1. K. Parold - Prayer for my son - Jacob; he is in jail. Also for my son David - Both Addicts.
2. Judy - Salvation for my 2 sons (Ben and Timmy) and for the World to believe in Jesus.
3. Judy - My son Salvation (Ben and Tim M.). Finances for myself and sister.
4. Sue D. - For my friends in Paradise that lost 'Evegther?' (Glenn and Jeff). He has cancer and needs prayer as he will be hospitalized in 'Sacome?' for 2 months. They are homeless. ....5450.
5. Anonymous - "Restoration for my wife, daughter and her two young boys that she may be healed from the world and gain custody again of her boys and restoration for her and my wife's relationship. Thank you."
6. Anonymous - "For the sorry state of affairs to those who run the Kroc Center and the poor bad bad criminal behavior and ungodly unchristian behavior!"
7. Chris N. - I am praying for a job but would really appreciate to start a career that doesn't have to be disappointed in myself. Tried for 'SKSDas?' custodian but was told "no way."
8. Judy - Ben, Tim, Kathy, Keri, John for their Salvation. Finances for Judy and Nancy.
9. Cadence C. - "Dear God, I would like to thank you for everything you've done. I would also like to ask you to make cancer to away to as many people as possible. We love you. Amen."
10. 'Shiannc?' - "I'm struggling with staying clean."
11. Anonymous - "When my neice was 15 or 14 years old, she was raped many times over a 1 year period by her step dad who had groomed her. He's in prison. She is going away for 1 year to a special treatment facility, school and spiritual healing. Please pray for her."
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