"Update on Mark. They are admitting him. Will be in for a couple of days depending on how he responds to treatment I am touched and overwhelmed with appreciation for all the prayers and support. Thank you!"
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 30, 2016
Marcos M. - uncle George
"Prayers appreciated for my Uncle George and for my Aunt Linda in Phoenix and family as he is in the last few hours to days of his life!
I have never heard anyone speak badly of Uncle George! Good man...knows his Lord, and loves his family! Thanks all!"
Mark G. - health
"Seems like I spend the first few days of furlough sick every time! Can't see out of my right eye. Very frustrating! Since I can't see to do much I can certainly pray for folks, I know several who are hurting tonight. How can I pray for you?"
Kari R. - husband's update
"Eric did very well in both surgeries. Cyst was removed; not malignant. Hardware reconstructed. Thank you to those that have been sitting with us for hours on end. To the countless that have reached out to me as I sit waiting. To the hundreds of folks uplifting Eric in prayer. His pain is great, recovery will be longer than anticipated. Two months for fusion to take. Please continue to think of Eric as he walks through recovery. We are blessed in so many ways, and praise God for his faithfulness."
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Kari R. - husbands health
"Thank you to all that prayed for Eric. He felt the peace of Christ in the hours leading up to surgery. All went well; success. Now we move into surgery number two later this week. We continue to covet your prayers."
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Steve S. - Healing
"I fell on some slippery rocks at a park this afternoon and dislocated my left wrist. It was so immediately misshaped I thought surely it was broken. I was alone with no cell phone, so I drove myself to the ER and called Anne. Pastor Hiob dropped her. But long, painful story later, and praise God, it was not broken. A team of orthopedic doctors are visiting from Taiwan this month, so the Lord even provided an expert, Dr. Shih, in the picture with me, to take care of it. He pulled my wrist back into place (a pain I will never forget), put on a cast, and now I'm resting, rather painfully, at home. I’d appreciate your prayers for good healing and decreased pain."
Friday, December 23, 2016
Randy S- boy's health
Hey, can you help me get a prayer chain going for a little boy named Dakota. They had to life flight him. He is having seizures. Forward this to everyone you can please!
Thursday, December 22, 2016
KB H. - health
"Hey friends and family. Some of you know and some of you don't but I have been having some serious health issues for the past few months. I am asking for prayers as I go in today for a biopsy on a nodule on my thyroid that may or may not be cause some of the issues. Pray for good results and steady hands.
Also for the other medical tests and doctors appointments upcoming in the next months pray for wisdom for the doctors and answers for the questions as well as patience for me as I sit in waiting. I am open to questions about any of it or if you want to know more just don't want to bore everyone, just private message me."
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Geola and Lila - health
Please continue to lift Geola and Lila up in your prayers. Geola is has been dealing with pain in her leg. She will be getting surgery next month. Lila has been sick and needs strength and healing. She still teaches. Pray for healing for both and God's continued guidance/peace in their lives.
Linda M. - upcoming surgery
"In a few hours I'm having my torn rotator cuff repaired. Feeling anxious."
Friday, December 16, 2016
Kari R. - husband
December 16, 2016
His pain registers at a seven, sometimes as high as an eight. He hurts ALL the time. Relentless.
We don’t know why. We simply accept it as part of what God has called us to. Easier for me; so much easier. He can’t sleep because his pain wakes him. He powers through most days, engaged when he could easily call it quits. Commitment.
We’ve had a good run since our last major surgery. This time they cut him, give him a day to rest, and then flip him over for surgery number two. Two major surgeries in three days’ time. Stress.
Each time we go through this, we’re reminded how much we need God, and how much we love one another. As he prints out the passwords for me, just in case, I worry that this time will be the last. Reality.
Eric pushes through his pain in ways I cannot comprehend. When I have menstual cramps, I can barely function. He is somehow coping with 7/8 pain levels, and still takes the time to stop and shake a homeless man’s hand on the street. Love.
