Sunday, August 19, 2018

Salem Corps Prayers

- Talia > Addicts around the world
- Allen > Unspoken
-Nellie > Pray for Tanya L. for recover of her illness and her family in California. Pray for Carol (Tom's mother for her recovery).  / "Pray for my daughter Tanya L. and family. Tanya to get stronger and ready for operation. Sierra and London for God in their life and Tobe with them at school. And met to be strong to take care of all of them and good health and safe trip. Praise God for healing. Praise God for everything."  / "Please continue to pray for my daughter Tanya L. She is getter better and stronger; she still needs all your prayers. Praise God for all of you!  Pray for Rocky, Rocho, Pepe - our dogs and Tango our cat (sick).
-Ken W. > Peace / Tristyn - healing from bone cancer
-Carmen> "Pray for my friend Bev, that lost feeling in right arm, that they find what's wrong with her and that she may be healed." 

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Prayers from Children