgically. I have surgery scheduled for Wednesday, January 22, at 6:30AM. My surgeon said it's a long and very painful recovery and rehabilitation process that could last anywhere from 6-10 months. 
This means I have to postpone my trip to Micronesia yet once again. We are still conducting the pastoral/missionary online training for Micronesians through the Liebenzell USA Global Impact Academy. 
All I can say is I’ll keep you all updated on the healing progress and that I would appreciate your strong prayers for me.
In Christ’s Strong Grip,
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