Victor's - grandma health
Please pray for Victor's grandma. She was taken to the hospital. Pray for healing and comfort during this time.
Larry F. - sister and family
"Friends, it is not easy to express the gratitude I have for prayers during our time of need and yet I come to you again. I received word today, that my oldest sister Jan passed away. Plans are pending. Pleas keep my family in prayer."
Friday, December 9, 2016
Lynn S. - health
"Please keep me in your prayers. I'm crazy sick and my husband is out of the country :/ I hate to cancel commitments and programs.
So thankful for my kids they have been a huge help ❤️ Thank you"
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Ann J. - health
"I must admit. I just had a 45 minute nap in the minivan. Not feeling well. Please pray for me as I cannot afford to be sick. I postponed a test I was supposed to have this week due to illness. But most importantly, I have a surgical procedure planned for next week. It must be done! It cannot be postponed. Thanks for your prayers in advance."
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Kevin J. - officers Injury/recovery
"Stressful day! My friend and fellow officer got caught in a crossfire and was shot this morning a few blocks from our corps. God was with him today. He'll be in my thoughts and prayers during his recovery."
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Anthony J.- dad's health
"They're getting Dad's discharge papers ready. They've diagnosed as epilepsy, but not for sure. He won't be able to drive for 6 months. If you know Dad, he likes to drive so visit him we you can. Pray the medicine keeps him from having another epileptic attack. Thanks for the prayers."
Van Y.- son's surgery
"Friends and Family, my son in law Nick is headed to Surgery, prayers are appreciated."
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Sarah W. - pregnancy
"This morning I was urgently sent to the ER by my OB upon her reading my EKG results from yesterday. The two possible diagnoses presented to us were not good; a pulmonary embolism or perinatal cardiomyopathy (heart failure). They proceeded with the testing, blood work, and observation. I was seriously overwhelmed. My brave (& dreamy) husband prayed; we laid hands on my heart and belly and asked God to heal and guide and calm.
Seven+ hours later and they found out that NEITHER of those diagnoses belonged to me, hallelujah!! What I do have is an irregular heartbeat that moves too fast. That, coupled with all the extra blood I'm currently pumping & a whole lot of baby, results in symptoms mimicking that of something MUCH much more serious. But nothing threatening the lives of me or our precious babies like was thought just earlier this same day! It's been a day. But many people have been praying, & we are very thankful this Thanksgiving weekend❤️
#tribeward #twinmama #twomorewardboys #listentoyourheart"
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Jonathan S. - Legal Case
"Dear God, Lord of all. I need a good laywer to represent me in my civil right case.please answer my prayer .amen. I would like to start this intersesery prayer . I believe God will see me though"
Monday, November 21, 2016
Chris G. - family and moving
"Prayers for strength and endurance please. It is especially needed now!"
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Suzyt M.C. - Health
"Please continue to pray for Diane-- they believe the virus started in her heart :(.........and now the issue is her heart functioning. Pray for my Dad, who is also struggling with what is going on AND his own health issues. It's a rough time. :( Thank you friends and family."
Friday, November 18, 2016
Raymond E.- health
"I got it........scratchy & very sore throat, plugged ears, sinus pain, and entire body aches. Took a long nap this afternoon and still feel the same. Too many long hours of work. Time to take care of me; not effective with anyone if I don't."
Ron M. - wife's health
"Here with Roberta for her 6 week check up. Roberta feels she will be released for work. I am not so sure. She has been getting around well, but gets tired very quickly. I just don't feel her body is healed enough yet. Praying for good news."
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Jessica S. - family's health
"Tis the season for sickness. Both babies have sinus infections and Mike has an appointment on Thursday, we are expecting the same of him. Do antibiotics cure grumpiness? These babies need an anti grumpy shot. 😂"
Monday, November 14, 2016
Bob S.- grandmother's hand
"Please keep my grandmother in prayer. We're taking her to the doctor on Friday to have a growth on her hand removed. She's going to have to lose her pinky finger"
Ron M. - wife's health
"To all our friends! Roberta has been doing great, maybe too much, but now has a bad cold. It's hard keeping her down. I told her she needs to rest. I am going down to Kaiser Hospital Pharmacy and get her some cold medicine. She is still weak. Keep the prayers coming, prayer is the best medicine."
