Sunday, June 30, 2024

Judy S. - Recovery / Healing

Message from Judy for posting:


It is with a grateful heart that I thank you for all of the get-well cards, text messages, voicemail & flowers that I received since my falling accident. Without a doubt I know that my surgery success and recovery progress is due to the prayers that were included in those messages and those that were said on my behalf - God is so good and He has proven His gift of healing to me every day, since I broke my femur on May 19th!

Currently I am at home, doing my physical therapy, walking carefully & slowly with my walker and trying to stay active around my home as I continue to improve my walking! I thank the Lord for my friends and family that have fully supported me over this past month of health crisis!

Your continued prayers would also be appreciated as I continue on my road to full recovery!

Vickie S. - Healing / Health / Recover

Major Vickie writes, “I fell yesterday, Tuesday, while walking on a slope.  It resulted in a crushed hip socket bone, and I will be having surgery tomorrow, Thursday, to replace it. Prognosis is good. Recovery is likely to be speedy and full according to the medical staff after some PT. Prayers are appreciated during this unexpected turn of events. Thank you!”

Please join with the Shiromas in praying for a divine touch on Major Vickie as she undergoes surgery and recovery.

Harry L. - Health / Recovery / Healing

From Major Marina this morning:

“I just want to let you know that Harry had a heart attack four days ago. We arrived in Canada on the Friday and he and our daughter were out for their walk when it happened. He had 90% blockage in one artery and 50% in three others. They did angiogram to put in stint and clear out the other arteries as much as possible. He is out of hospital now and recuperating at home here in Canada with our daughter and family. We appreciate the love and prayers of our Western Territory Army Family. We love them all very much.”

Friday, June 28, 2024

Flo - Update on Health

I thought I should catch everyone up and say thank you for the prayers, please keep them going.  The Whooping Cough is gone ( I never want to go through that again) but my lungs still have an infection in them. I see the pulmonary specialist on July 23rd.  Thanks everyone

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Wayne M. - Treatment Update

A full week of radiation. No side effects so far. A tiny headache each day that comes and goes, but barely noticable! Thank you for the continued prayer! God is good!

Turnie W. - Today

Morning Lord thank you for everything the good the bad and the ugly. Lord I have no idea what’s going on but you do. So I will put my trust in you. Lord you know our hearts desires and wants and needs. Not sure when or if they will be fulfilled but you do. Once again Lord I put my trust in you and not man. In your name. Amen!!

Evadne W. - Mental Health

So much on my mind, it looks like there will be no sleep for me tonight. 

Your prayers would be appreciated.

I have these words running through my mind. See the song below. For me  right now it’s more than ever. 

I NEED Thee every hour,
Most gracious Lord,
No tender voice like Thine
Can peace afford.

I need Thee, O I need Thee,
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need Thee every hour,
Stay Thou near by;
Temptations lose their power
When Thou art nigh.

I need Thee every hour,
In joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide,
Or life is vain.

I need Thee every hour,
Teach me Thy will,
And Thy rich promises
In me fulfill.

(Hawks, Annie Sherwood/ Lowry, Robert)

Friday, June 21, 2024

Rose M. - Husband's Health

Last night Jim had severe chest pains and after taking 2 nitro no relief! He went hospital by ambulance and after several blood test and etc it didn’t appear a new  heart attack! Most  of you know he had the widow maker almost 16 years ago and by the grace of God he survived! He has very limited heart output so they are checking his heart output etc day to make sure his heart not failing!  Please join me as we approach the throne of grace and pray for healing and a good report!  He’s been feeling great so praying his output is not less than it has been. Love all of you!!!!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sharon K. - Health

Please for our DYS Sharon's health. May God's healing hands be upon her and heal her! May His peace and strength be upon her during this time of healing/recovery/rest! 

Jenn. S. K. - Surgery/Recovery

So I'm having surgery tomorrow, nothing serious, but the recovery is 6 weeks two of which are pretty much bed rest. And anyone who knows me knows I don't do good with down time. So give me your ideas on how to pass the time!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

David K. - Grandma PTG

My grandmother just passed away, and my other grandmother also passed away last August. Both of them played a significant role in my life. I am who I am today because of their dedication and prayers. I am deeply grateful for the time I spent with them last year when I visited South Korea. Their examples and love have profoundly impacted my life. I love you, grandmas, and will see you soon in heaven!💕

I also want to thank the family of God who prayed for and supported me during these difficult times. I am so grateful for your unwavering support and love.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Turnie W. - Today

Morning Lord. Thank you for the nights rest. Lord I lift up my family. Lord you know the needs and wants of all of them. Bring peace to there hearts and minds, show them the things that they are doing in their lives that are not of you and remove that from them. Lord show up and show off in all that we say and do today. In your mighty name. Amen!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Turnie W. - Today

Morning lord Jesus and Father God. Thank you for the nights rest. Lord as we go on about your business today keep us focused on you shine your love through us so that we may share your love with others. Lord there are times when I feel that I have done something wrong whether it be work related or relationship related. Lord most of those times I know it’s the devil causing me to feel this way. Help me Lord block his arrows.  I don’t need him in my life. Take all of my wants and worries Lord fulfill the wants if it is in your will. And show me to stop the worrying. In your mighty name. Amen!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Erin K. - Health / Healing

Friends-asking for a selfish prayer for David and I-we have received spring variations of Covid and pneumonia, and the church, staff and kids have all been struggling with strep, Covid, norovirus, allergies for the past 2 months. The cough has been the worst, and is wearing us out. Can you lift up a prayer for us and those around us? Much appreciated. 🙏😷🥰 Thanks family!❤️

Sarah W. - Sons Health

UPDATE: We’re bustin outta here and on our way home. They believe today was an episode of Vasovagal Syncope; a sort of benign response from one’s brain to a myriad of possible factors that causes loss of consciousness, tingling extremities, seeing spots, vomiting, shallow breathing, clamminess, etc. 

The doctor said to us, “essentially, this is a TERRIFYING thing to witness, especially in your child. I don’t wish it on anyone. BUT, 99.9% of the time, there are zero lasting effects to him.” 

They did refer us to a cardiologist and neurologist to ultimately rule out anything else, but that’ll come a few months down the line when they can get us in. 

Thanking God for His hand on our boy💙

Friends, please pray for Pearse. 

Today in the middle of worship, he lost control of his body and began to collapse before I ran from the stage to grab him; Ronán tried his best to help him stand. His color left him, lips blue, eyes rolling back. Dearest Wendy ran out with me to the lobby and called 911. I tried to get him to look at me and speak; he mumbled about scratching a bug bite too much, and then he threw up. 

The ambulance arrived and hooked him up to all the heart/blood pressure/oxygen monitors. His blood pressure was very low. They gave him IV fluids and his lips turned pink again. Ruairi and I are now at the hospital with Pearse, awaiting panels for cardiology, neurology, and bloodwork; he’s stable watching Tom and Jerry while we wait. 

Thank you THANK YOU, beloved Annapolis Corps family, for supporting us in those scary moments, and for keeping Pearse’s three brothers fed and content while we’re here with him💙💙💙

We will update after tests are done.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Turnie W. - Today

Father God Lord Jesus good morning. Thank you for the nights rest. As we go to your house of worship this morning be with us. May the words of my mouth be directly from you today. May the congregants hear what you have to say and be edified by it. May the revival hit soon. In your mighty name. Amen!!

Prayers from Children