Monday, December 30, 2024

Turnie W. - Today

Lord Jesus good morning. Thank you for the life of my mother in law. You granted her the peace she needed and is now at home with you and Toto. Lord as we grieve this loss here on earth may we live our lives to honor her memorie with our faith in you. Lord in a word this sucks. However we also know that you had a plan for this to happen all along. Be with us all worldwide as we mourn her and carry on her legacy.  Lord I ask for one thing this morning that you would help my wife and I get her green card settled. In your name Jesus I pray. Amen!!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Mike J. - Healing

Having terrible migraines and dizziness tonight. Prayers appreciated!!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Julie - Son's Health Update and Family

Christmas Eve (for the rest of the world but for me it’s maybe the 23rd as Christmas is postponed for our family) - it has been a hard day for Duncan and Andrew. 

Drew has had a scope and a few CT scans. He currently has a tube through his nose to his stomach to empty the contents of his stomach. 

Katie, David, Margaret and I went to church  tonight (trying to keep some normalcy). After church we took Chinese food and ate dinner in the waiting room with Duncan while Drew had some x-rays done.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Julie S. - Andrew's Health

3am - praying friends who are up- Duncan took Drew back to the ER around 1am. We were concerned as he threw up, said his pain had increased and his heart rate had gone up. They have just done another CT scan. Drew seems better so we are praying that he won’t be admitted.

*3:30 - Just talked to Duncan. He’s being admitted.  The CT scan found a blockage in his intestine. I guess we’ll know more in the morning what this all means. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Western Territory Prayer Requests

 Prayer Request List-December 19, 2024

Lisa Garcia-Prayers for my friend who is battling pneumonia.

Doris Hall-Please pray with me for the Salvation Army Programs, Officers, employees and their families and Risk Mgmt.

Hillary Jackson-Please pray for my neighbor, Joanie, who has been in the hospital for over a month undergoing surgeries and cancer treatment and desperately wants to convalesce at home for Christmas.

Stephanie Bobadilla-Please pray for my brother-in-law Wayne Moore as he is currently in the hospital with pneumonia in his right lung, thank you.

Major Butch Soriano-Pray that my shoulder surgery scheduled in January will not be cancelled due to a continuing nationwide IV shortage. They have already cancelled Oct, Nov, and Dec shoulder surgery. They will let me know by next week if it will need to be rescheduled.

Patricia Evans-Please pray for my 94 yr. old mother, Rose. She had hernia surgery due to a blockage on Sunday and is still hospitalized with a few setbacks.

Erin Sedlewicz-Please pray for all finance teams in the Territory. Audit season is a bear (during Christmas too) and they need strength, peace and wisdom.

Major Shari Fowler-Please pray for: God to be glorified through our words and actions drawing people to their Savior, Major Gaylene Yardley and pending surgery, Officers, staff and volunteers to be energized to finish the Christmas distributions & kettle season strong, generosity of donors so we can meet or even exceed our goals and not have to cut people or programs in the new year.

Jaycelyn Diaz-Thank you for all your prayers.

Please kindly add an anonymous prayer for my friend who is going through a court case. She is wrongfully accused of taking drugs, and she is pregnant. She’s required to take drug testing, and it always shows negative. I pray that our Justice system will make the right decision regarding her case as soon as possible.

Major Keith Bottjen-For all of us to finish well and for good health for officers.

Capt. Carlos Souza-I would appreciate your continued prayer for my daughter

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Lorenzo's Family - Daughter PTG

It is with a heavy heart that I send the club this email.
I was just notified that Lorenzo Rios' youngest daughter (Roscelia) passed away unexpectedly this Saturday. I do not have any further details to share at this moment.
Please keep Lorenzo and Norma in your thoughts and prayers as they navigate through this tragedy. Lorenzo is okay with receiving text messages if you would like to reach him.

