Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Roger M. - Child's Health


Hey, praying friends.

Tamasin went in for a recheck and she now has pneumonia in her right lung. She's at the ER waiting for transfer to Oakland Children's Hospital.

I know she's going to be fine, but prayers are very much appreciated. She is precious to me and I need her to be okay.

She's in good spirits. She and Alaric are currently making her oxygen levels go up and down by talking or coughing or being quiet. They got her up to 96 from the 92 she's been at.


"Tamasin update:
She's still stuck at a dungeon-like secondary campus of Children's Hospital. Not sure why this child has a knack for getting transferred to hospitals 50+ miles from home. Distance and the hospital's unwillingness to let her brother visit meant I didn't get to see her in person today, which definitely is coloring my impression of her care.

She is maybe doing better? Oxygen is back up to 95 when she is awake and remembering to breathe. Low heart rate concerns have been somewhat reduced by changing the equipment being used to monitor it. Lungs now described as "crackling" with the suggestion that this is a mild improvement. And, as a bonus, she pooped today, which seems to have made a tremendous number of people happy.

As of tonight, she'd eaten something at each meal today (as opposed to barely nibbling anything yesterday) and had not thrown any of it back up. No fever, at least not at the moment.  She is still on oxygen and still fighting the masks/nose tubes they keep trying.

We hope this all points to progress and a chance to escape from the dungeon by the weekend, but we also have cancelled our plans for a roadtrip and visit to grandma's in the coming week. Sad she won't get to be the flower girl in a wedding this weekend. Her brother is also sad about not going, but happy he gets to go to summer camp with me for a week.

Tamasin isn't out of the woods yet, but is moving that way. Continued prayer and notes of encouragement to her and Bridget are welcomed."

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Prayers from Children