Thursday, December 29, 2011
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for December 29, 2011
Remember to thank God for the many who have given so generously to help the needy this Christmas. May God bless and touch them! “The reason for the Season?”…. It is Jesus!
Your Special Gift
What’s the most special gift you’ve ever received? Why was it special? Chances are this gift isn’t precious to your heart because it was expensive or unique. Instead it was likely something thoughtful from a person dear to you. Perhaps it met a need in a desperate time, brought comfort in a season of pain, or simply offered good memories of special times. The fact is, that our most cherished gifts are often those that come from the heart.
As Christians, we can offer such a gift every day, even to those we’ve never met. It’s the gift of intercession – seeking God’s aid on behalf of friends, strangers, and even enemies. Perhaps the greatest thing about intercession is that it doesn’t require any special talents or training, just a compassionate heart and a desire to see God make a difference in someone else’s life.
These Call to Prayer lists give each of us an opportunity to give the gift of prayer to those specially in need of our prayers. Give the gift of your prayer!
1.Pray for The ARC men and women who are participating in the 24/7 prayer crusade, “Stay on the Wall,to Set the Captives Free.” Put Religious Freedom on your Prayer List!
2.Pray for our military men and women and their families, as the deployed return home. Pray for the families of those who will never come home.
3.Pray for our International, National, Territorial, Divisional, and Corps Leaders: May God give them vision, grace and joy during this coming New Year!
4.Pray for: Florence Brice recovering from successful surgery, Toni Parker, entering hospice care this week, for A/Captain Alice McKay in hospital after suffering a stroke; Major Lanell Washington ,knee surgery on Dec 19; for Advisory Board Members, David Heyting and Pierre Gehlen, for James Morrow, Sharon (Major Maynard Sargent’s sister) ;Mike’s dad, Raymond Frost, leukemia; for Brandon Brackenbury; Captain Maria Espinoza, healing from surgery; Jayne McAllister, mother of Captain Lawry Smith; Jenifer Wilson asks for prayer for her father in need of a liver transplant.
5.Pray for healing; for Tavia Dutton, recovering after hip surgery, for Major Clem Leslie ; for Major Mary Dickinson; for Larry Dayton; for Floyd Seibling; for John Watson: for Captain Barbara Wehnau; for Esther; For Captain Martin and Nancy Cooper,for Major Cindy Dickinson; for Jim Spencer, cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother; Bonnie, a stroke; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Jim Horgen, Salem, Ore.
6.Pray for; Captain Mark and Vicki Gilden’s, new-born Grandson, Grant Lambert Bittinger; for Aaliyah; for Patty; Chad; for James Shull; for Gail V.; David Robinson; for Kristy and her family; for Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Terashita, for Teddy McVicker; for Betty Crowder.
7.Pray for the Spousta family, son-in-law SSGT Dwayne Smith, wife, Ralauni,scheduled for gall bladder surgery, 2 year old Kamia; Shawn Meadows, for Brittany’s sister; for Amy Henessey ; for the Spencers; for Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Hazel Morgan, for P. Michael Bailey’s ministry in El Salvador
8.Pray for Retired Officers: with health problems; Major Elibeth Delgado; Major Pearl Reid; for Major Ben LaBarge, lymphoma; Major Verna Hughes; for Major Eric Sholin; Captain Sylvia Waldron; Major Kay Stoops; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Bob Anderson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Rusty Tomlinson.
9.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Kathy, who has just been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus; Mary Chubbuck, of Georgetown Maine; Shirley Cota’s brother, stage 4 cancer; Kevin Lowenberg; Pauline, sister of Captain David Allen; Karen Beaver, Lynn Rinehart, wife of Dr John Rinehart,for Marian Hammitt of Sacramento; Raymond Frost, Leukemia;; Major Fred Rasmussen; Major Bill Mulch; Major Lola Bacon, prayer for approval of a clinical trial program for her leukemia treatment at OHSU;Tonia; for Sally Landsburg; Abigail Rolf; Major Darren Norton; for Rev. William Huston, pancreatic cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M.; Ricky,; Major Ronda Gilger’s, sister, Diane; Valerie Perry;for Michelle for Dennis B.; for Pat Park for Jane, ; for Sandra’s father; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy.
10.Pray for the families of those who have recently been Promoted to Glory: the father of Captain Cathy Boyd; Major Harold Wells, Major Georgia Steele’s brother, Doug Satterwhite; William Nick Nickolet; West Kenyon, who lost his father this past week; for Major David Hathorn of Marian Ohio, brother of Major Bill Hathorn; and for those who minister to the bereaved.
11.Begin now to pray every day for the coming Congress in Pasadena this June 2012! Pray for the General as she prepares heart and mind and pray for all those working to create a life changing, glorious experience for everyone attending and participating in each presentation. And Pray for our Cadets, soon to be commissioned at the historic event!
Prayer…that’s the special gift that you can give!
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Dip and Donna
Please pray for Dip and Donna P. They are home sick today. May God's healing hands be upon them!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Thank you!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Angel Tree
Amy A.
Leslie and Family
We have received word that the brother of Leslie F. (DHQ Development Department employee) passed away over the weekend due to unfortunate circumstances. Funeral services are pending. We will share information as received.
Please keep this family in your prayers during these days of bereavement.
Cards may be sent to: Family of the late Solomone F.
41-520 Flamingo Street
Waimanalo, HI 96795
Thank you and God bless you!
*May the Lord strengthen and comfort this family as they mourn the loss of their love one. May He be with Leslie during this difficult time and give her His wonderful peace!
TSA Camp Staff and Family
Sharing information received regarding George/Stacey R. family (George is our Maintenance Director at Camp Homelani).
Joe Harvey-Hall has shared that Stacey's father passed away in Fresno, CA. due to health issues.
Kindly keep the family in your prayers during these days of bereavement. They traveled to the mainland and are with family.
Cards may be sent to George and Stacey R., 68-243 Olohio Street, Waialua, HI 96791-4304
Thank you and God bless you!
*May the Lord comfort them with His wonderful peace! May His presence shine ever so brighty over them during this difficult time!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Ciara Mesa
Revolution Hawaii's student, Ciara Mesa, spent almost a month in Hill helping the Salvation Army. She left today to go back to Cali to visit her family. Rev Hi is a year long mission field for young people. May the Lord continue to guide her and all her session mates.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Mrs. Parong and Auntie AmyAmy
May the Lord be with Mrs. Parong and Auntie Amy during this difficult time with their health. May His healing hands upon them. May they feel the Lord's presence and His wonderful peace! May this time in the hospital also serve as a wonderful and blessed time with their families and friends. Lord, we ask for healing power in their lives.
Friday, December 16, 2011
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
Below please find this weeks "Call to Prayer" from Lt Col Morelock.
The following scripture was taken from a devotional that I receive each day - "Daily Light on the Daily Path". May these words remind you of God's love for you during this Christmas time. May the rich blessings of this Advent Season be yours today.
December 16
Having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.
I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which you have given me; for they are thine. And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. I pray not that thou should take them out of the world, but that thou should keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. - Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do whatsoever I command you. - A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
He which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. - Christ ... loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word.
John 13:1. John 17:9,10,15,16. John 15:9. John 15:13,14. John 13:34. Phi. 1:6. Eph. 5:25,26.
Major Shelley Hill
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for December 16, 2011
During this Holiday Season, share the Christmas Joy with every one your meet! Remember to pray for all those who will be standing kettles, packing boxes of food, sorting toys, and preparing Christmas Dinners for the needy and shut-ins. May God bless and touch those who are giving to help the needy. “What is the reason for the Season?” It is Jesus!
My Dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 27, Responsive to the voice of God …”That our people would be quick to respond to the voice of God for whatever he calls them to.” Fleur Hodge (From the book, “One Day - a dream for the Salvation Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.)
General Linda Bond has called every Salvationist to join in prayer every Thursday morning, for a half hour between 5am and 8am that we would become the people God wants us to be, and to do what He wants us to do. Pray that we shall seek the Holy Spirit, become energized, and equipped for the ministry of the 21st century. More information on this International Vision: One Army, One Mission, One Message, may be found at ( .
