Friday, July 15, 2011

TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests

Good morning!

Below, please find this weeks "Call to Prayer"

In just a couple of weeks, many of our young people will be starting school. Many changes will taking place within our families as summer draws to a close. Changes bring new challenges. Sometimes when we have challenges they feel like we're fighting a battle. Perhaps a Spiritual Battle?

As David fought the Philistine's (Giants) in his life, he knew that he could not do it without the strength of the Lord.

1 Samuel 17: 47 reminds us "...for the battle is the Lord's..."

We have this promise that no matter what challenges or battles we face, they all belong to the Lord. He will be there when we need Him the most.

I pray that you will continue to uplift those who are facing battles in areas of their perhaps with spiritual issues, health issues and relationships. We all need the prayer support of friends and family.

Please remember our new Officers in the division that have joined our Ohaha. As they begin their ministries they too will face challenges as they lead their corps and community ministries. Pray for them today!

May God richly bless you as you lift one another in daily prayer.


Major Shelley


The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for July 15, 2011

“The nicest place to be is in someone’s thoughts! The safest place to be is in someone’s prayers! And the best place to be is in God’s hands!” (Marilyn Austin. A Guideposts reader)

“One Day- A dream for The Salvation Army” a book written by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court. Pray that in the coming days greater emphasis will be made in the power of faith- believing prayer for The Salvation Army.
Prayer needs to be a central theme for all to embrace.

This week’s Prayer Requests:

1.Pray for the nation’s leaders and its people to value the deep things of God – matters of the heart and faith, not surface issues. And pray that Americans will see life as it is, not as Hollywood portrays it..
2.Pray for the 500+leaders of our Nation who are responsible for finding a solution to the long term risks of a debt default. They need your fervent prayers. Pray for the President, and the Congress as they reconcile the huge financial problems facing our country. May God give them vision and a ways to reconcile opposing points of view to guide our country to new greatness
3.Pray for the safety of our military men and women serving in dangerous parts of the world, particularly in Afghanistan, along the Pakistan border. Pray for our military families; as their loved ones give their all in service for America.

4.Pray for General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels Dave and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt Colonel Ron and Pam Strickland, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, your Corps Officers, and our Employees.

5.Pray for Alex & Monique Summers and the Klawock Corps in Prayer; for Gary Keith, who has to have foot surgery; for Nikolas Dominguez, 5 year old son of Angelina and Michael recovering from open heart surgery; for twelve year old Sydney Smith; for Major Bunny Lane and for her husband Major Bill; for Major John Cross, health issues; for Jaycie Slocum, who has MRSA Staph infection; pray for Majors Erik and Angie Sholin, health issues; for David, mass in bladder and urethra,; for; Susan Spencer, healing; Peter Daab in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital, sister of Major Ernie Clevett; Roland Perry’s wife, Valerie, receiving Chemo treatments; Major Kevin & Tammy Ray’s daughter in law’s father; Major Elvia Roman recovering from surgery; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Priscilla’s mother; Jane Brown; for Mary Kyle; for Dave Marquez; Gail Stewart; Jim Horgen in poor health; .

6.Pray for; Major Diana Trimmer for her continuing health difficulties; for healing for Terri LaBarge who had hip replacement surgery on July 13; Major Eileen Hoogstad, for a quick healing from her recent kidney surgery; for Major Pearl Markham recovering from by pass surgery; for Major Rudy Hedgren, recovering from surgery; for Ramon Ocano, very sick in hospital in Mexico; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; for Captain Phyllis Pease; healing for Diane’s broken clavicle; Melissa; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; Captain Les Spousta’s father who has been in hospital; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family.

7.Pray for Major Donna Hurula who has had her right knee replaced, pray for her healng; for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger receiving treatment options for a “suspicious lump, Pray that the results wil be negative”; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother, David Hopkins, in hospice, and for his wife, Diane, who is not well.; for Cathleen and P. separation and custody issues; for Chris W. for healing from a bad fall; for Major Ron Wildman who asks for prayer for his brother in Idaho; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; Captain Kory Acosta; Pray for Lt. Eric Rudd, spinal surgery; Joan McKinnon and her family. For Cesar; for Commissioner Orval Taylor; A/Capts Alvin Solts recent surgery and for Roberta, healing of a badly pulled muscle; Major Bob Anderson; Major Luis and Abby Diaz; Major Joe Thompson; Major Robert Smith: Major Royce Bynum; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Robert Rubin; Major Rusty Tomlinson; Major Erik Sholin; and for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Toshio Terashita father of Captain Stacey Cross, very ill..

8.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, under Chemo treatment after surgery; for Carol’s brother, facing surgery to remove a mass in his bladder; ; for Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, diagnosed with Lymphoma; for Michelle stage 2 Breast Cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy treatment; Roger Lewis; Robert Murayama; Heidi E.; Loraine Hoonout; Barbara of Tab Corps; Eileen O'Brien; and Jacob Galland;

9.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory: Commissioner Will Pratt on July 13. Pray for his wife, Kathleen, son and daughter, Graham and Avril; for Major Terry Camsey and his family, Beryl, Martin, Roz; for the family of Nora Hall, husband, Larry, son Scott and Amy, and two brothers; for the Sharon Kessler family and her daughter Major Orpha Moody, Greg and their children; for the family of Lowell (Skip) Sargeant; for family, Susan and Ivan, whose son was deceased; for Major Mary Dickinsons, whose mother was Promoted to Glory; May God give His comfort and care for each family member.

10.Pray for the Staff and Young people who are attending Salvation Army Camps throughout the territory this summer. May the wonder of God’s creation and His love and forgiveness influence many to receive Jesus as Lord this summer.

11 Send Prayer Requests and Praise reports to our Web Address: SAPRAYUSW.COM.

Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator

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