Lorenzo is a fellow Rotarian

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Julie S. - Son's Health and Recovery

2:38am Sunday and the surgeon just called. Andrew’s surgery went well. He said it was tricky and he is going to be uncomfortable for a while. He actually had diverticulitis that ruptured. I think they left the appendix, but I didn’t think to ask (no sleep and not 100% right now). Duncan is waiting for him to get out of recovery, but we are thanking God that the surgery was a success. He just needs prayers for healing and comfort.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Western Territory Prayer Requests

 Prayer Request List-December 12, 2024

Major Jonathan Harvey-Satan is working overtime to sow discouragement within our Officers. Please pray for a hedge of spiritual protection around them as they diligently serve and encourage others.

Capt. Joanna Wang-Please pray for our daughter, Elizabeth. She's 13 and is having some health issues and needs to have blood tests and to see a cardiologist.

Capt. Joshua Sneed-I just want to thank the prayer team and praise God for coming through in an amazing way. Anjie at SoCal DHQ was already planning on helping me, but as soon as people prayed, all her efforts came together in an amazing way. The shelter resident gift bags are fully assembled and ready to go. Thank you for your prayers!

Doris Hall-Please pray with me for: Craig & Sally and Donzell Hall.

Major Shari Fowler-Pray for Christmas efforts – Kettles, Angel Tree, Holiday food boxes, community meals and corps outreaches that people will experience the love of God through our service.

Pray for our Officers, staff, and volunteers to “not grow weary in doing good” and that God will strengthen and encourage them.

Susan Lawrence-Please pray for my brother who is having eye surgery on Friday 12/13.

Major Frank Desplancke-At a recent Dr. visit, they took two biopsies from my cheek. One tested as Basil Cell (cancer). I have surgery to remove it Monday at 1pm. Please pray for a good result and a quick recovery.

Jaycelyn Diaz-Please pray for my mom to get a fulltime job that suits her before Christmas.

Major Bonifacio Andres-For Antelope Valley Corps:

1. Cameron Garcia - Will undergo Surgery this Friday, Dec. 13,2024

2. Maj. Emily Andres – Tonsilitis

3. Mario Solis – Recovery from Surgery

4. Bell Ringers - Strength/Health – because they are calling for sick excuse

5. Corps Ministry/Music Ministry

6. Corps Comrades/ Junior Sunday School

Capt. Carlos Souza-I would appreciate continued prayer for Natalia, for her to be set free from Worldly distractions and make the Lord's way and kingdom her priority.

Anonymous-Please pray for my family member who is incarcerated. May he have strength and peace and wisdom as he overcomes his own challenges. And pray for him as we approach yet another holiday season without one another.

I'd also like to pray for my children as they are growing into adults, may they make healthy and wise decisions.

Prayer Focus 9 - 15 December 2024 Germany, Lithuania and Poland Territory

§ We give thanks to God for the recent officers and leaders councils and the Territorial Congress led by General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham. We thank God that the Holy Spirit’s presence was felt, people made new commitments and people were encouraged and uplifted by this time of fellowship and worship.

§ We give thanks for the commissioning of two new Lieutenants and the start of training for two new cadets. Please pray for the new officers, cadets and their families.

§ We give thanks for the commitment and dedication of soldiers, officers, employees and volunteers in Germany, Lithuania and Poland who show the love of Jesus to others through their actions.

§ For the encouragement of seeing lives transformed by the power of Jesus in all three countries of the Territory.

§ For strength and grace for our officers, many of whom bear heavy workloads and juggle many responsibilities.

§ For more people to offer for Officership and Local Officership.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Elizabeth H. - Daughters Health and Hers

We kindly request your prayers for our family. 

Josie, who received a diagnosis of walking pneumonia this afternoon. Despite her condition, she is managing as well as can be expected and is resting at home. She has started taking antibiotics. 

I have been informed that I have a 1.3 cm mass on my cervix, which my doctor suspects is a Nabothian cyst.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Joy R. - David's Health

Prayer request: David has RSV. Please keep him in mind when conversing with God, please!

Joanna W. - Daughers Health

Can you please pray for my daughter,  Elizabeth? She is sick and is going to the doctor this morning. Thank you! ❤️

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Don G. - Wife's Sugery Recovery

Update 12/20
Friends: wanted to post an update on Ronda. She has had a very rough two weeks with five different surgeries but the good news is that she comes home from the hospital today. We are grateful to God for His miracle healing and to all you our friends and family for your constant prayers! What an amazing Christmas present!