1.Pray for The ARC men and women who are participating this month of December in the 24/7 prayer crusade, “Stay on the Set the Captives Free” with emphasis on Social Justice. Put Religious Freedom on your Christmas Prayer List!
2.Pray for our military men and women wherever deployed, and for the safe withdrawal of our remaining troops from Iraq by December 31. Pray for our military families who are reuniting as the deployed return home from Iraq. Pray for the families of those who will never come home.
3.Pray for our International, National and Western Territorial leaders: General Linda Bond, and our International and National Leaders, and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels David and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, and your Corps Officers!
4.Pray for: A/Captain Alice McKay in hospital after suffering a stroke; Major Lanell Washington ,knee surgery on Dec 19; for Advisory Board Members, David Heyting and Pierre Gehlen, for James Morrow, Sharon (Major Maynard Sargent’s sister) ;Mike’s dad, Raymond Frost, leukemia; for Brandon Brackenbury, complete healing; Captain Maria Espinoza, healing from surgery; Jayne McAllister, mother of Captain Lawry Smith; Jenifer Wilson asks for prayer for her father in need of a liver transplant.
5.Pray for healing for: Major Clem Leslie, recovering from a stroke; Major Debbie Hood,recently in the hospital with chest pains; for Major Mary Dickinson recovering from surgery; for Larry Dayton; for Floyd Seibling; for John Watson, son of retired officers Majors Art and Eugenia Watson, in ICU in Wenatchee: Pray for Captain Barbara Wehnau; for Major Jonathan Apuan’s son, Brandon, medical testing; Major Jean Anderson in hospital; for Major Jeff Dennis; for Margaret’s daughter. Esther; For Captain Martin Cooper, medical difficulties, and his wife Nancy caring for her mother; Advisory Board member, Linda Talbert, for Major Cindy Dickinson; for Jim Spencer, brother-law to Major Judy Nottle, cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother; Bonnie, a stroke; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Jim Horgen, Salem, Ore.
6.Pray for;Captain Mark and Vicki Gilden’s, new-born Grandson, Grant Lambert Bittinger; for Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family; for Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease; Betty Crowder, kidney problems.
7.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a heart transplant; for Brittany’s sister, open heart surgery; for Amy Henessey knee surgery; for the Spencers; for Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Hazel Morgan, needing God’s healing touch! Pray for P. Michael Bailey, that God would bless his ministry in El Salvador
8.Pray for Retired Officers: Majors John and Peggy Carr, health problems; Major Elibeth Delgado, in hospital;Major Juanita Clevitt, home after total knee replacement; Major Pearl Reid; for Major Ben LaBarge, lymphoma; Major Verna Hughes; for Major Eric Sholin; Captain Sylvia Waldron; Major Kay Stoops; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Bob Anderson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Rusty Tomlinson.
9.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Kevin Lowenberg, Pauline, sister of Captain David Allen; Karen Beaver, daughter in law of Majors Richard and Martha Beaver; Lynn Rinehart, wife of Dr John Rinehart,for Marian Hammitt of Sacramento; Raymond Frost, Leukemia;; Major Fred Rasmussen, Major Bill Mulch; Major Lola Bacon,Tonia; for Sally Landsburg; for Nigel Thomas, London, Abigail Rolf; Major Darren Norton; for Rev. William Huston, pancreatic cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, Diane, Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 breast cancer; for Dennis B. pancreatic cancer; for Pat Park of Eugene Corps; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy.
10.Pray for the families of those who have recently been Promoted to Glory: the father of Captain Cathy Boyd; Major Harold Wells, Major Georgia Steele’s brother Doug Satterwhite; William Nick Nickolet; Lois Feist’s family; Major Marcia Marcia Baker, Major Larry Feist; West Kenyon, who lost his father this past week; for Major David Hathorn of Marian Ohio, brother of Major Bill Hathorn; and for those who minister to the bereaved during this Christmas Season and throughout the year.
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Friday, December 9, 2011
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
"Take time to be aware that in the very midst of our busy preparations for the celebration of Christ’s birth in ancient Bethlehem, Christ is reborn in the Bethlehem's of our homes and daily lives. Take time, slow down, be still, be awake to the Divine Mystery that looks so common and so ordinary yet is wondrously present.
"An old abbot was fond of saying, ‘The devil is always the most active on the highest feast days.’
"The supreme trick of Old Scratch is to have us so busy decorating, preparing food, practicing music and cleaning in preparation for the feast of Christmas that we actually miss the coming of Christ. Hurt feelings, anger, impatience, injured egos—the list of clouds that busyness creates to blind us to the birth can be long, but it is familiar to us all."
Edward Hays, A Pilgrim’s Almanac
May we not be too busy to take time to enjoy the beauty of this Advent and Christmas season.
May that be our prayer today!
God bless!
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for December 8, 2011
During this Holiday Season, seek to know and share the Christmas Joy with every one your meet! Remember to pray for all those who will be standing kettles, packing boxes of food, sorting toys, and preparing Christmas Dinners for the needy and shut-ins. May God bless and touch those who are giving to help the needy. “What is the reason for the Season?” It is Jesus!
My Dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 26, Global Compassion …”That our compassion would be large enough to be understood as authentically global by what we do at home and abroad” Kenneth W. Maynor (From the book, “One Day - a dream for the Salvation Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.)
General Linda Bond calls Salvationists to join on Thursday mornings, a world- wide, weekly prayer time, to pray that we would become the people God wants us to be, and to do what He wants us to do. Pray that we shall seek the Holy Spirit, be energized, and equipped for the ministry of the 21st century. More information on this International Vision: One Army, One Mission, One Message, may be found at ( .
1.Pray for The ARC men and women who are participating this month of December in the 24/7 prayer crusade, “Stay on the Set the Captives Free” emphasis for Social Justice. Put Religious Freedom on your Christmas List!
2.Pray for our military men and women wherever deployed, and for a safe withdrawal from Iraq by December 31. Pray for our military families who are reuniting as the deployed return home from Iraq. Pray for the families of those who will never come home.
3.Pray for our International, National and Western Territorial leaders: General Linda Bond, and our International and National Leaders, and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels David and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, and your Corps Officers!
4.Pray for: Mike’s dad, Raymond Frost, leukemia; for Brandon Brackenbury, complete healing; Captain Maria Espinoza, healing from surgery, for Major Clem Leslie, recovering from a stroke; for Major Martha Davey, healing from surgery; Jayne McAllister, mother of Captain Lawry Smith, complications following recent surgery; Jenifer Wilson asks for prayer for her father in need of a liver transplant.
5.Pray for healing for: Major Clem Leslie, recovering from a stroke; Major Debbie Hood,recently in the hospital with chest pains; for Major Mary Dickinson recovering from surgery; for Larry Dayton; for Floyd Seibling; for John Watson, son of retired officers Majors Art and Eugenia Watson, in ICU in Wenatchee: Pray for Captain Barbara Wehnau; for Major Jonathan Apuan’s son, Brandon, medical testing; Major Jean Anderson in hospital; for Major Jeff Dennis; for Margaret’s daughter. Esther; For Captain Martin Cooper, medical difficulties, and his wife Nancy caring for her mother; Advisory Board member, Linda Talbert, for Major Cindy Dickinson; for Jim Spencer, brother-law to Major Judy Nottle, cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Peter Daab, in care facility; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Jim Horgen, Salem, Ore.
6.Pray for;Captain Mark and Vicki Gilden’s, new-born son Grant Lambert Bittinger, in hospital with small hole in his lung; for Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family; for Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease; Betty Crowder, kidney problems.
7.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Brittany’s sister, open heart surgery; for Amy Henessey knee surgery; for the Spencers; for Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Hazel Morgan, needing God’s healing touch! Pray for P. Michael Bailey, that God would bless his ministry in El Salvador
8.Pray for Retired Officers: Major Elibeth Delgado, in hospital;Major Juanita Clevitt, home after total knee replacemtn; Major Pearl Reid; for Major Ben LaBarge, lymphoma; Major Albert Steinhauer, pneumonia; Major Verna Hughes; for Major Eric Sholin; Captain Sylvia Waldron; Major Kay Stoops; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Bob Anderson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Rusty Tomlinson.
