Thursday, February 27, 2025

Western Territory Prayer Requests

 Prayer Request List-February 27, 2025

Major Michelle Thielenhaus-My surgery has been changed to March 24th due to my still having symptoms from the cold I got last month.

Vinnie Olds-I ask for traveling mercies for my husband and I, we will be traveling back East for a family celebration. I ask for prayers for my children, grandchildren and friends that they all grow closer with their relationships to God. Prayers for this entire world.

Lt. Sean Pease-Please be in prayer for our youth and family programs at the Corps. We've not had them in years due to COVID, the retiring of our long-time youth worker, and an officer change, but we're finally ready to relaunch them next week. We're having a teen night and a family night, and we're praying that people in need of these programs hear about them and attend and that myself and my staff/volunteers are open to be used by the Spirit in whatever way He leads.

Major Darren Norton-Please pray for Golden State Officers Councils next week – for rest and renewal for our officers. Our guest is Jeniffer Dake.

Cadet Stacy Fuqua-I am asking for prayer for my husband Cadet Christian, he got his gallbladder taken out on Friday and recovery has not been as smooth as we were hoping. Please pray for healing and rest for him.

Major Mike Halverson-This is an ongoing prayer for our youth pastor, Cosmas, that his family (wife and 3 children) can come and join him here in Great Falls from Cameroon Africa. That God will find a way to allow them to be joined together again. Also, that as long as they are there, they are safe.

Major Carlos Souza-Please continue to pray for my daughter Natalia, especially for her heart. She went to see a cardiologist and needs to do some tests, I would appreciate your prayers for that and for her to have a change of heart, spiritually, and put the Lord first in all areas of her life.

Capt. Kevin Woods- Please pray for my family. My sister Laronda Woods was promoted to glory on Friday and as you can imagine it's been very rough on the family. We are stationed up in Alaska and were not able to be there when she passed, but God has given us peace that passes all understanding, and our faith is strong.

Major Santos-Please continue to lift up The Salvation Army Ministry on Pohnpei (Madolenihmw Corps). Pray for the seekers that they will continue to seek God each day in their lives. We are still working with the Government to see if they can give us a land in town so we can start again The Salvation Army Kolonia Corps. Please pray for our government leaders, that they can have a heart to be willing to help us in this situation.

Democratic Republic of Congo Territory

For more than a decade, our country has been experiencing a war of aggression that has caused more than 6 million deaths to date, so we pray:

§ May the Lord protect the DRC, in the face of the threats of various pandemics that are disturbing the country and against the war of aggression that is causing a lot of material damage and damage to human life (people becoming refugees, homeless or orphans etc.).

§ May the Lord break through into the lives of children and young people who are involved in a culture of violence and abuse on the streets of Kinshasa.

§ May the Lord touch the hearts of decision-makers so that peace may reign throughout the country, and more precisely in the East.

§ Pray for the commissioning of new officers in June and for the new candidates who will be consecrated as cadets in October 2025.

§ May the Lord give us the necessary means to concretize and carry out this great mission which is the salvation of souls. Pray that there be the opening of new posts and outposts.

§ May the Lord bless and protect all the officers who are full-time in his service regardless of their background, may he bless the Salvationists and friends, may he increase the faith in each one so that there may be total consecration and that his work may go forward.

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Prayers from Children