Saturday, April 1, 2017

Bethany K. - daughter's health update

So we are out of the hospital!!!! Leiz is doing MUCH better....swelling and spasms are under control for now...we just have to REALLY watch her and make sure that it doesn't swell back up!! There's NO was just her body in overdrive that was giving it a false positive for an infection. She is able to eat soft foods and drink just about anything now and her fever seems to be something of the past ;-) she was up ALL night asking for food and trying to escape from her room to get to the staff/family fridge in the other they ended up putting an ankle monitor on her!!! ;-0 only my leiz would be put on "hospital arrest"!!!
So needless to say she's definitely feeling better and getting back to little fiery sassy self :-) thank you for all your prayers and please continue to pray that the swelling stays down...or we will be back in the hospital. HOPEFULLY NOT!!

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