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Sergio G. - health update
"Im home! Yes I'm out! I don't have a definite cause yet, because the cardiologist hasn't spoken with me. I was released but told that it was important that I follow up with a cardiologist. The doctor told me what he thought it was, but the cardiologist has to give me the final diagnosis. They do believe I've had a heart attack, something called a silent event because the symptoms feel like the flu, or muscle pain. And I have some decrease heart efficiency but he didn't say how much. For now I'm on a daily dose of aspirin until the cardiologist speaks with me and sets further treatment.Thanks everyone for your prayers and support! "
Saturday, November 12, 2016
David L. - mom's health
"Friends please take a moment now and pray for my Momma, Helen Leonard. She is experiencing a tremendous amount of pain right now. My heart broke when I heard her voice. I can't be there to give her comfort, but the power of our collective prayers can do a mighty work."
Friday, November 11, 2016
Sergio G. - health
"For those that have been worried, praying and asking about me. I had to visit the Urgent Care on Wednesday night due to chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms. Urgent Care sent me to the ER because I am diabetic and have an increase chance of heart problems. I was admitted to Torrance Memorial and have been here ever since doing tests to try and figure out what is going on. They now believe that I was NOT experiencing a heart attack, but my EKG results show that I may have had what they call a "silent event" before then, not sure when. They have an EKG on file from 2012 and my test show decrease in heart function. But its not a HUGE decrease. They are now just trying to figure out what kind of care I need. Last night I had a Echo-cardiogram (ultrasound of the heart, which was way cool to watch!) and the cardiologist is reviewing the results. Depending on how severe it is, I may have to undergo some treatment today and stay a few more days, or maybe go home and see another cardiologist to follow up on my care. I'm hopeful that I will be going home today and will just need to follow up with care. In other words, I have something wrong, but hoping its not that bad =)"
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Monica C. - husbands surgery/recovery
Update on Rob. He's doing much better, already notices a difference. Only issues come from the incision, (it's gross, but Rob wanted everyone to see it). Last night was rough with his sleep apnea, pain/swelling in his throat from incision and nausea from meds. The heavy sedation and not having his machine was causing breathing problems, but alarm caught it each time his breathing stopped. Once we hooked him up to the sleep apnea machine, he was fine. He's hoping to go home today, so he can sleep better; waiting for the Dr. Thank you all for the continued prayers! 💖
Lila P. - Mara's health
"Mara....let your heart not be troubled....give the pain and worries...to God....rest, feel assured, trust and remember, you are so loved, and often thought of by many and during times of your appt...even more so bathed in prayer...love you my precious niece. I wanna hold your hand and make the sick disappear.....
To all my prayer warrior ohana.please pray healing over those in need especially today pray for Mara, Malia Estioko, Wendy, and other cancer victims..God show Your power! Amen."
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Sam G. - surgery
"Tomorrow morning I am getting surgery for the first time to repair my torn ACL. This happened 6.5 weeks ago and have only told a few about it. Although it has been long and challenging time, I appreciate every one's care and concern. Thank you for the continued support and prayers."
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Salvation Army Israel Study Tour
Please continue to pray for our Israel tour. There are 69 of us in this group. So far, we have been blessed and kept safe during our tours. Praise the Lord! May God continue to use us in a powerful way to bring hia light and grace to those that we come in contact with.
Jenn S. - accident
"I was in a pretty bad car accident this evening. I am in a lot of pain but praise be to God, no serious injuries were found. Please keep me in prayer, as I am supposed to be going to India for mission work this Saturday and I really hope I can still go and have very little pain while there!"
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
David L. - wife's health
"A busy and long day ahead. Please keep Geri in your thoughts and prayers today. She has not been well this past week."