9.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Pauline, sister of Captain David Allen has had one of her lungs and a vocal cord removed due to cancer. Doctors feel they got all the cancer, but she needs prayer for her and her three children. The father passed away 2 years ago. Pray for them! ; Karen Beaver, daughter in law of Majors Richard and Martha Beaver; Lynn Rinehart, wife of Dr John Rinehart,for Marian Hammitt of Sacramento, chemo treatment; Raymond Frost, Leukemia;; Major Fred Rasmussen, Major Bill Mulch, progress in his care; Major Lola Bacon, chemotherapy;Tonie, Cancer; for Sally Landsburg; for Nigel Thomas, London, Pray for his sister, Abigail Rolf, of Phoenix, and brother in law, Major Darren Norton; for Rev. William Huston, pancreatic cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, Diane, Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 breast cancer; for Dennis B. pancreatic cancer; for Pat Park of Eugene Corps; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy.
10.Pray for the families of those who have recently been Promoted to Glory: Lois Feist, Major Marcia Marcia Baker, Major Larry Feist and nine siblings: the family of Envoy Corrine Erickson of Cordova Outpost, Alaska who was Promoted to Glory on December 3;Major Barbara Blix, whose brother, H.R. “Dick” Oberg, a former officer, was Promoted to Glory on November 27th; for the family of West Kenyon who lost his father this past week; ;for Major David Hathorn of Marian Ohio, brother of Major Bill Hathorn; and for those who minister to the bereaved during this Christmas Season and throughout the year.
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Thursday, December 1, 2011
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for December 1, 2011
It’s Christmas time! Fill your prayers with the joy of the season. Remember to pray for all those who will be standing kettles, packing boxes of food, preparing Christmas Dinners for the needy and visits to the shut-ins. May God bless and touch those who are giving to help those in need. May God and His love permeate our thinking and doing this Christmas so that we all may remember “The Reason For The Season!” It is Jesus!
“My Dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 23, that there would be such an outpouring of the Spirit upon us that we would be courageous and effective witnesses in our families, communities, our country and the world” Rowan Castle. (From the book, “One Day - a dream for the Salvation Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.)
General Linda Bond calls Salvationists to join on Thursday mornings, a world- wide, weekly prayer time, to pray that we would become the people God wants us to be, and to do what He wants us to do. Pray that we shall seek the Holy Spirit, be energized, and equipped for the ministry of the 21st century. More information on this International Vision: One Army, One Mission, One Message, may be found at ( .
1.Begin now praying for the leaders of our nation; may they be given vision and courage to begin the healing of the many factions crying out for change in our country and the world..
2.Pray for our military men and women wherever deployed, and for a safe withdrawal from Iraq by December 31. Pray for our military families who have lost loved ones.
3.Pray for our International, National and Western Territorial leaders: General Linda Bond, our International and National Leaders, and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels David and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, and your Corps Officers!
4.Pray for: Mike’s dad, Raymond Frost, leukemia; for Lois Feist, mother of Major Marcia Baker, very near heaven’s door; for Brandon Brackenbury, complete healing; Captain Maria Espinoza, healing from surgery, for Major Clem Leslie, recovering from a stroke; for Major Martha Davey, healing from surgery; Commissioner Gwen Luttrell, knee surgery; Jayne McAllister, mother of Captain Lawry Smith, complications following recent surgery; Jenifer Wilson asks for prayer for her father in need of a liver transplant.
5.Pray for healing for: Colonel Linda Griffin, recovering from back surgery; for Major Clem Leslie, in hospital due to a stroke; Major Debbie Hood, admitted to the hospital with chest pains; for Major Mary Dickinson recovering from surgery; for Larry Dayton; for Floyd Seibling; for John Watson, son of retired officers Majors Art and Eugenia Watson, in ICU in Wenatchee: Pray for Captain Barbara Wehnau recovering from a fall; for Major Jonathan Apuan’s son, Brandon, medical testing; Major Jean Anderson in hospital with serious infection; for Major Jeff Dennis; for Margaret’s daughter. Esther; For Captain Martin Cooper, medical difficulties, and his wife Nancy caring for her mother; Advisory Board member, Linda Talbert, City of Hope Hospital; for Major Cindy Dickinson; for Jim Spencer, brother-law to Major Judy Nottle, in hospital with cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Peter Daab, in care facility; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Jim Horgen, Salem, Ore.
6.Pray for; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family; for Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease; Betty Crowder, kidney problems.
7.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Brittany’s sister, open heart surgery; for Amy Henessey knee surgery; for the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Hazel Morgan, needing God’s healing touch! Pray for P. Michael Bailey, that God would bless his ministry in El Salvador
8.Pray for Retired Officers: Pray for; Major Juanita Clevett; Major Pearl Reid; for Major Ben LaBarge, lymphoma; Major Albert Steinhauer, Mesa, pneumonia; Major Verna Hughes; for Major Eric Sholin ; Captain Sylvia Waldron; Major Kay Stoops; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Bob Anderson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Joe Thompson; Major Rusty Tomlinson.
9.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Lynn Rinehart, wife of Dr John Rinehart, friend of the Phoenix ARC, for Marian Hammitt of Sacramento, receiving chemo treatment; Raymond Frost, Leukemia;; Major Fred Rasmussen, recovering from surgery; Major Bill Mulch, progress in his care; for Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, completion of radiation treatments; Major Lola Bacon, chemotherapy;Tonie, Cancer; for Sally Landsburg, diagnosed with a rare and unusual cancer; pray for Nigel Thomas, of Romford Corps in London, with brain tumors. Pray for his sister, Abigail Rolf, of Phoenix, and brother in law, Major Darren Norton; for Rev. William Huston, pancreatic cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, Diane, Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 breast cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Pat Park of Eugene Corps; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy.
10.Pray for Major Barbara Blix,whose brother, H.R. “Dick” Oberg, a former officer, was Promoted to Glory on November 27th; for the family of West Kenyon who lost his father this past week; ;for Major David Hathorn of Marian Ohio, brother of Major Bill Hathorn; for Captain Kathleen Johnson, whose mother was Promoted to Glory two weeks ago; and for those who minister to the bereaved during this Christmas Season, and throughout the year.
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Friday, November 25, 2011
Hilo Thanksgiving and Christmas Season
The Hilo Salvation Army kicked off its Christmas kettle program on Nov. 21. This will last until Christmas eve. May the Lord guide all the effort that will be going into this time. May the Lord bless everyone's effort and every giver who puts into the kettle.
May the Lord bless all the volunteers who will be manning the angel tree. May the Lord continue to bless the gift giver and their families during this season! May those who receive these gifts be blessed in a way that they will look towards God and give Him all the Glory! May all understand and accept the reason for the season!
Above all, may the Lord be glorified through this holiday season!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Youth group
Please pray for the youth (teenagers who meet on Fridays). May the Lord continue to guide, challenge each one to strive to be Jesus, and bless them on their. Life journey!
Friday, October 28, 2011
A/ Captains - Kolonia Corps

Please pray for the Kolonia Corps (church) in Pohnpei. Pray that the people will continue to be shaped and molded into the image of our Lord Jesus! May the Holy Spirit impact them in a powerful way, so that they can continue to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord Jesus! May A/ Captains Taylor and Senelyn continually be filled of God's presence and His wisdom as they continue to lead the His people. Oh Lord bless your body in Pohnpei. May the people of Pohnpei surrender it all to you Lord! May they be encouraged that living in Jesus is the best thing to do!
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for October 27 2011
“My Dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 20 ”that 24/7 initiatives will be adopted y individual corps through out the Salvation Army all the time” Judith Bennett . (from the book, “One Day - a dream for the Salvation ‘Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.)
General Linda Bond has invited Salvationists, worldwide, to select a 30 minute period between 5.00 am and 8:am every Thursday morning, for a half hour of prayer, for The Salvation Army’s International Vision: “One Army, One Mission, One Message”. You may join this world wide ministry by signing up at ( and download the 12 International Mission Priorities
The Annual White Ribbon against Pornography (WRAP) is October 30 to November 6.
