Dear Friends I've been in extreme pain all morning to the point of tears. I ask you for your prayers. I got to come home on Friday from the hospital. I wasn't feeling comfortable about that because I was still in pain and the catheter had been leaking and the medicine they were giving me for the bladder spasms wasn't working. I messed up 3 gowns in like 2 hours and was throwing up and felt my pain wasn't controlled but they released me anyway. Soon as we got home I peed past the catheter again and felt the back pressure back to my stint, it was excruciating. Got cleaned up and tried trouble shooting the catheter myself by disconnecting the bag and it should have flowed right thru to the urinal but nothing. Noticed the little valve thing had a huge clot in it so tried to flush it with warm water. Took a minute but finally got it out then when I peed again more clots came out and stopped it up again and I was in immediate pain from the back up into the bladder to the stint. It was so bad I threw up and the pressure from throwing up shot the clot out. I knew I had to go to ER again per instructions so Jr's took me back. Got in pretty quickly and told them what was going on so they checked to make sure the bubble was inflated inside then they flushed it, it cleared for a second then clogged again so they called the Urology on call and he was familiar with me and said to remove it and if I could pee on my own I could be released. I was able to drink 2 cups of water the go on my own and it was awful looking red and full of clots. Took some more fluids and peed more but with out the clots finally so they let me go home about 1 am. Finally got some pain free restful sleep early Saturday morning til around noon. Tried eating a little but couldn't hold anything down except some apple sauce and some pretzels. Was able to drink lots of fluids and regular on peeing and it cleared up to almost normal. About midnight the pain stated again and slight fever. Fought that all night and was taking the laxitives and stool softeners but haven't done number 2 in about 4 days, haven't really eaten much but that worries me. Started throwing up this morning and been in pain all day. Well tried something radical and sent Jr's to Taco Bell we'll see ???? At least I'm keeping it down and trying some Ginger Ale. I don't think I'll recommend that kind of kidney stone removal to anyone ! So far the Cure is worse than the cause ! Don't believe it's over yet cause in 2 weeks they take the stint out that holds the urethra open to the bladder. I was just reading the post surgery instructions and it mentions that a string might come out not to pull on it because it's attached to the stint. Of course it doesn't say where it comes out but the only place I can imagine is the weenie ! God Help Me !
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