Julie S. - son's health
"We found out yesterday the Andrew's surgery is scheduled for 1:20 on Wednesday. We were really hoping for a morning time. Please pray for us all tomorrow. I just want to be on the other side of this with a boy on the mend. He seems fine about everything, but I am feeling anxious. Trusting God."
Kari Su R. - husband health
"Eric's endured chronic pain for four years now. A good day registers at a three. An active day can go as high as an eight. Today we saw the MRI and CAT scans that revealed the why. Crushed disc, unstable rocking vertebrae, and benign cyst in spine. Our future brings another surgery in the front, and then the back. This will bring with it opportunities to witness to medical staff, through our love in action. I am so proud of my husband. You'd never know he was in pain. He pushes through it in God's strength. Prayers appreciated."
Monday, October 17, 2016
Tim F. - Trip
"Some of you may know that Cindy and I are getting set to embark on journey starting tomorrow to Kenya. We have the privilege of being part of a teaching team conducting a Brengle Institute for officers of both Kenya West & East terrorties. I covet prayers for our travels and participation in this ministry. Oct 18-31 is when we are gone. If you see a lot of FB post related to this you will know why."
Friday, October 14, 2016
Rachel J. - weight loss plan
"Friends, I am embarking on a serious weight loss journey and would appreciate your prayers. With the help of a nutritionist we have come up with a plan. This journey will not only help me lose the weight, but will also help me keep it off in the long run. While this will not cure any illnesses or injuries, it will help. I am excited, scared, and nervous all at the same time. Please also pray, as a couple of the much needed medicines I am on make me gain weight. It is going to take some work, but with God's help I can do this!"
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Shannan S. - Employment
"Hey Facebook family! You'll see some timeline additions some from very dear to my heart ones of you. Lately, I've had a bit more time to spend thinking about past experiences and people who have influenced my life in numerous ways-because I'm career searching again. Please send prayers and positive thoughts our way because I don't want to lose the blessings we've got in the arrangement with Partners In Housing because I don't have full-time income. I'm going to assignments again with the sub agency, but it's not acquiring enough income for what my budget needs. I've applied for various employment opportunities, but nothing has so much as entertained an interview yet. I'll have the use of my phone until October 21, but unless I can pay the past due amount, Verizon will suspend my service. You'll all be kept in the updates from now till then. Hoping for the best, hoping the worst doesn't happen."
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Chris G. - Family
:Thank you all for the prayer support, the enemy is working overtime with us and we will not let him win, please keep our family in your prayers as we deal with the decisions we have made. I can finally say that through it all, I finally feel free. No more dealing with perceptions from people who want to look at falsehoods as truth and gospel! Question everything!"
Monday, October 10, 2016
Rachel J. - husbands update
Mike J. is out of surgery. Everything went well. They did find a small polyp which they are sending out for testing, but they were pretty positive that it isn't anything serious, but we will find out for sure in a couple of weeks. His throat surgery also went well. They had to do another expansion, but they are hopeful that this may be the last one he needs. Please continue to keep him in prayer as he heals.
Rachel J.- husbands surgery
"Please keep Mike Johnson in your prayers. He is having a second surgery to help unblock his esophagus and also another procedure today. Thank you for your continued love, support and prayers."
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Kari R. - outreach
"Asking for prayer warriors. Prayerfully selected three local erotic massage locations to visit starting next week. Simply bringing my homemade snickerdoodles and an offering of prayer. It has worked in other countries, so let's give it a go."
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Rose H. - upcoming procedure
"hi facebook friends and family I need to ask for prayers going to have a minor procedure done Thursday just need everything to go ok thanku"
Monday, October 3, 2016
Brother Andy K. - New beginnings
"Please pray for me as I prepare to preach on Sunday. I will be sharing from 1st Peter 1:22-2:3 and Isaiah 6:1-9 on "Living Together as People of Hope." I'll also share a little bit about why we moved to the Springs and what God is doing with us. If you don't have a home church I'd love to see you and for you to come. This is a Great Church! They meet at Smoky Hill High School in the theater at 10am on Sundays. Bless you guys and thank you!"