Wear a White Ribbon as your witness against pornography in obedient response to God’s Call for Christians to be sexually pure.
“Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 NKJV
1.Pray for the leaders of our nation and America’s need of revival; Administration, Congressional leaders, Judicial Needs, for Current Events; The Wars, Terrorism, The Economy, Israel and the Middle East..
2.Pray for our military men and women wherever deployed and for a safe withdrawal from Iraq by December 31. Pray for our military families who have lost loved ones.
3.Pray our International, National and Western Territorial leaders: General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders, and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels David and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, and your Corps Officers!
4.Pray for the Presidential Prayer Team as they prepare to launch the Prayer the Vote 2012. Pray for vision, resources and for specific answers to prayer. Pray for the staff and their families.
5.Pray for healing for Miriam Hammitt, Larry Dayton; Floyd Seibling; for John Watson, son of retired officers Majors Art and Eugenia Watson, in ICU in Wenatchee; Pray for Captain Barbara Wehnau recovering from a fall; for Major Jonathan Apuan’s son, Brandon, medical testing; a pray for Major Verna Hughes outpatient surgery; Major Jean Anderson in hospital with serious infection; Major Kay Stoops ; for Major Jeff Dennis; for Margaret’s daughter. Esther; pray for Lt Colonel Jan Mowery, recovering from knee replacement surgery; For Captain Martin Cooper, medical difficulties, and his wife Nancy caring for her mother; Major George Rocheleau, double knee replacement surgery; Advisory Board member, Linda Talbert, entering the City of Hope Hospital; for Major Cindy Dickinson; for Major Eric Sholin in hospital; for Jim Spencer, brother-law to Major Judy Nottle, in hospital with cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Peter Daab, in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins;; Jim Horgen in poor health .
6.Pray for: Karen and Diana to reconcile; for Louise Wilson,back pain;; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family; for Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross, Betty Crowder, kidney problems; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease; for Toshio Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross, Betty Crowder, kidney problems; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease.
7.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Amy Henessey knee surgery; for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother, David Hopkins; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Hazel Morgan, suffering from debilitating back/sciatica pain preventing a scheduled hip surgery. She needs God’s healing touch! Pray for P. Michael Bailey, that God would bless his ministry in El Salvador
8.Pray for Retired Officers: Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Bob Anderson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; for
9.Majors Robert and Betty Keene; Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Joe Thompson; Major Rusty Tomlinson;
10.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Major Fred Rasmussen, recovering from surgery; Cindy Quinnete, Major Bill Mulch; for Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, receiving radiation treatment; Major Lola Bacon, chemotherapy;Tonie, Cancer; for Sally Landsburg, diagnosed with a rare and unusual cancer; pray for Nigel Thomas, of Romford Corps in London, with brain tumors. Pray for his sister, Abigail Rolf, of Phoenix, and brother in law, Major Darren Norton; for William Huston, Pancreatic Cancer, Charles Desiderio of Las Vegas, stage four cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer;; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, Diane, Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 breast cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Pat Park of Eugne Corps; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy; for Nella Swanson’s sister, Margaret, in Ireland, cancer of the spine;.
11.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory; James Arthur Smith, brother of Captain Tim Smith and Major Sherryl Tollerud, his wife Gloria and family;; for Captain Andres Esponiza and his family in the passing of his father; Beverly Gilger of Spokane Valley, mother of Major Don Gilger and Barbara Gilger; May God give His comfort and care for each family member.
Mervyn L. Morelock, Lt. Colonel,
Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Thursday, October 20, 2011
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
Below please find this weeks "Call to Prayer" bulletin.
May the Lord be with each of you as you pray each week for these different prayer request.
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
- Romans 8:18
Prayer transforms the heart making us patient and faithful in the midst of trouble... a life of prayer is one of strength!
Dear God, transform my heart as I kneel in prayer... make me patient and faithful so Your glory is revealed in me. Amen
God Bless!
Major Shelley Hill
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for October 20 2011
“My Dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 19 ”that our worship would be filled with creative means to celebrate God’s provisions and presence among us:” Donna Peterson (from the book, “One Day - a dream for the Salvation ‘Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.)
General Linda Bond has invited Salvationists, worldwide, to select a 30 minute period between 5:am and 10:am every Thursday morning, for a half hour of prayer, for The Salvation Army’s International Vision: “One Army, One Mission, One Message”. You may join this world wide ministry by signing up at ( and download the 12 International Mission Priorities
1.Pray for the leaders of our nation and America’s need of revival; for President Obama & Administration, Congressional leaders, Judicial Needs, for Current Events; The Wars, Terrorism, The Economy, Israel and the Middle East, Health Care; and about the principles on which our country was founded. .
2.Pray for our military men and women serving in dangerous parts of the world, Pray for our military families who have lost loved ones. Pray for those facing the challenges of returning home.
3.Pray for International, National and Western Territorial leaders: General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders, and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels David and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, and your Corps Officers!
4.Pray for the victims of the earthquake disaster in Christchurch, New Zealand and for the resources needed to deliver Earthquake relief
5.Pray for healing for Major Jeff Dennis; of Les Apousta Sr, father of Captain Les Spousta of Hobbs, NM and for his daughter, Ralauni, awaiting her third child, for Margaret’s daughter. Esther, pray for a speedy and complete healing; pray for Lt Colonel Jan Mowery, having knee replacement surgery next week; For Captain Martin Cooper, medical difficulties, and his wife Nancy caring for her mother; Major George Rocheleau, double knee replacement surgery; Advisory Board member, Linda Talbert, entering the City of Hope Hospital; for Major Cindy Dickinson; for Major Eric Sholin in hospital; for Jim Spencer, brother-law to Major Judy Nottle, in hospital with cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Peter Daab, in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins;; Jim Horgen in poor health .
6.Pray for: new born, preemie twins Cady and Shuan Chamberlain, great grandchildren of Majors Ed and Evie Crosby; pray for parents Mike and Julie Chamberlain of Clearwater, FL Corps; for Cindy Quinnete; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family; for Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross, Betty Crowder, kidney problems; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease; for Toshio Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross, Betty Crowder, kidney problems; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease.
7.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Amy Henessey knee surgery; for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother, David Hopkins; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Hazel Morgan, suffering from debilitating back/sciatica pain preventing a scheduled hip surgery. She needs God’s healing touch! Pray for P. Michael Bailey, that God would bless his ministry in El Salvador
8.Pray for Retired Officers: Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Bob Anderson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; for Majors Robert and Betty Keene; Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Joe Thompson; Major Rusty Tomlinson;
9.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Jim Smith, brother of Major Sheryl Tollerud and Captain Tim Smith, his cancer has advanced seriously, but he has given his life over to the care of the Lord and is trusting in Him; for Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, receiving radiation treatment; Tonie, Cancer; for Sally Landsburg, diagnosed with a rare and unusual cancer; pray for Nigel Thomas, of Romford Corps in London, with brain tumors. Pray for his sister, Abigail Rolf, of Phoenix, and brother in law, Major Darren Norton; for William Huston, Pancreatic Cancer, Major Lola Bacon, chemotherapy; Charles Desiderio of Las Vegas, stage four cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer;; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 breast cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy; for Nella Swanson’s sister, Margaret, in Ireland, cancer of the spine;.
10.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory; Mrs. Bernice Vance, mother of Commissioner Pat Swyers; for Captain Andres Esponiza and his family in the passing of his father; the family of Brigadier Bienvenido Acosta, of Capitola, CA; Beverly Gilger of Spokane Valley, mother of Major Don Gilger and Barbara Gilger; May God give His comfort and care for each family member.
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Monday, October 17, 2011
Major Fred
Dear Friends:
Major Fred R. will be entering the hospital on Wednesday, October 19, for prostate cancer surgery. While the prognosis is excellent for a fully and relatively speedy recovery, your prayers for Major Fred are greatly appreciated. *May the Lord give Fred peace right now as he anticipate his surgery. May the Lord go before Fred and prepare the way that everything will go well. To God be the Glory!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
TSA Western Prayer Requests
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for October 13 2011
“My Dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 18. ”that those gifted with creative ministry gifts would have every opportunity to employ these very skills in the work of the Army” Carol Jaudes” (from the book, “One Day - a dream for the Salvation ‘Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.)
