Friday, November 6, 2009

TSA Western Territorial Prayer Requests


The Salvation Army Call to Prayer line for October 22, 2009:

1.Pray for President Obama and His Administration. Pray that the President and his advisors will have discernment and wisdom in their planning for further economic recovery.

2.Pray for our Congressional Members. Pray for oversight of the Congress that they may deal wisely with the economic issues they face.

3.Pray for Members of the Judiciary. Pray that the court will seek wisdom in their focus on issues of national security.

4.The War. Pray for the morale of the American and NATO military, from the highest generals to the lowest soldiers. Keep them safe

5.Terrorism. Pray that God would break the strongholds of radical Islam wherever they exist.

6.The Economy. Pray for those who administer America’s economy, whether in government, in banking institutions, or on Wall Street.

7.Israel and the Middle East. Pray for the people living in Israel and the Gaza strip, as they try to live “normally” amidst ongoing violence..

8.Health Care. Pray for the people in the Centers for Disease Control and the companies manufacturing the H1N1 vaccine that they will discern the best means of more rapid delivery.

9.Pray for our Military and their families. Pray that they will be protected from harm. Protect them and comfort their families. Continue to pray for PFC Bergdahl being held captive by Taliban in Afghanistan.

10.Pray for Salvation Army leaders around the world: General and Commissioner Clifton, Commissioner and Mrs. Gaither; and every International and Territorial leader, that the spirit of Christ will prevail. Pray for our Western Territory’s leaders; Commissioner & Mrs. Swyers, Colonel & Mrs. Harfoot, the THQ Cabinet, staff, Divisional Leaders and staff, ARC and Corps Officers.

11.Pray for: God’s blessing on: Samantha & Guy; Maria Coreas car accident injuries; Major Ron Toy’s father, who is quite ill; Majors Gil and Elvia Roman; Major Cheryl Lo, recovering from a broken shoulder: Capt Cathy Whipple, health issues regarding grandson, Carter, and sister in hospital, and brother, David, a stroke: Esther J, surgery; for Hope Tregaro, of Monrovia; Major Maria Elena Hernandez, H1N1 Flu virus; Samantha, surgery; Marie Henderson, in hospital: Captain Gina Halverson ; Major Jennifer Bates, back surgery; Aubree, lesions on her brain and her mother, April, whose heart and lungs have been damaged by an unknown virus; for James Shull, for Sharon; Pray for Major Leticia Saunders; for Kendra Holly’s father; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother, Malva Farrell; for Bunny Rocha, heart surgery; for Virginia Nieto; for Juanita, daughter of Captain Stephanie Dennis; Captain Michael Johnson; staph infection; Major Joe Thompson; Bill and Carol.

12.Pray for: Morene Klotz, mother of Marlene Klotz-Collins recovering from major brain surgery; Fritz Salazar’s (Phoenix ARC), mother, very ill and in need of a heart transplant, Captain Vicki Jackson, surgery; Yvonne’s son-in-law back pain; Alicia, enlarged heart; for Burt Stack, hospice care; for Mike and Lisa Schneider. for Becky Weiss’s daughter, Rochelle; the Humes family; Jeanie Lucas, Dick Wiseman, Lorin & Millie Corlis; for Easter Soli, for Ann; and for Sandy Emmons, Cascade DHQ;

13.For Retired officers: Lt. Colonel Don Mowery, scheduled for surgery, after a blood disorder is corrected; for Major Maddie Rizzi, hearing ;for Major Ben Meyer; Major Harold Stromberg; Major Robert Smith; Lt Colonels Lou and Le Roy Pedersen; Mrs. Lt. Colonel Alice Smith; A/Capt Evelyn Smith; Majors Jane and John Horgan; Major Hazel Irby; Brigadier Izzy Boyington; Brigadier Martha Hansen; Major Rusty Tomlinson, and others who have not been well.

14.For those being treated for cancer: Capt Vickie Jackson Stage 4 cancer; Dean Steriotis, of Scottsdale, Colonel Dianne Hogan, undergoing radiation treatment; for Viola Lujan’s son, Wayne Shaw, diagnosed with Stage 3 melanoma; Brandon Apuan; for Adam Van Cleef, back in hospital; Monique, surgery, Luci D. of Mexico; Joyce (Lobben) Miller, stage 4 cancer; Helga Kenyon; Clarine Reynolds, breast cancer; Major Sam Southard’s brother Ralph; Lisa Schneider; Edith Mike, Jodie; for Tiffany Madsen, for Sherry; for Vince DiGregorio; Ken Bond ; Sam and Mary Sims; Jewel Menard of San Luis Obispo; Major Dallas Pedersen; Eileen O'Brien; Jacob Galland; Mrs. Captain Sylvia Waldron; and others. Pray for great faith and great healing miracles!

15.For the families of those who have been Promoted to Glory: Brigadier Izzy Boyington’s brother, Chester, age 89; Colonel William Harfoot’s, mother Edith Mae Bennett from Royal Oak Corps; Captain Tammy Larson’s two nieces, accident victims, who were major organ donors saving the lives of nine organ recipients; Major Cliff Jones’ father, Clinton Jones, of Winters, CA; Major Laurie Heiselman’s family in the passing of her sister, Kathy Schell; and others. May God give each family and friend a double portion of His Love and Healing.

1.See more Prayer Requests and Praise Reports at: SAPRAYUSW.COM

God Bless You!
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator

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