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Tim F. - Karen T. PTM
"The shock of reading the bulletin this afternoon of Karen T, passing is still reeling me back. Our prayers go to Ron Ronald T. & Keilah T. We are so sorry to hear of this news. Karen was always a big cheerleader of us, never someone shy of giving a big hug and smiles whenever we were around her. We will miss her spirit and love.
Peggy H. - grandson health
"I wanted to share this...please pray for my grandson Cameron. We all love him so much & want him well . Thank you!
We are back in the hospital. Platelets are below 3,000, which puts him at risk for internal bleeding or hemorrhaging. They are doing a platelet transfusion to boost the platelets long enough for other drugs to kick in. His system will actually attack the transfusion platelets, too. Back to square one with little answers. As always, Cam is being a champ!"
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Butch S. - health update
"After chest X-rays, in the process of breathing treatments, and antibiotics by way of an IV, it appears I will be admitted to a room to continue getting the IV and breathing treatments throughout the night.😳
My pneumonia has actually gotten worse even though I was on a strong oral antibiotic."
Joy T. - father PTG
"This Is the first day i've been off since my father passed away that I've been alone that is. let the Waterworks begin. I don't grieve like everybody else because I've always been that person that stood strong, but I'm pretty weak today, please send prayers!!"
Andy K.- wife's health
"Please be praying for healing and rest for Lauren. She has had a nasty infection for several days now that her body is trying to fight. It's a tough time with a new job and we're still unpacking."
Julie S.- son's health update
"Today's update. Andrew had a g-tube as an infant. When they took that out (at least 8 years ago), it probably never healed correctly. So it has been leaking for some time into his abdomen thus all the infection. The surgeon doesn't want to do any repair surgery until all the infection and swelling (etc) is gone. The plan now is that he will get a pic line to do all the meds for the next four weeks, he will be discharged. We will have RN help at home. They will also put a tube in his abdomen that can be clamped off so he can eat, but will be like a g-tube, and will need draining. Then in four weeks he will have surgery to close of the hole in his stomach as well as the tissue, etc. So... there is a plan! I am thinking he will be out by Friday (hopefully), of course I am basing this on not a lot! 😄 everything tends to move slowly."
Butch S. - health
"Prayers needed. Whenever I lay down, I am constantly cough up phlegm, which is a good thing because the secretion in the lung. The problem is that I cannot get any rest and am working hard each time I cough--only had a total of 1 hour sleep last night and 2 hours the night before. My ribs hurt from all the coughing and my throat is raw. At least I get to see my doctor this afternoon to determine if I am getting better."
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Sarah W. - son's health
"Today has been crazy. Cillian has been taken by ambulance to the hospital for breathing trouble, plus a couple other symptoms. He and I will be staying overnight it looks like. Please pray for him!"
Monday, September 26, 2016
Guam Family - 5 children died
Pacific News Center
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
5 siblings dead, 3 escape Yigo fire
Written by Janela Carrera
5 siblings dead, 3 escape Yigo fire
The five children who died in the fire were between the ages of 2 to 14, according to the minors' father, Rino Nathan.
Guam - The Guam Fire Department is investigating the cause of a structure fire that has left five minors dead.
GFD Spokesperson Kevin Reilly says the call came in at around 11 pm Monday about a structure fire in Yigo near the Bank of Guam. When firefighters arrived, Reilly says three of the occupants were able to escape.
PNC interviewed the father of the victims, Rino Nathan, who told us that eight of his children were inside and three were able to escape.
Nathan's five other children--ages 2, 4, 7, 12 and 14--were not able to make it out in time. Nathan, along with several other family members appeared to be distraught as they watched firefighters from a distance conduct their investigation.
At the scene were several fire trucks, ambulances, ALS unit, and the Guam Police Department. Reilly says it's too early to tell at this what may have caused the fire.