General Linda Bond has invited Salvationists, worldwide, to select a 30 minute period between 5.00 am and 8:am every Thursday morning, for a half hour of prayer, for The Salvation Army’s International Vision: “One Army, One Mission, One Message”. You may join this world wide ministry by signing up at ( and download the 12 International Mission Priorities
1.Pray for the leaders of our nation and America’s need of revival; for President Obama & Administration, Congressional leaders, Judicial Needs, for Current Events; The Wars, Terrorism, The Economy, Israel and the Middle East, Health Care; and about the principles on which our country was founded. .
2.Pray for our military men and women serving in dangerous parts of the world, Pray for our military families who have lost loved ones. Pray for those facing the challenges of returning home.
3.Pray for International, National and Western Territorial leaders: General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders, and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels David and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, and your Corps Officers!
4.Pray for the victims of the earthquake disaster in Christchurch, New Zealand and for the resources needed to deliver Earthquake relief
5.Pray for healing for Major Jeff Dennis; of Les Apousta Sr, father of Captain Les Spousta of Hobbs, NM and for his daughter, Ralauni, awaiting her third child, for Margaret’s daughter. Esther, pray for a speedy and complete healing; pray for Lt Colonel Jan Mowery, having knee replacement surgery next week; For Captain Martin Cooper, medical difficulties, and his wife Nancy caring for her mother; Major George Rocheleau, double knee replacement surgery; Advisory Board member, Linda Talbert, entering the City of Hope Hospital; for Major Cindy Dickinson; for Major Eric Sholin in hospital; for Jim Spencer, brother-law to Major Judy Nottle, in hospital with cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Peter Daab, in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins;; Jim Horgen in poor health .
6.Pray for: new born, preemie twins Cady and Shuan Chamberlain, great grandchildren of Majors Ed and Evie Crosby; pray for parents Mike and Julie Chamberlain of Clearwater, FL Corps; for Cindy Quinnete; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family; for Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross, Betty Crowder, kidney problems; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease; for Toshio Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross, Betty Crowder, kidney problems; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease.
7.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplnt; for Amy Henessey knee surgery; for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother, David Hopkins; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Hazel Morgan, suffering from debilitating back/sciatica pain preventing a scheduled hip surgery. She needs God’s healing touch! Pray for P. Michael Bailey, that God would bless his ministry in El Salvador
8.Pray for Retired Officers: Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Bob Anderson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; for Majors Robert and Betty Keene; Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Joe Thompson; Major Rusty Tomlinson;
9.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Jim Smith, brother of Major Sheryl Tollerud and Captain Tim Smith, his cancer has advanced seriously, but he has given his life over to the care of the Lord and is trusting in Him; for Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, receiving radiation treatment; Tonie, Cancer; for Sally Landsburg, diagnosed with a rare and unusual cancer; pray for Nigel Thomas, of Romford Corps in London, with brain tumors. Pray for his sister, Abigail Rolf, of Phoenix, and brother in law, Major Darren Norton; for William Huston, Pancreatic Cancer, Major Lola Bacon, chemotherapy; Charles Desiderio of Las Vegas, stage four cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer;; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 breast cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy; for Nella Swanson’s sister, Margaret, in Ireland, cancer of the spine;.
10.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory; Mrs. Bernice Vance, mother of Commissioner Pat Swyers; for Captain Andres Esponiza and his family in the passing of his father; the family of Brigadier Bienvenido Acosta, of Capitola, CA; Beverly Gilger of Spokane Valley, mother of Major Don Gilger and Barbara Gilger; May God give His comfort and care for each family member.
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Officers' Councils
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for October 6 2011 (corrected)
“My Dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 17. ”that the proliferation of new ministry openings would be so common and normal that we would have to appoint personnel just to keep track of it, most often, after the fact!” Eva Burrows” (from the book, “One Day - a dream for the Salvation ‘Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.)
General Linda Bond has asked the worldwide Salvation Army to set aside a weekly half hour of prayer , on Thursday morning, 0730 to 0800 , “to pray for new ministry openings to serve the marginalized.”
1.Pray for the leaders of our nation and America’s need of revival; for the Supreme court Justices as they begin their new session; about the rule of relativism as opposed to holding holy the laws of God in our nation; about the loss of history of the principles on which the country was founded. .
2.Pray for our military men and women serving in dangerous parts of the world, Pray for our military families who have lost loved ones. Pray for those facing the challenges of returning home.
3.Pray for General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels David and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, your Corps Officers, and our Employees!
4.Pray for healing for Major Jeff Dennis; Margaret’s daughter. Esther, receiving treatment for headache and eye problems; pray for a speedy and complete healing; pray for Lt Colonel Jan Mowery, having knee replacement surgery next week; for Majors Robert and Betty Keene; Betty fell and has a broken leg, Robert has had eye surgery; For Captain Martin Cooper, medical difficulties, and his wife Nancy caring for her mother;;Major George Rocheleau, double knee replacement surgery; for Major John Brackenbury, surgery last Wednesday; Advisory Board member, Linda Talbert, entering the City of Hope Hospital; for Major Cindy Dickinson; for Major Eric Sholin in hospital; for Jim Spencer, brother-law to Major Judy Nottle, in hospital with cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; William, Pancreatic Cancer; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Peter Daab, in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Priscilla’s mother; Jane Brown; Jim Horgen in poor health .
5.Pray for new born, preemie twins Cady and Shuan Chamberlain, great grandchildren of Majors Ed and Evie Crosby; pray for parents Mike and Julie Chamberlain of Clearwater, FL Corps; for Major William Brown, home from rehab; for Cindy Quinnete; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family; for SSGT Dwayne Smith, For Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Health, and, Tonie, Cancer; pray for Katherine’s friend Davy who is recovering from depression and feeling under attack by the enemy, he’s sent a “Praise God and Thank you Lord” report!
6.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Amy Henessey knee surgery; for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother, David Hopkins; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Hazel Morgan, suffering from debilitating back/sciatica pain preventing a scheduled hip surgery. She needs God’s healing touch! Pray for P. Michael Bailey, that God would bless his ministry in El Salvador
7.Pray for Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Bob Anderson; Major Joe Thompson; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Rusty Tomlinson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Toshio Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross, for William Huston, Pancreatic Cancer, Betty Crowder, kidney problems; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease.
8.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Jim Smith, brother of Major Sheryl Tollerud and Captain Tim Smith, his cancer has advanced seriously, but he has given his life over to the care of the Lord and is trusting in Him; for Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, receiving radiation treatment; for Sally Landsburg, diagnosed with a rare and unusual cancer; pray for Nigel Thomas, of Romford Corps in London, with brain tumors. Pray for his sister, Abigail Rolf, of Phoenix, and brother in law, Major Darren Norton; Major Lola Bacon, chemotherapy; Charles Desiderio of Las Vegas, stage four cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer;; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 breast cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy; for Nella Swanson’s sister, Margaret, in Ireland, cancer of the spine;.
9.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory; Mrs. Bernice Vance, mother of Commissioner Pat Swyers; for Captain Andres Esponiza and his family in the passing of his father; Major Candice Frizzell’s family in the passing of her mother, Marge Frizzell: Jose Carrillo, father of Major Ruth Scott; the family of Brigadier Bienvenido Acosta, of Capitola, CA; Beverly Gilger of Spokane Valley, mother of Major Don Gilger and Barbara Gilger; May God give His comfort and care for each family member.
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Thursday, September 29, 2011
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for September 29 2011
“My Dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 16. ”that our soldier’s roll would only be an increasing reality as would our worship and discipleship meetings.” Steven M. Howard from the book, “One Day- a dream for the Salvation ‘Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.)
General Linda Bond has asked the worldwide Salvation Army to set aside a weekly half hour of prayer , on Thursday morning, 0730 to 0800 , “to pray for “the courage and compassion to stand for and serve the marginalized.”
1.Pray for the President, the Congress and the leaders of our nation. May there be a coming together of the leaders of our country to find solutions to these challenging times.
