Saturday, April 29, 2017
Gabriel W. - Trip to PI
Ron M. - Wife's health
Friday, April 28, 2017
Ami M. - health
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Delanda - video / tour
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Julie S. - son and dad's health
"I am going to bed. Long, stressful day. I think we have (knock on wood- not that I am actually superstitious) managed to avoid the ER with Andrew. Duncan is taking him to the Dr again tomorrow where we think they will do x-ray. We don't know why his leg is swelling, but it is continuing to do so!
My dad is doing better. He too is a mystery - they still haven't found the source if the infection, but he says he feels better. Still doing all kinds of tests and exams. He will be in the hospital at least until Friday.
What a week."
Trina P. - friend's health
"Prayer request. My dear friend is having surgery this morning at 9:30. The doctors are removing a cancerous tumor from her body. Please pray for her, the surgeons, and her family. Thank you."
Betty S. - Frank's health/Accident
"I know that most of you that are on my fb don't know but I am going to say that before i put this on here i didnt call anyone not even family. My husband had an accident this morning and he is fine but we have no idea what happened or he did not feel the impact the paramedics that woked on him and the other police say that it is medical. He only damaged our vehicle and it was great news that he was not injured. he had blacked out behind the wheel on his way to work. Please know that he is fine and doing good. No injuries or anything so I thank God that he protected him"
Lila P. - husband's eyes
"Plz pray for a careful surgical procedure on Maxi's eyes this morning....mahalo!"
Monday, April 24, 2017
Jim B. - injured friend
"URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Our friend Wayne (a good and godly man) is in the hospital after being hit by a falling tree. He is suffering a brain injury that God can touch and heal today. Wayne was cutting trees with two pastor friends and as he pushed one pastor out of the way to save him from being hit by a falling tree he was hit. Please. please pray big, big prayers for Wayne and his family. With the Great God we serve there is no need for a second surgery today if God answers prayer."
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Ron M. - wife's health
"Been at Kaiser hospital since 4:30 yesterday afternoon. It appears that Roberta has pneumonia, and her blood oxygen level was very low. Her diabetes blood sugar was low due to her not being able to keep food down. They finally got her stabilized and feel I can take her home. She has a follow up appointment tomorrow with her regular doctor. We want to thank everyone for their concern and prayers."
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Julie S. - dad's health update
"Update on Don. He is now is a room In ICU after spending almost 22 hours in ER. There wasn't a bed in the ICU and because they wanted to monitor his blood pressure , which has been low, the ER was the best place to do that. He did have a nurse from ICU. Right now he is sleeping peacefully. I know he didn't have much sleep last night.
He is not complaining of any pain, other than his back, which is not anything new. The back pain has been aggravated by the beds in ER and the transportation gurney.
They know that he has an infection but can't identify where it is so he is on a wide spectrum antibiotic. This is causing his blood pressure to be low. That they are also controlling with Meds. They've also just done some more blood work.
Thanks for your prayers. They are appreciated. Please pray that they find the source of the infection."
Julie S. - Dad's health
"My dad is still in the ER waiting for a bed in ICU. I called this morning but got no info. My mom is headed over in a bit."
Friday, April 21, 2017
Elaine M. - prayers
"Well the last couple of hours have been the most difficult as an officer.
Feeling sad, hurt, lonely.
Prayers will help."
Ann J. - dad's health
"My mom and dad arrived last night and they're already doing what they love - working and cooking for the family. Prayers for my dad though as he is not well - back pain and congestion."
Dave L. - Praise - Mom's health
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Fred A. - health
"Dear friends... prayer request.
On top of my seasonal allergies, I have a double ear-infection, bronchitis and laryngitis. Haven't had a "normal voice" in over 2 weeks. Cannot "feel" that I have an ear infection because... of past ear infections...
On meds starting today. Feeling crappy, but know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel."
Elicio M. - sister in law's health
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Melanie O. - husband's health (Update)
"Well, we came home on Thursday, and back in the ER on Friday with Greg's temp 101.9 and chills... turns out he has a bit of pneumonia in his right lung. So, he has to rest and recover from that as well as the surgery. So, we continue to covet your prayers. Blessing wishes to everyone as we join worldwide in celebrating the amazing resurrection of our Lord and King, Jesus Christ!"
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Chris G. - Preparing
"I ask for your prayer support at this time. Working on a major presentation that if successful will change my life. Thank you!"