Guam Regional Medical City spokesperson Kevin Kerrigan says the three children brought to GRMC from the Yigo house fire: a 6-year old male, an 11-year old male, and a 12-year old female -- were examined by a physician and found to be without injury. They were discharged without being admitted.
Jule S. - son's health update
"Headed to ER to meet Duncan and Andrew. They went to the Dr this morning and the Dr is sending him to ER. Not really sure what is next. We think meeting a surgeon. Prayers would be appreciated."
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Auntie Amy's health
Praise the Lord that Auntie Amy came back home today. Her son, Fred, took her to the doctor's this morning. The doc changed her meds. Pray for her health.
Julie S. - son's health
"Duncan just brought Andrew back from his fourth Dr's appointment in three days. We are all fed up now. Cellulitis is not quickly improving. If it's not better tomorrow then it's back to the Dr again."
Jeannie B.- Biondi's health
"Biondi E. has requested prayer. On Sept. 19th, she had knee surgery. However, she had a really hard time with the anesthesia & thus couldn't do rehab; So she is now in St. Joseph's to get stronger. Please keep Biondi in your prayers. God bless."
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Hayley I. AND LINDA M. - Mall Shooting
Linda: "Christian and I were there. Lenore took care of Christian, while I carried one of the babies out. We are home safe now, but it was really tense. Four people died and others were injured. Please pray for these families."
"Oh my goodness, you guys! My family and I were at the Cascade mall tonight during the shooting and lockdown. We were at Chuck E cheese for me nieces Belle and Devin's birthday party. The shooting was in Macy's directly across from chuck e cheese. We were finally lead by police to the back kitchen door and escaped to our cars. Home safe now at my parent's in Bellingham. All of our other family got out safe too. That was one of he scariest thing's we've ever gone through. Poor Maddie was hysterical. Please pray for the victims and their families!"
Joanne G. - health (update)
Update: "I have been told it would be better to move. The rain and the cold makes it difficult to have any progress. I need to be seen in LA, but would probably have to come back every two months or if there is relapse. The treatment restrictions here and the weather here is not ideal. Yesterday I was having upper abdominal stabbing pain on the right side. That stabbing pain, and the swelling is indicating potential liver complications from all the meds. For the last two weeks I am self treating- no opioids unless I'm about to pass out from pain. Otherwise, just sticking to the standard pain meds and learning to live (or scream) through it. Once I get back home we can bring the pain down and the level of pain should not be so paralyzing. Trusting my Father, trusting my Lord."
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Major Geoff F. - Promoted to Glory
Geoff Freind was assaulted while walking between his hotel and shops in Malawi.
SUPPLIED: THE SALVATION ARMYA Perth man has died after being attacked during a preaching tour in Africa.
Geoff Freind, 60, was a long-serving Salvation Army Major based in the Perth suburb of Morley.
He had taken leave to go on a five-week solo preaching tour in Malawi in eastern Africa when he was attacked while walking from his hotel to nearby shops.
Mr Freind was put in an induced coma at a Johannesburg hospital, but died on Wednesday.
His wife and four sons had travelled to be by his side.
In a statement, the family said they were mourning the loss of their dearly beloved husband, father, son, brother and grandad.
"The family wish to give their thanks to God and the many people who have given support to Geoff and the family during this time," they said.
"Geoff loved Jesus and wanted the world to know Him."
The Salvation Army said Mr Freind's loss would be felt right through the organisation.
It said he left an indelible mark on his family, friends, colleagues and the broader community, having served as a Salvation Army Officer for 34 years.