2.Pray for our military men and women serving in dangerous parts of the world, Pray for military families who have lost loved ones. Pray for those facing the challenges of returning home.
3.Pray for General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels Dave and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, your Corps Officers, and our Employees!
4.Pray for speedy and complete healing of Lt Colonel Jan Mowery, having knee replacement surgery on Tuesday; Major George Rocheleau, double knee replacement surgery; for Major John Brackenbury, surgery last Wednesday; Advisory Board member, Linda Talbert, entering the City of Hope Hospital; for Major Cindy Dickinson; Major Kay Stoops, at home, after eight months in hospital; for Major Eric Sholin in hospital; for Jim Spencer, brother-law to Major Judy Nottle, in hospital with cardiac problems; Susan Riley’s mother, Connie; Susana Gutierrez, in hospital; Major Lanel Washington, health problems; healing for: Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga; Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; William, Pancreatic Cancer; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; for Susan Spencer; Peter Daab, in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Priscilla’s mother; Jane Brown; for Mary Kyle; for Dave Marquez; Gail Stewart; Jim Horgen in poor health .
5.Pray for new born, Isaac Alan Clemens, being held in hospital for distress at birth and elevated blood cells; pray for Major William Brown in rehab; for Cindy Quinnete; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family; for SSGT Dwayne Smith, For Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Health, and, Tonie Cancer; for 11 year old Pedro Zatarain, kidney surgery; P. Michael Bailey, that God would bless his ministry in El Salvador
6.Pray for Miss Sonia Hernandez Nreves from Barrio Nuevo,Puerto Rico, having surgery, family has asked for our prayers; for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Amy Henessey knee surgery; for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother, David Hopkins; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Emmanuel Henry John; for Hazel Morgan, suffering from debilitating back/sciatica pain preventing a scheduled hip surgery. She needs God’s healing touch!
7.Pray for complete healing for Chareen, hip replacement surgery; for Commissioner Orval Taylor; Major Bob Anderson; Major Joe Thompson; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Rusty Tomlinson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Toshio Terashita, father of Captain Stacey Cross, for William Huston, Pancreatic Cancer, Betty Crowder, kidney problems, Pastor Philip Coldwater, and for Shelton, for salvation; for Teddy McVicker, suffering from Wiscott-Aldridge disease, needsa bone marrow transplant.,.
8.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Jim Smith, brother of Major Sheryl Tollerud and Captain Tim Smith, his cancer has advanced seriously, but he has given his life over to the care of the Lord and is trusting in Him; for Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, beginning radiation treatment; for Sally Landsburg, diagnosed with a rare and unusual cancer; pray for Nigel Thomas, of Romford Corps in London, with brain tumors. Pray for his sister, Abigail Rolf, of Phoenix, and brother in law, Major Darren Norton, and other family members; Major Lola Bacon, chemotherapy; Charles Desiderio of Las Vegas, stage four cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling cancer;; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Lisa, for a successful surgical removal of a nearly 25 pound tumor; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; Carlos H. cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 breast cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy.
9.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory; Marge Frizzel, mother of Major Candice Frizzell: Jose Carrillo, father of Major Ruth Scott; the family of Brigadier Bienvenido Acosta, of Capitola, CA; Beverly Gilger of Spokane Valley, mother of Major Don Gilger and Barbara Gilger; May God give His comfort and care for each family member.
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
TSA Internatiional
Weekly Meeting Surrounds the World in Prayer
SALVATIONISTS and friends from more than 80 countries have already signed up to take part in the weekly Worldwide Prayer Meeting launched on 1 September by General Linda Bond.
On the prayer meeting section of The Salvation Army's international website the General offers a personal invitation to join with her and the rest of the world in prayer for 30 minutes every Thursday morning, between 5am and 8am. She explains: 'Because The Salvation Army serves in so many different time zones it means that for all, or most, of Thursday the Army is at prayer.'
Participants from around the world can sign up through a link on the General's website, They are asked to choose a time when they will agree to pray each Thursday.
The General will be providing specific prayer topics of an international nature. Everyone who has registered to pray will receive an email with these prayer subjects. The first topics seek prayers for The Salvation Army itself.
General Bond writes: 'The needs of your own corps, centres, and territorial activities and plans will form part of your prayer list ... For the weeks ahead, I am asking that you hold before the Lord the following:
1) The need to deepen our spiritual life personally and as a people of God
2) In this economic climate, financial resources for our worldwide mission
3) Renewed passion to bring people to Jesus and lead them to maturity in him
4) The courage and compassion to stand for and serve the marginalised.'
Salvation Army territories and commands responded to the initiative, organising their own prayer meetings. At the time of writing 670 people have registered through the worldwide prayer meeting website, including 170 who signed up during the first day of prayer on 1 September, in response to a tweet about the event on the International Headquarters Twitter feed (@TSA_IHQ).
International Headquarters [in London, UK] prayed from 7.30am until 8am. People already at the building gathered in the International Chapel, next to the General's office. The rest of the staff and officers were encouraged to pray at the same time, wherever they were – at home or on their way to work, in the car or on the bus or train.
The General hopes that soon there will be tens of thousands of people across the world praying together every Thursday. She says to all who take part: 'As we pray together across the Army world, I know the Lord will unite us in a special way as we seek his direction and blessing. Thank you for your partnership in prayer.'
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Andy, Family and Ministry
Finances - The Lord has worked so many miracles and taken such good care of us. In the flesh it looks impossible to pay our bills literally every month and yet we're still here. Please pray with us that God would provide for us as we'll need something a little bigger than our 1 bedroom apartment.
Marriage - Please just continue to pray for Lauren and I as we are going through so many changes. We need wisdom we don't have on our own and we ask for God's blessing on our relationship. Please pray for me to be a good time manager and for us to be good spouses for each other.
May God Bless each of you this year and let us know how you are doing too. Thank you for your continued encouragement. We are very thankful for the relationships that we have with you!
-Andy K., House of Prayer Englewood Director.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Soldiers of Hilo
World-wide prayer request
Re:Prayer Topics – Worldwide Prayer Meetings
This Thursday (1 September) will be the first of our weekly prayer meetings. Thank you for your positive support of this international prayer emphasis and your commitment to pray.
The topic of this half hour of prayer will be our Army. The needs of your own corps, centres, and territorial activities and plans will form part of your prayer list. I would like to add topics of international concern and will write you on a regular basis with updates.
For the weeks ahead, I am asking that you hold before the Lord the following:
1)The need to deepen our spiritual life personally and as a people of God
2In this economic climate, financial resources for our worldwide mission
3)Renewed passion to bring people to Jesus and lead them to maturity in Him
4)The courage and compassion to stand for and serve the marginalised
As we pray together across the Army world, I know the Lord will unite us in a special way as we seek His direction and blessing. Thank you for your partnership in prayer.
God bless you richly.
Linda Bond
Friday, September 2, 2011
Family Camp
Friday, August 26, 2011
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
Below please find this weeks "Call to Prayer"
Just a reminder that September is full of special prayer emphasis:
9/11 - Day of Remembrance for the victims and their families of 9/11
9/18 - Call for Peace
9/25 - Call to pray for Victims of Sexual Trafficking
God Bless you for your faithfulness in Prayer! A wonderful praise report came in this week from Major Mary Dickinson. "We received good news from the Doctor, Mary's biopsy showed no signs of cancer!"
You will note in this Bulletin that the General has called for two very special days of Prayer for this next month. Sunday, September 18 has been designated, "Call for Peace" and September 25 has been designated "Call to Prayer for Victims of Sexual Trafficking"
Begin now to plan for these days in your corps or institution. Posters and helps will be coming from the Program Department to help in your planning. God Bless you!
Mervyn L. Morelock, Lt. Colonel
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for August 25 , 2011
“My dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 6 .”that every corps would embrace the gospel for everyone in their community, not discriminating by culture, language, social status, or age…and the helping ministries would be woven into the fabric so that even under a nuclear microscope we could not distinguish between spiritual and social” Aaron Peterson from the book, “One Day- a dream for the Salvation ‘Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.“
NOTICE! General Linda Bond has asked the worldwide Salvation Army, to set aside 2 Sundays in September to focus on a Call to Prayer:
Sunday, September 18: “Call to Prayer for Peace.”
