Sunday, July 29, 2018

Marcos M. - Auntie PTM

Please pray for Marcos and his family during this time of loss of his Auntie. Pray for his cousin (Auntie’s daughter) during this difficult time. The following is Marcos’ reflection: 

“My sweet Aunt Susan rests in the arms of Jesus tonight. I am so glad and grateful that we got to see her and visit with her just two weeks ago!

When we first moved to the United States and things were uncertain for our family’s immediate future, when times were a bit difficult for us, it was my Grandma and Aunt Susie who so selflessly would care for us in many, many ways. Aunt Susie would buy us clothes through her employment and employee discount at JC Penny’s. If we looked good and ready for school on day one with brand new clothing, resulting in slightly more boosted self esteem, we could guarantee it was my Aunt Susie who had lovingly clothed us. I remember many Christmases when we would get brand new clothes from Aunt Susie. She was definitely the “Clothing” Aunt

Above this, she was a woman who always had a smile on her face and always exuded joy and happiness. As kids, anytime we went to visit Grandma, Aunt Susie, and Crystal, it was Aunt Susie who would suggest and plan fun outings and day trips. She was always about making fun and unforgettable family memories. Up until the very end of her battle with Pancreatic Cancer, she lived life as full as she possible could, making the most of every opportunity and days she was given, even going to her church camp just weeks before. She loved Jesus! This last year and a half have shown our family what an amazingly strong woman she was!

The last two weeks have been exceptionally hard for her and family, especially her daughter, my cousin Crystal. Please pray for her!!!!! 

Tonight, Aunt Susie is free of her suffering and affliction and resting in God’s presence. Though we are certain of this, we grieve her absence as it leaves a gaping hole in the fabric and tapestry of our family. It’s such a hard night for us!

I love this last picture I have with her just two weeks ago to the day!

Thank you to those who have prayed over the last year and a half, and especially in these last two weeks!”

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Prayers from Children