Terrie W.- Grandpa /family - PTM
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Glory S.- grandpa PTG
Rachel J. - husband health
Jean B.- Audrey H. Health (TSA west family)
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Jean B.- Audrey H.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Joceyln - Presentation
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Sam L.- friends
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Susan D.- father's health
Monday, September 12, 2016
Lono - Surgery / Health
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Sundays Prayer Requests - Shared ones
Friday, September 9, 2016
Jean B.- Margorie P. Promoted to Glory
Joanne G.- health
Jean B. - Corps members
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Anonymous Sunday Request
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Mark H.- health
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Church Members and Volunteers - Health Concerns
Thursday, September 1, 2016
September 25 is Victims of Human Trafficking Day of Prayer
Melody's Brother - Frank
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Storms - Tropical storm Madeline
Chris G.- wife and family
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Mel's brother - Frank
Monday, August 29, 2016
Joanne G. - health
Naomi O. - Health / Spirit
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Terrie W.- Dan's dad
Monday, August 15, 2016
Geola C. - Dad's Health
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
National Seminar on Evangelism (Aug 6-13)
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Joanna W. - health
Friday, July 29, 2016
Victor L.- mom
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Giola - health
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Monica K.- family/fire
Friday, July 22, 2016
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Liane N.- Lydia's health
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Western Bible Conference (July 12-17)
Friday, July 8, 2016
David K.- mom's promoted to Glory
Jonathan H.- Son
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Lena L.- self
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Erin K.- family
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Joanna W.- W.Virginia flood
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Tina T.- husband surgery
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Grady B. - health
Monday, June 20, 2016
Daynette H. - Health
Victor - wife's dad - promoted to Glory
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Music Camp at Camp Homelani
Friday, June 17, 2016
Delton S. - upcoming surgery
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Lena L.- brother
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Barbara A. - Nursing Home
Monday, June 13, 2016
John K. - Amputated leg
Messenger of Light session - Appointments
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Bob L.- back problems
Melissa J.- health - praise the Lord!
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Tiffany and Shawn family
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Kathy D.- Comfort
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Jordyn R.- travel
Friday, May 27, 2016
Joy G.- Larry
Joanne L.- family
Thursday, May 26, 2016
John C.- Brother Larry and Family
Mel P.- friends/family
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Fred A.- friend death
Luke B.- unspoken
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Mark G. - Flight
Ron M.- Strength
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Rev Hi Summer Mission
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Joanne G.- Church member
Friday, May 13, 2016
Men's Camp
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Stacy R- unspoken
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Christa S.- surgery
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Nancy M.- health
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Butch S. - Officers Move
Kathy S. - PTG
Jason M.- parents travels
Thursday, April 28, 2016
WBC Hilo Delegates
Pilgrims Study Tour - Israel and Paul's Mission Locations
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Amy A.- friend's baby
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Kathy S.- dad's health
Rose H.- sister
Monday, April 25, 2016
Shannan S.- housing
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Major Neil S. - Study Tour Prayer - p2
Dave M.- Open Door Missions - Protection
Connie H.- health
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Houston Flood - SA Response
Christi K.- health recovery
Monday, April 18, 2016
Ecuador Earthquake - SA response
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Pray for Ecuador
A magnitude 7.8 earthquake hits Ecuador, killing at least 77 people and injuring more than 500 others.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Pray for Japan
From BBC- More than 240,000 people were urged to evacuate the area amid fears heavy rain could bring landslides and further damage, local media reported.
There is concern for dozens of people feared trapped under rubble.
More than 40 people were killed in Thursday and Saturday's quakes.
About 2,000 people were treated for injuries and nearly 200 are said to be in a serious condition.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Bruce - Recovery
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Monica K. - Mom's health
"My mom is in the hospital and she is very sick. I don't have much information. Please pray."
Saturday, April 9, 2016
David A. - health
Friday, April 8, 2016
Daynette H.- health
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
My wife update
Elaine M.- unspoken
Shoshannah - Surgery
Nancy's Update
Monday, April 4, 2016
Nancy M. - upcoming surgery
"Finally! 18 more hours for surgery, getting nervous but can't wait to be better and back to work."
Friday, April 1, 2016
Major Neil S. - Study Tour Prayer - p1
Mark A. - recovery update
"Had a very good night ! Slept well didn't require any pain meds to get me thru the night. They were waiting on me to start making number 2 again and be able to cough up some spittle if it was blocking my airway. I complied those tasks ! Markie said he felt like a proud Papa !"