Sunday, September 25: “Call to Prayer for Victims of Sexual Trafficking “
1.Pray for those who have been affected by the East Coast Earthquake, and these preparing for the Hurricane due to strike the North Carolina Coast. Pray for Salvationists in the continuing recovery efforts following the earthquake in Christchurch. New Zealand.
2.Pray for our National Leaders, the President and the Congress. They need our fervent prayers for wisdom on resolving the many problems of the country.
3.Pray for the safety of our military men and women serving in dangerous parts of the world, particularly in Afghanistan, and along the Pakistan border. Pray for our military families; particularly those who have lost loved ones who give their all in service for America.
4.Pray for General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels Dave and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt Colonel Ron and Pam Strickland, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, your Corps Officers, and our Employees.
5.Pray for Susan Riley’s mother, Connie, surgery; for Major Bill Mulch, bicycle accident, three broken ribs; for Terron Craig, immigration problems; for John Bonner, moved to a hospital Hospice; Pray for Kathy Del Gado’s brother in law, ,Jim, who is on life support, Pray for Kebokile Zvobgo; for Kathy M. and family; for Major Henry Aalders, recovering from surgery; the Cascade family in need of prayer;
6.Pray for Major Lanel Washington, health problems; for healing for Major Chris Morrow; Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga, pray for her healing; pray for Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; William, Pancreatic Cancer; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; pray for Majors Erik and Angie Sholin; for Susan Spencer, healing; Peter Daab in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Priscilla’s mother; Jane Brown; for Mary Kyle; for Dave Marquez; Gail Stewart; Jim Horgen in poor health . Pray for the ministry of P. Michael Bailey invited to become a Missions director in Africa.
7.Pray for; Major Bunny Lane, receiving Home Hospice Care; Major Martha Davey, Severe infection; healing; for Major Rudy Hedgren, surgery; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; Melissa; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family. for SSGT Dwayne Smith, For Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Health, Carlos H. Cancer and, Tonie Cancer; Ken Meeks brother, Tim, is gravely ill, pray for him.; for 11 year old Pedro Zatarain, kidney surgery;
8.Pray for Sidney Corner, Elk Grove, sinus surgery; Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Amy Henessey knee surgery;for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother, David Hopkins in hospice; for Cathleen and P. separation and custody issues; for Chris W. for healing from a bad fall; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Captain Kory Acosta; Pray for Emmanuel Henry John;
9.Pray for complete healing for the following: For Chareen, hip replacement surgery; for Linda B. hip replacement surgery on September 9; for Commissioner Orval Taylor; A/Capts Alvin and Roberta Solts; Major Bob Anderson; Major Joe Thompson; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Rusty Tomlinson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Toshio Terashita father of Captain Stacey Cross, very ill..
10.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Major Darren Norton’s brother in law, dealing with cancer; Major Lola Bacon, Leukemia; Elizabeth Armendariz, mother of Lt. Carlos Armendariz, stage 4 lung cancer Major Lola Bacon, chemotherapy; Charles Desiderio of Las Vegas stage four cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling of cancer. Myrna Kirkwood, sister of Major Shirley Kirk, successful cancer surgery; Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, completing Chemo treatment; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Lisa N.; for Carol’s brother, bladder surgery; for Sally, intestinal cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, diagnosed with Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 Breast Cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy.
11.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory; Captain Korina Acosta; Elizabeth Lehi, mother of Major Susan Severs; Major Roberta Downy: wife of Major William Downey, and mother of Captain Lynn Stewart; Lavonne Robertson, sister of Lt. Colonel Sharon Robertson and Major Carol Samuelson; for the family of Major Lois Brooks, wife of Major Les Brooks; May God give His comfort and care for each family member.
12.Pray for Southwest Division’s Divisional Deeper Life Meetings, “One Ambition”, Commissioner & Mrs. Knaggs as special leaders, in Mesa, AZ September 2-4, 2011. Pray for a great Revival!
13.Send Prayer Requests and Praise reports to our Web Address: SAPRAYUSW.COM.
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Korina 'Kory' Acosta
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Family Camp Prep
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for August 17 , 2011
“My dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 5 . “That our mission would have such integrity that every expression of our ministry would be marked not so much by a red shield, or even a crest, but by the love of God for people.” Amy Reardon from the book, “One Day- a dream for the Salvation ‘Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.“
1.Pray for our National Leaders, the President and the Congress. They need our fervent prayers for wisdom on resolving the many problems of the country.
2.Pray for the safety of our military men and women serving in dangerous parts of the world, particularly in Afghanistan, and along the Pakistan border. Pray for our military families; particularly those who have lost loved ones who give their all in service for America.
3.Pray for General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels Dave and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt Colonel Ron and Pam Strickland, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, your Corps Officers, and our Employees.
4.Pray for Sue Bonner’s brother, John who has several health problems; Pray for Kathy Del Gado’s brother in law ,Jim who is on life support, that his family will be able to see him before he passes; Pray for Kebokile Zvobgo as she goes through some challenges; Kathy M. and family, of the Tucson Corps. Her companion for 30 years was shot and killed in a road rage incident; for Major Henry Aalders, recovering from surgery; for Major Lola Bacon, just diagnosed with Leukemia, pray for complete healing; a Cascade family in urgent need of prayer; Major Shirley Breukelman’s, brother Richard Jackson, congestive heart failure, pray for healing; for Major Roberta Downey , mother of Captain Lynn Stewart, keep her in prayer; for Ethan Rodriquez of Glendale, AZ, 2 months old, in Children’s hospital, with seizures his parents attend Glendale, AZ Corps.
5.Pray for Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga, having surgery on August 19, pray for her healing; pray for Major Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; William Pancreatic Cancer; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; pray for Majors Erik and Angie Sholin; for Susan Spencer, healing; Peter Daab in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Priscilla’s mother; Jane Brown; for Mary Kyle; for Dave Marquez; Gail Stewart; Jim Horgen in poor health . Pray for the ministry of P. Michael Bailey invited to become a Missions director in Africa.
6.Pray for; Major Roberta Downey, showing some improvement; Major Martha Davey, Severe infection; Major Diana Trimmer, continuing health difficulties; Major Eileen Hoogstad, for complete healing of her recent kidney surgery; for for Major Rudy Hedgren, recovering from surgery; for Ramon Ocano, very sick in hospital in Mexico; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; Melissa; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; Captain Les Spousta’s father, in hospital; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family. for SSGT Dwayne Smith, son in law of Captain Les Spousta, being deployed for a fourth tour of duty to Afghanistan. For Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Health, Carlos H. Cancer and, Tonie Cancer; Ken Meeks brother, Tim, is gravely ill, pray for him.
7.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Amy Henessey knee surgery;for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother, David Hopkins in hospice; for Cathleen and P. separation and custody issues; for Chris W. for healing from a bad fall; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Captain Kory Acosta; Pray for Lavonne Robertson, sister of Lt. Colonel Sharon Robertson and Major Carol Samuelson who has been very ill and has been moved to a Care Center. Pray for Emmanuel Henry John recovering from a heart attack and Pat’s Riley’s, co-worker’s daughter who tried to commit suicide and is on a ventilator. Pray for the family and her healing.
8.Pray for complete healing for the following: For Chareen, hip replacement surgery, for Sister Nicki, recovering from recent mastectomy; for Linda B. hip replacement surgery on September 9; for Commissioner Orval Taylor; A/Capts Alvin and Roberta Solts health issues; Major Bob Anderson; Major Luis and Abby Diaz; Major Joe Thompson; Major Robert Smith; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Robert Rubin; Major Rusty Tomlinson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Toshio Terashita father of Captain Stacey Cross, very ill..
9.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Sister Sally and Ron; Elizabeth Armendariz, mother of Lt. Carlos Armendariz who has just been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer Major Lola Bacon hast completed her first round of chemotherapy, pay for her healing; Charles Desiderio of Las Vegas stage four cancer; 3 year old Terel, battling of cancer. And pray for his parents, Myrna Kirkwood, sister of Major Shirley Kirk, successful cancer surgery; Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, under Chemo treatment; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Lisa N.; for Carol’s brother, facing surgery to remove a mass in his bladder; for Sally, intestinal cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, diagnosed with Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, receiving Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 Breast Cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy treatment; Robert Murayama; Heidi E.; Loraine Hoonout; Barbara of Tab Corps; Eileen O'Brien; and Jacob Galland.
