Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Joanna W.- family health
Marilyn S. - health
Richard P. - mom's health
Monday, January 30, 2017
Andy K. - his friend
"Friends, please pray for a good friend who got some exceptionally difficult news this evening. We need a miracle for them."
Jeff P. - health
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Mike S. - back problem
Friday, January 27, 2017
Val G. - health
Monday, January 23, 2017
Lisa S. - Mom's health
"I am asking for prayer for my mom who was admitted to the hospital this past weekend. She is undergoing a full range of tests right now as there is no definitive diagnosis as of yet. Requesting prayers for wisdom and clarity for the doctors, for peace for mom (and dad!) through it all, for a good and hopeful prognosis, and for her HEALING--a complete and speedy restoration of health and strength! Thanks to all my prayer warrior friends who will lift her up in prayer. We are trusting in Jesus!"
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Elaine M. - Audrey H. (MAJ. Ret.) PTG
"Just read Major Audrey Holm was promoted to glory today. Such a dear person and faithful servant of the Lord. I cannot put into words how much I will miss her encouragement. Our trip to The Gathering together. So many good memories. So much kindness and wisdom.
You are home my dear friend. I am a better person because of you. Even though in a bit of shock tonight.
It is hard not to be in Spokane right now. It is hard to be alone.
While personally sad, I am thankful for the comfort and joy we have knowing she is in the presence of Jesus who she loves."
Geola C.- Surgery tomorrow
Lila P. - Neice Mara
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Rose M. - daughter's health
"Pray for my daughter Angel she is at er has shingles is in alot of pain it's on her face. She is only 42 never thought she would get shingles at such a young age !!!!!!"
Queue B. - Mom PTG on Jan. 16
"My Momma D is now safe in His arms. She lived in North Carolina. Family was with her as she breathed her last breath at 8:50pm. Thank you for your prayers for my family, and your love and ministry toward me."
KB - Health Update
"So here's the update: I am officially CANCER FREE!!! The doctors office called with the pathology report and they said that it came back and was for sure stage 5 cancer. They did get everything and had they waited too much longer (a matter of weeks or months it would have been stage 6 and metastasized elsewhere). It did not. I do not have to have radiation or Chemo.
I do have to meet with the endocrinologist to get my hormones in order and I still need to meet with the genetics counselor to some testing for other things. And I will still need to be screened more often the the average person for cancers because of my family history but for now I celebrate.
Monday, January 16, 2017
KB - surgery
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Friday, January 13, 2017
Dianne M. - surgery/recovery update
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Queue B. - Mother's Health
Susana D. - daughter
Mark B. - Family
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Michael S. - back injury
"So I turn 30 and suddenly feel old...and then got my first back injury! I am old, it's official Randy go ahead make fun of me and my slipped or bulging disk...Ugh!"
Monica K. - daughter Injury (Update)
"No surgery!!! Thank you all for your prayers. God heard them and answered them!!!"
Geola C. - Uncle / Family
"Needing prayers for my Uncle. He's home visiting from California and he had a heart attack easy this morning. He's currently having seizures and slight brain damage, and is on a ventilator. Please Peay for God's Healing, His wisdom and direction with the doctors and staff for the BEST care for my uncle. His only living survivor besides my Dad is his daughter who's having her shares of anxieties about her Dad's condition and shes not able and willing to make any decisions regarding his health directives. My Aunty, his girlfriend is a christian and has her family and friends praying too. I'm praying and believing that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. In Jesus Name AMEN!"
Deanna T. - upcoming surgery
"Getting nervous about my surgery this Thursday,and the pain I will face after."
Kari R. - husband's health (Update)
"Thank you thank you thank you...to all those that have been praying for us. We are still dealing with significant pain, but we are keeping food and meds down. Progress. This has been the most difficult recovery yet, but God is with us every step of the way. The cards, texts, messages, and phone calls have lifted our spirits. Much love and appreciation."
Kyle S. - Leadership and Sharing the Gospel
"Today, I asked if people would pray for me and my wife, Lisa. We have been blessed by the outpouring of love and promises to pray, and thank God for all the wonderful friends and family who love and support us so well.
That said, as far as we know, we are healthy, our marriage is good and we are not about to move. (Sorry if we scared you!) A friend recently said to us, "Lisa and Kyle, as leaders you need a group of people praying for you." He had said this to me before and I had done nothing, so today I put a request on FB.
So what do we want prayer for?
To be holy, effective people who live their faith in a way that makes this world a better place and truly reflects the love of God. We want to be people who truly love Jesus and who are not scared to get their hands dirty doing it. We want to be part of a Salvation Army that is busy sharing the good news with the lost, who don't just go to church on Sunday, but who are also actively "loving the unloved" during the week. We want to be part of a Salvation Army that is more and more willing to take risks and stand up against injustice. We want to be people who love, accept and forgive others; to have such a strong faith that when we are watched by our critics, they cannot deny the good works that are done. We want to be a part of a Salvation Army whose soldiers are engaged, active and leading the charge. Most of all we pray that we will be worthy to serve in this Army, alongside all the faithful, hard-working, committed, dedicated volunteers, recruits, soldiers and saints right here in the Southern California Division.
Pray for us, and join us in a quest to change the world with the love, message and kindness of Jesus. We want to show people by our lives who Jesus really was, and not be the hypocrites he so often encountered. Are you in? We need your prayers...we are hoping for regular committed prayers."
KB - health (Update)
"I want to start out by first saying thank you to all of you who have sent emails, cards, messages, texts, phone calls, care packages, starbucks cards, prayers, and well wishes, It trully means the world to me.
I also wanted to update you on my situation. I am scheduled for surgery on Monday the 16th. I will be having a total Thyroidechtomy and while in there they will be checking for infected lymph nodes to see if the cancer may have matastesized anywhere else.
As far as I know I do not have to have Chemotherapy as of now and I do not know if I have to have the Radioactive Iodine Treatment but I will know for sure probably on Tuesday (Monday I will probably not really know what is going on :P ). If you have any questions or want to know more please don't hesitate to message and ask. Thank you again for the prayer and I ask that you please continue to pray."
Ann J. - health
"Prayers please! I've been coughing and spitting up phlegm non-stop for 4 straight hours! Not really sleeping. I've taken all kinds of meds not sure what else to do. I hope I'll be able to focus today."
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Monica K. - daughter injury
"Prayer Request for Katie. She fell tonight at her friends house and broke two bones in her left forearm. They splinted her and she has to see an orthopedic surgeon on Monday. She is very sad."
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Kari R. - husband's health
"There is nothing I can do to relieve his pain. He remains adamant that we follow the dosages as prescribed. Consequently, his pain level remains steady. But he will not give in to the temptation toward addiction. No foothold for the devil.
He cannot keep anything down, including his pain killers. His pain is almost unbearable to witness. Imagine having to endure it. So we sit in the valley together. He writhes in pain. I silently sit close by. Ministry of presence.
And then Dogtown sends us scripture. Reminding us of how we are marvelously made in His image. How in the depths of our despair, God is with us. My ministry is to my husband, in sickness and in health."
Monday, January 2, 2017
KB - health
"Hey everyone! I wanted to give ya'll an update. The biopsy has come back and I have been diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. I am meeting with the oncology surgeon this next week and am going to proceed with his recommendations. This was a freak find when they were testing for the other symptoms I was having which have nothing to do with my thyroid so it's a blessing they found it when they did and as soon as they did. I will update more as I know more but ask for more prayer. Thanks in advance!"