Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Kyle S. - Leadership and Sharing the Gospel

"Today, I asked if people would pray for me and my wife, Lisa. We have been blessed by the outpouring of love and promises to pray, and thank God for all the wonderful friends and family who love and support us so well. 
That said, as far as we know, we are healthy, our marriage is good and we are not about to move. (Sorry if we scared you!) A friend recently said to us, "Lisa and Kyle, as leaders you need a group of people praying for you."  He had said this to me before and I had done nothing, so today I put a request  on FB. 
So what do we want prayer for? 
To be holy, effective people who live their faith in a way that makes this world a better place and truly reflects the love of God.  We want to be people who truly love Jesus and who are not scared to get their hands dirty doing it.  We want to be part of a Salvation Army that is busy sharing the good news with the lost, who don't just go to church on Sunday, but who are also actively "loving the unloved" during the week.  We want to be part of a Salvation Army that is more and more willing to take risks and stand up against injustice.  We want to be people who love, accept and forgive others; to have such a strong faith that when we are watched by our critics, they cannot deny the good works that are done.  We want to be a part of a Salvation Army whose soldiers are engaged, active and leading the charge.  Most of all we pray that we will be worthy to serve in this Army, alongside all the faithful, hard-working, committed, dedicated volunteers, recruits, soldiers and saints right here in the Southern  California Division.
Pray for us, and join us in a quest to change the world with the love, message and kindness of Jesus.  We want to show people by our lives who Jesus really was, and not be the hypocrites he so often encountered.  Are you in? We need your prayers...we are hoping for regular committed prayers."

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Prayers from Children