Thursday, October 6, 2011

TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests


The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for October 6 2011 (corrected)

“My Dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 17. ”that the proliferation of new ministry openings would be so common and normal that we would have to appoint personnel just to keep track of it, most often, after the fact!” Eva Burrows” (from the book, “One Day - a dream for the Salvation ‘Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.)

General Linda Bond has asked the worldwide Salvation Army to set aside a weekly half hour of prayer , on Thursday morning, 0730 to 0800 , “to pray for new ministry openings to serve the marginalized.”

1.Pray for the leaders of our nation and America’s need of revival; for the Supreme court Justices as they begin their new session; about the rule of relativism as opposed to holding holy the laws of God in our nation; about the loss of history of the principles on which the country was founded. .

2.Pray for our military men and women serving in dangerous parts of the world, Pray for our military families who have lost loved ones. Pray for those facing the challenges of returning home.

3.Pray for General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels David and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, your Corps Officers, and our Employees!

4.Pray for healing for Major Jeff Dennis; Margaret’s daughter. Esther, receiving treatment for headache and eye problems; pray for a speedy and complete healing; pray for Lt Colonel Jan Mowery, having knee replacement surgery next week; for Majors Robert and Betty Keene; Betty fell and has a broken leg, Robert has had eye surgery; For Captain Martin Cooper, medical difficulties, and his wife Nancy caring for her mother;;Major George Rocheleau, double knee replacement surgery; for Major John Brackenbury, surgery last Wednesday; Advisory Board member, Linda Talbert, entering the City of Hope Hospital; for Major Cindy Dickinson; for Major Eric Sholin in hospital; for Jim Spencer, brother-law to Major Judy Nottle, in hospital with cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; William, Pancreatic Cancer; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Peter Daab, in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Priscilla’s mother; Jane Brown; Jim Horgen in poor health .

5.Pray for new born, preemie twins Cady and Shuan Chamberlain, great grandchildren of Majors Ed and Evie Crosby; pray for parents Mike and Julie Chamberlain of Clearwater, FL Corps; for Major William Brown, home from rehab; for Cindy Quinnete; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family; for SSGT Dwayne Smith, For Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Health, and, Tonie, Cancer; pray for Katherine’s friend Davy who is recovering from depression and feeling under attack by the enemy, he’s sent a “Praise God and Thank you Lord” report!

6.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Amy Henessey knee surgery; for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother, David Hopkins; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Hazel Morgan, suffering from debilitating back/sciatica pain preventing a scheduled hip surgery. She needs God’s healing touch! Pray for P. Michael Bailey, that God would bless his ministry in El Salvador

7.Pray for Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Bob Anderson; Major Joe Thompson; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Rusty Tomlinson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Toshio Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross, for William Huston, Pancreatic Cancer, Betty Crowder, kidney problems; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease.

8.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Jim Smith, brother of Major Sheryl Tollerud and Captain Tim Smith, his cancer has advanced seriously, but he has given his life over to the care of the Lord and is trusting in Him; for Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, receiving radiation treatment; for Sally Landsburg, diagnosed with a rare and unusual cancer; pray for Nigel Thomas, of Romford Corps in London, with brain tumors. Pray for his sister, Abigail Rolf, of Phoenix, and brother in law, Major Darren Norton; Major Lola Bacon, chemotherapy; Charles Desiderio of Las Vegas, stage four cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer;; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 breast cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy; for Nella Swanson’s sister, Margaret, in Ireland, cancer of the spine;.

9.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory; Mrs. Bernice Vance, mother of Commissioner Pat Swyers; for Captain Andres Esponiza and his family in the passing of his father; Major Candice Frizzell’s family in the passing of her mother, Marge Frizzell: Jose Carrillo, father of Major Ruth Scott; the family of Brigadier Bienvenido Acosta, of Capitola, CA; Beverly Gilger of Spokane Valley, mother of Major Don Gilger and Barbara Gilger; May God give His comfort and care for each family member.

Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator

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