Ron M. - Wife's Eye injury
"Want to thank all our friends for their prayers for Roberta today. Last weekend we were on the Big Island visiting with Roberta's family members who were vacationing on the island. She got insect spray directly in her right eye. It burned her eye so bad that damage to the eye was done. We went to emergency room Sunday night. Today we saw a specialist. They say she is to put a special salve in her eye twice a day. Rest the eye by wearing a patch and stay home and rest. She can't see a thing out of the injured eye. I am to take her back to the doctor in five days for a check up. She is in a lot of pain but doing as the doctor says. Again we thank you for all the prayer support."
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Melanie O. - update on husbands health
"Update on Greg... good IV, and on to more solid food.. not so good news...overdid it yesterday, so very sore both in back and in front... vascular surgeon said second day always worse. Prayers that bowls will operate smoothly today... and that he just does the short walk, rest pattern not the marathons! Thank you everyone, we can definitely feel your prayers."
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Egypt Church bombing on Palm Sunday
"Yesterday, terror struck Cairo, Egypt. An ISIS suicide bomber targeted a church that was celebrating Palm Sunday. Nearly fifty innocent people were killed." - Jay Sekulow
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Craig S. - brother PTG
"Words fail to describe the despair in my heart right now. Please pray for my family as we face some tough times ahead."
"I apologize if my last two posts were vague but I didn't want to post anything until I was able to speak with my parents. My brother Clark died in his sleep last night. I am not sure of the date yet but his memorial service will be in the Olympia area. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts."
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Tersi B. - Amy's health
"Visited and brought dinner to our dear friend Amy who has been out sick. She's in great spirit but can use healing prayers."
Sarah W. - daughters health
"She took her own selfie, sick baby at home. She's been throwing up, please pray. Any advice 1st time she's sick. :("
Friday, April 7, 2017
Luke B. - SAY Summit (Golden State Div)
"Family and friends would you please pray for us here at Golden State Division SAY Summit 2017 aka youth council is will start tonight, pray that God speak to the young of this division for their purpose and His call to their lives!! Thanks yea! Blessing cheeeeeeeehooooooooo"
Stockholm Sweden
A truck plunged into a crowd on a shopping street where 4 people died and 15 injured.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Lynn S. - accident
"Please pray for my son Jeremiah's girlfriend Irene Taffolla and family. They were just in a serious car accident while visiting family. Still waiting to get information from the hospital.
Thanks in advance!"
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Syria and Colombia
Please pray for the families impacted by these two tragedies today.
1. Syria: Sarin gas attack in a civilian neighborhood killed at least 70, including 20 children. To date, more than 250, 000 people have died in this six year civil war.
2. Colombia: Mud slide and rocks hit a town and 263 died. More than 300 people are still missing.
Pray for peace, healing, emegency workers, and for Christians to share the good news of Jesus in the midst of these tradegies and hurt.
Terrie W. - Mom's PTG
"A little over a year ago we took our mom on a cruise of a lifetime! We enjoyed the laughter, sunshine and being in paradise. Today our mom lost her battle with cancer and is now resting in a much greater Paradise! We Love You Mom!"
Sidney S.
"Please friends pray for me right now, my heart is heavy and weary because of things going on. Just between me and God. Thanks."
Dan's Family - PTG
"Monday, Dan R., entered into the presence of His Heavenly Father. Asking for prayer for Dan's wife, Carina, and family. Dan was an EOD Tech (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) in Air Force. He was a strong Believer, great leader and inspiration for those who knew him. Dan is in the middle. He loved serving others and saving lives."
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Shawn C. - health
"We I woke up yesterday feeling terrible. Came to the E.R. still here I have a bad kidney infection. I am still in the hospital."
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Bethany K. - daughter's health update
So we are out of the hospital!!!! Leiz is doing MUCH better....swelling and spasms are under control for now...we just have to REALLY watch her and make sure that it doesn't swell back up!! There's NO was just her body in overdrive that was giving it a false positive for an infection. She is able to eat soft foods and drink just about anything now and her fever seems to be something of the past ;-) she was up ALL night asking for food and trying to escape from her room to get to the staff/family fridge in the other they ended up putting an ankle monitor on her!!! ;-0 only my leiz would be put on "hospital arrest"!!!
So needless to say she's definitely feeling better and getting back to little fiery sassy self :-) thank you for all your prayers and please continue to pray that the swelling stays down...or we will be back in the hospital. HOPEFULLY NOT!!