Update 12/9
Friends: I wanted to give a quick update on Ronda Gilger. She will come home from the hospital today after 5 days and 3 surgeries. Prayers for complete healing would be appreciated. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and words of support. They mean so much!

Friends:  On Thursday I brought Ronda to ER as she was complaining of sharp pains in her abdomen. Further tests revealed that she had a gall stone stuck in the bottom of her bile duct that needed to be removed. Friday she had two surgeries; one unsuccessful surgery, then she had another that was successful and the stone was pushed into the small intestine. Today she had her gall bladder removed and she is now on the road to recovery. Prayers for complete healing would be appreciated!

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Western Territory Prayer Requests

 Prayer Request List-December 5, 2024

Colonel Genevera Vincent- Please pray for my sister-in-law, Donna Frampton. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer this past week with spots on her liver as well. She is just 48 years old. As she undergoes further tests to rule out cancer elsewhere in her body, please pray that no more cancer will be found and that her cancer will be treatable. They are still waiting for an appointment with the oncologist to talk about next steps. Please pray for my brother Jason as well as this is devasting news.

Capt. Caroline Rowe-Please pray for our Marketing Manager. She was hit by a drunk driver heading home for the holiday weekend. She has been in a coma, and they had to amputate her arm and hand. She is 22/23 years old, and this was her first professional job. This has hit our team hard – we are praying for recovery of her kidneys and liver. Also, no brain damage and we pray she is able to walk (Her knees were broken and other bones in her legs).

Capt. Tim Brown- I would ask that you pray for all our activities at Christmas time. In particular there are very few people willing to stand at a kettle these days and as a result meeting our goals and expectations for kettle income is becoming nearly impossible.

Personally, I would ask for prayer for strength and energy as we are going above and beyond the normal level of working hours each week. Pray for our children who sometimes must sacrifice for the ministry.

Jeffery C. Hesseltine-Please pray for a coworker who is out sick and has no voice.

Vinnie Olds- Pray for peace, patience and understanding in my job duties. Pray for the new year ahead with changes in our government. Pray for those who are lonely, sick, shut- in. This time of the year is so very hard for many.

Major Bob Schmig- Please pray for St. George (Utah) Outpost Angel Tree and Kettles and overall financial health. Pray for fire of the Spirit and for The Salvation Army in St. George’ congregation, Advisory Board and Volunteer base to grow exponentially.

Major Keith Bottjen- Season is crazy so health for all us officers and strength. Also, Majors Lacey, strength and health.

Major Jennifer Cortez-Please pray for the Los Banos Corps. We are doing all volunteer bell ringing this year. May God provide the volunteers that we need.

Lt. Christopher Rockwell- Truthfully the weight of the Christmas season has been overwhelming for us in Farmington because we are doing our best to manage the many responsibilities with little volunteer assistance. Please pray that we are certain to make Jesus first every day because He is the only one

Joanna W. - Unspoken

I have an unspoken prayer request.  Thank you in advance for your prayers! ❤️

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Mike J. - Tooth Ache

12/5 Update: Up again with excruciating pain from this pulled tooth. Just can’t seem to get out of pain. But his will be the 3rd night where I’ve only slept an hour. Prayers definitely appreciated and needed.
I’m in extreme, extreme pain because of my tooth. Praying for some relief so I can sleep. Have only gotten an hour or two this whole week.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Turnie W. - Today

Morning Lord Jesus. Thank you for who you are in our lives. Lord we started our kettle season yesterday and as near as I can tell it has been successful so far. You know the needs of our corps. We place them in your hand asking you Lord to bless us with them. Lord I lift up my family to you today. One is working for a better life for themselves while staying at home until they are ready to open thier wings. The other is helping us as they can. Lord be with us all and remind us every moment of why we do what we do. Remind us Lord that you have called us each one to serve you in our own capacity with your strength. Be with our corps members as they are helping us as well and Lord bless them as well. 
Jesus keep us keeping on. In your name Jesus we pray. Amen!!

Prayers from Children