Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Raymond D. - Cascade Division prayers

Good Evening All,


A glad Saturday to each one of you! This being 7 pm, many of you are virtually attending the evening program of Commissioning Weekend – We Believe, so enjoy that and I suggest praying after it is over. If you are not, know that you are invited to attend virtually at www.youtube.com/tsawestvideo or Facebook.com/NewFrontierChronicles. The ENCORE portion is already over and We Believe is in progress now. Tomorrow’s events start at 1:30 pm with the prelude and Lobby Conversation. At 1:50 pm is Recognition of Officers Reaching Long Service. Then the big event of the weekend starts at 2 pm: Service of Commissioning, Ordination and Appointment for the newly commissioned lieutenants. It’s the big TSA event of the year and the first ever done virtually.


The cadets being commissioned and ordained tomorrow are who I would like us to pray for tonight. Yes, they are outside of our division, but they all are experiencing a major life event this weekend, one that will shape their lives and affect The Salvation Army’s future. Their names are:


  • Paul Chisholm
  • Ashley Cunningham
  • Andrea Finch
  • Samantha Hascall
  • Ezequiel & Katherine Hernandez
  • Amy Lewis
  • Henry Oliveira
  • Betty & Ratu Vesikula


2 Timothy 2:15 tells us, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.”


Let’s pray,


Lord, You are our God and King in whom we place our trust and hope. Thank You for this day that You have given us and we ask for a good night sleep for what You have prepared for us tomorrow. Guide our steps and keep our ears, hearts, and souls focused on what You have called us to do in life. Thank You for the opportunities we have to serve You and our neighbors.


Tonight we lift up to You our cadets of the Messengers of the Kingdom session. You have been preparing them for years for this weekend and we ask now that they center their thoughts on You, that they reaffirm the call You have placed on each of their lives, and that they begin their officership intent on loving You, loving their neighbors, and preaching the Gospel. May they have courage and humility, be strong and meek, committed to You, and grow into true servant leaders. Guide their paths, guard their hearts, and gift their ministries. We ask that you bless Paul, Ashley, Andrea, Samantha, Ezequiel, Katherine, Amy, Henry, Betty, and Ratu as they journey forward for Your kingdom.


Lord, we ask Your blessing on every person reading this email. Give them safety and health during this time of virus. Let each one of us feel Your loving presence and Your guiding hand. Thank you for today and the hope You bring for tomorrow.



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Prayers from Children