Friday, January 29, 2016

Jessica - Aria's Update - upcoming surgery

Aloha Friends and Family, First, we wanted to thank you for your prayers and the prayers of so many! Over the last two days we have received really great news in terms of Aria. First, yesterday we had a meeting with the Genetic doctor and after many questions and a full physical exam she determined that right now they do not want to do any genetic testing. She said that other than the cystic hygroma on her next she does not have any other physical differences. She did say that once they fully remove the growth, and it is tested, they will want to meet with us to go over those results and to see if we need any further testing then, but for now she is doing really good. Then today we had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon and he was really impressed to see how much her cyst has shrunk. He really feels like they can go in now and safely and effectively remove the growth. We are scheduling an appointment at the end of March so he can see her again. Then, after that appointment he would like to go in and remove what is left inside as well as the extra skin outside! We are looking at either April 11th or 25th for that surgery. We are praising God for this great news and feel really blessed by the prayer support we have received; thank you for loving us and our family through this time Blessings, Jessica S.

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