10.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory: Malee Tanovan, sister in law to Major Judy Tanovan; for the family of Major Lois Brooks, wife of Major Les Brooks; Jose Maria Penaloza, uncle of Major Elicio Marquez; Captain Arrie Purdell, wife of Captain John Purdell; Pray for Lt. Colonel Grace Cline in the Promotion to Glory of her mother, Tsuru Taba, age 101. May God give His comfort and care for each family member.
11.Pray for the Southwest Division’s Divisional Deeper Life Conference, “One Ambition” being held in Mesa, AZ on September 2-4, 2011. Pray for a great Revival!
12.Send Prayer Requests and Praise reports to our Web Address: SAPRAYUSW.COM.
Mervyn L. Morelock,
Lt. Colonel, Territorial Prayer Coordinator
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Soldiership classes
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Hilo Youth Ministry
TSA Western Territory Prayer Requests
The Salvation Army Call to Prayer for August 10 , 2011
“My dream for The Salvation Army; Vision 4 . “That Salvationists will be known for Mercy and justice, and that our love would be seen through intentional and overt acts of mercy and justice, all the while in humility before God, not needing to publish our works, only doing them to glorify God” Lisa Thompson from the book, “One Day- a dream for the Salvation ‘Army” by Commissioner James Knaggs and Stephen Court.“
1.Pray for the President and Congress. They need our fervent prayers for wisdom on resolving the budget problems of the country.
2.Pray for the safety of our military men and women serving in dangerous parts of the world, particularly in Afghanistan, along the Pakistan border. Pray for our military families; as well as their loved ones who give their all in service for America.
3.Pray for General Linda Bond, International and National Leaders and for our Western Territorial leaders, Commissioners James and Carolyn Knaggs, Colonels Dave and Sharron Hudson, Lt Colonels Douglas and Diane O’Brien, Lt Colonel Ron and Pam Strickland, Lt. Colonel Judy Smith, Lt. Colonels Vic and Joan Doughty, the THQ Staff, Divisional Leaders, ARC Officers, your Corps Officers, and our Employees.
4.Pray for Elizabeth Armendariz, mother of Lt. Carlos Armendriz who has just been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Pray for a mighty miracle for her and an extra measure of faith for the family; Pray for Trudy M. and family, of the Tucson Corps. Her companion for 30 years was shot and killed in a road rage incident; healing for Major Henry Aalders, recovering from surgery on August 2; for Major Lola Bacon, just diagnosed with Leukemia, pray for complete healing; a Cascade family in urgent need of prayer; Major Shirley Breukelmans, older brother Richard Jackson, congestive heart failure, pray for healing; for Major Roberta Downey , mother of Captain Lynn Stewart, keep her in prayer; for Ethan Rodriquez of Glendale, AZ, 2 months old, in Children’s hospital, with seizures his parents attend Glendale, AZ Corps.
5.Pray for Lieutenant Natalia Zuniga, having surgery on August 19, pray for her healing; pray forMajor Tom Morrow’s brother, James, in assisted living care; Bonnie, a stroke; William Pancreatic Cancer; for Jaycie Slocum, MRSA Staph infection; pray for Majors Erik and Angie Sholin; for Susan Spencer, healing; Peter Daab in hospital; Dorothy Nelson, in hospital; Major Elvia Roman; Major Deanna Sholin’s mother, Mrs. Gail Wiggins; Priscilla’s mother; Jane Brown; for Mary Kyle; for Dave Marquez; Gail Stewart; Jim Horgen in poor health .
6.Pray for; Major Roberta Downey, showing some improvement; Major Martha Davey, Severe infection; Major Diana Trimmer, continuing health difficulties; Major Eileen Hoogstad, for complete healing of her recent kidney surgery; for for Major Rudy Hedgren, recovering from surgery; for Ramon Ocano, very sick in hospital in Mexico; for Captain Sylvia Waldron; Melissa; Esther’s granddaughter Aaliyah; Captain Les Spousta’s father, in hospital; for Patty; Laura’s son, Chad, liver transplant rejection; for James Shull; for Sheryl Callahan’s mother; Gail V. for heart problems; David Robinson; healing for Kristy and her family. for SSGT Dwayne Smith, son in law of Captain Les Spousta, being deployed for a fourth tour of duty to Afghanistan. For Giovani Roger’s healing, Sheryl G, Health, Carlos H. Cancer and, Tonie Cancer.
7.Pray for Shawn Meadows, Medford Corps, in need of a second heart transplant; for Amy Henessey knee surgery;for Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland’s sister, Major Anna Laeger; for Major Ruth Sundin’s brother; for Cathleen and P. separation and custody issues; for Chris W. for healing from a bad fall; Captain Sylvia Waldron; the Spencers; Stephen Yalden: for Elona and Ricardo Manzano; for Captain Kory Acosta; Pray for Lavonne Robertson, sister of Lt. Colonel Sharon Robertson and Major Carol Samuelson who has been very ill and has been moved to a Care Center. Pray for Emmanuel Henry John recovering from a heart attack and Pat’s Riley’s, co-worker’s daughter who tried to commit suicide and is on a ventilator. Pray for the family and her healing.
8.Pray for complete healing for the following: for Major James Godwin, by pass surgery; for Commissioner Orval Taylor; A/Capts Alvin and Roberta Solts health issues; Major Bob Anderson; Major Luis and Abby Diaz; Major Joe Thompson; Major Robert Smith; Lt. Colonel David Allen; Major Robert Rubin; Major Rusty Tomlinson; for A/Captain Sonin Davis; Toshio Terashita father of Captain Stacey Cross, very ill..
9.Pray for healing for those being treated for cancer: Major Lola Bacon ust completed her first round of chemotherapy, pay for her healing;Terel , 3 year old battling a difficult form of cancer. And pray for his parents, Myrna Kirkwood, sister of Major Shirley Kirk, diagnosed with breast cancer and having surgery August 5th; Lt. Colonel Shirley Morelock, under Chemo treatment; for Sally L. peritoneal cancer; for Lisa N.; for Carol’s brother, facing surgery to remove a mass in his bladder; for Sally, intestinal cancer; for Howard M. esophageal cancer; Ricky, prostate cancer; Major Ronda Gilger’s sister, diagnosed with Lymphoma; Valerie Perry, receiving Chemo treatment; for Michelle stage 2 Breast Cancer; for Dennis B. stage 4 pancreatic cancer; for Major Susan Severs’ sister, Jane, for salvation and healing; for Sandra’s father, colon cancer; Marie; for “Gigi’s mother, pancreatic cancer”: Tina; for William, Age 8; for Joyce S.; Joshua D.; for Stu Gabel, Dan Cook, Paula Collins; for Captain Dianne Jiminez’s father; for Diane Hermosillo; Major Ben La Barge; Captains Eric and Janet Wilkerson, chemotherapy treatment; Roger Lewis; Robert Murayama; Heidi E.; Loraine Hoonout; Barbara of Tab Corps; Eileen O'Brien; and Jacob Galland.
10.Pray for the families of those recently Promoted to Glory: Tsuru Taba nearly 101, mother of Lt. Colonel Grace Cline; Major Lois Brooks, dear wife of Major Les Brooks; Jose Maria Penaloza, uncle of Major Elicio Marquez; Captain Arrie Purdell, wife of Captain John Purdell; for the families of the 31 US Troops and Navy Seals in Afghanistan. May God give His comfort and care for each family member.
11.Pray for the Southwest Division’s Divisional Deeper Life Conference, “One Ambition” being held in Mesa, AZ on September 2-4, 2011. Pray for a great Revival!
12.Pray for The Gathering, Western Territorial Congress to be held June 2012
13.Send Prayer Requests and Praise reports to our Web Address: SAPRAYUSW.COM.
Mervyn L. Morelock, Lt. Colonel,
Territorial Prayer Coordinator