Thursday, July 29, 2010

TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests

God is hearing and answering prayer...all the time! One Praise report came from a lady who has been praying for a girl for eleven years. She has just accepted Jesus!
So don't give up, don't be discouraged! God may be saying "not just yet. Be patient my chld I have a plan..if you'll just e patient a little longer."
Bless you for your faithfulness in prayer!


The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for July 29, 2010

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18

1.Please pray for the family of Lt. Colonel Rhode Danielson who was Promoted to Glory this past Friday. Pray for her husband, Lt. Colonel Doug Danielson and children, Caleb and Hannah, of Phoenix, AZ; for Majors Chet and Vicki Danielson, of Clovis, CA; for Major Cecilia Doria, of Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico; for Mr. snd Mrs,. Nathanael Doria, of San Antonio, TX; and Captains Saul and Jessica Doria of Cathedral City, CA. May the comforting hand of God and the love and prayers of a host of friends help bring healing to the family and loved ones!

2.Pray for the family of Don Ray Mowery, his wife, Lisa, sons Casey, Cory and Cody; parents, Lt. Colonels Don and Jan Mowery; brother, Ken; and sister, Kelly Pacillas. His family, co-workers at Mt Crags and Gilmore Camp and friends through-out the territory are deeply saddened at his passing and need our love and prayers.

3.Pray for the officers, soldiers and employees of The Salvation Army in the West. These are challenging times with economic stress, a decline in moral values, and the growing secularization of America. May we turn our eyes on Jesus and his love and become ever more aware of the Power of Prayer!

4.Pray for Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs as they travel the West to meet Salvationists in each Division at Welcome Meetings and at the Western Bible Conference at Mt Hermon, CA May God bless their ministry and leadership!

5.Pray for America, for our President, our leaders, and their families. And pray for the protection of our military men and women and their families as they serve the cause of freedom. Keep them safe and bring them home soon.

6.Pray for The Salvation Army and our Leaders: For General Shaw and Commissioner Helen Clifton, International and National Leaders, our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels William and Susan Harfoot, the THQ Cabinet and Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, your Corps Officers, the Cadets and our Employees.

7.Captain Les Spousta’s daughter, Ralauni is experiencing cardiac problems and is going through testing. However, communication with her physician has been difficult and unproductive. Pray that the Lord will provide a correct diagnosis, effective treatment and healing; for Major Ruth Scott’s father; Captain Hector & Emma Orellana request prayers for their grandson, Luis Deigo Orellana, 5 yrs old in ICU with kidney failure; for Don B. tumor surgery; for Sherry;; Pray for Chris’s grandmother; for Linda, tumor surgery; for Judy, radiation treatment; for Joshua’s healing; Jill’s surgery. For Clarence White, recovering in hospital

8.Pray for healing for; Ed Wycoff, surgery; Major Doug Riley, chemo treatments; Nancy and Dean Steriotis, God’s healing touch; Rex K.C. treatments for prostate cancer; Paul with heart and breathing problems; Gary Cancer; Colleen, breathing problems; Ed, Chemo; Fred, Prostrate cancer, Terri, Cancer; Priscilla’s mother; Jimmy a new missionary to Africa; Jane Brown; Larry and Daniel Halverson; Barbara Johnson of Sedona; Greg Klotz; Mary Kyle; for Dave Marquez; for Sarah, age 8, to have surgery; Gail Stewart, healing surgery; Robert Negron; for Jennifer R and her husband; Majors John & Patricia Rhemick’s daughter, Kathleen Wreath;

9.Pray for: Pastor V. Prabhudes of Andhra Pradesh, India who asks us to pray for his plan to a new church in his “native place’; Pray for P. Michael Baily who asks for prayer as he prepares in Miami prior to traveling to minister in Africa and then to the Philippines; Katherine writes to praise the Lord for a young lady she has mentored for 11 years who just received the Lord Jesus as her Savior!; for Pastor Phillips who is entering new ministry and needs our prayers and God’s anointing; For Apostle Coleman for God’s blessings; for Major Jeff Dennis: Captain Gina Halverson; Major Jennifer Bates; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Major Joe Thompson; Len asks us to pray for Paul;

10.Pray for: Major Diane Trimmer’s father, Donald Morrell, 86 ; Marie Desiderio, of Las Vegas; Chet Potter, father of Captain Kris Potter, for healing and salvation; Chris Nevin, of Scottsdale; for Richard B. for Captain Jack Smith’s, mother; for Neil Barrett and family; Pray for Rose Edel, and Chloe, health issues; for Kelly; for Maritza D. and her son; Captain Vera Villanea health issues; Mike and Lisa Schneider; Barbara Allen, Lorin & Millie Corlis; for Easter Soli; for Ann;

11.Pray for Retired officers: Major Eleanor Henderson eye surgery on June 30th; Major Martie Abella; Major Bonnie Lynch in Crista Senior Living in Shoreline, WA; Major Don and Rachel Bowman’s daughter, DeDe; Brigadier Izzy Boyington, at Mizpa Care home in Mesa; Majors Les & Lois Brooks, Major James Fortney; Major Hazel Irby; Major Robert Rubin; Major Kay Stoops; Major Erik Sholin, Major Bob Smith; Major Rusty Tomlinson; and others.

12.Pray for those who are fighting cancer: For William, Age 8; rare and possible incurable cancer; for Joyce S. fighting cancer with chemo and radiation next week. Pray for a miracle; forMajor Elvia Roman for her brother-in-law, Cesar Cervantes; Bianca, Pregnant and facing brain surgery; Joshua Drais; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father diagnosed with melanoma;; for Donna; Connie, Pancreatic Cancer; Charles Desiderio of Las Vegas; Cathy Desplancke, mother of Captain Frank Desplancke ; for Susan Riley’s step dad’s daughter; David Evan’s wife, Wendie, bladder cancer; for Diane Hermosillo; Brigadier Martha Hanson, Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy treatment; for Major James Halverson’s brother, Larry; Doug’s father, stomach cancer; Jim Ross of Scotland; for Ron S.; for Paul Wolkersdorfer; Robert Lewis; Robert Murayama; Heidi E.,; Loraine Hoonout; Barbara of Tab Corps; Mr. George Washington of Welch, LA; for Peggy Simmons: Monica Dove; Cindy Hogman; Brandon Apuan; Helga Kenyon; Clarine Reynolds; Sally Schueuer; Lisa Schneider; Edith, Mike, Jodie; Tiffany Madsen; Sherry; Vince DiGregorio; Ken Bond; Sam and Mary Sims; Eileen O'Brien; Jacob Galland; Mrs. Captain Sylvia Waldron. Pray for great healing miracles!

13.National Back to Church Sunday is September 12. The target group are the “un-churched” and the “de-churched” – people who once attended church, but have drifted away. Invite them to return for this special Sunday! Every community has prospects for “Back to Church Sunday!”

14.Also see Prayer Requests and Praise Reports at: SAPRAYUSW.COM

Mervyn L. Morelock, Lt. Colonel ,
Territorial Prayer Coordinator

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Prayers from Children