Monday, July 31, 2023

Joanne & Joy: Bob L. Health

Angel M. - Health

Having a date with me, myself, and MRI. (And McDonald’s ice cream.) Pray with me that I can finally get some answers (and even better, a solution) to my back pain!

Evadne W. - Son's Surgery Recovery

With Nicholas’s permission I am sharing the following post.
As many of you are aware on Friday July 21st, Nicholas had major back surgery that lasted nearly 9 1/2 hours. We have been overwhelmed with the prayer support and messages that have been sent to us.
Many of you have asked why the surgery.

So here is the story

For many years Nicholas has suffered from quite debilitating back pain and has not had a lot of answers as to why, but has tried many different avenues to try and relieve the pain. 
Earlier on this year he was diagnosed with “Scheuemann Kyphosis”, and his case was quite severe and the only way that Nicholas would find relief from constant pain was the most extreme and final option, Surgery.

The following is what he had done.

L2-3 XLIF (Extreme Lateral Interbody Fusion) and T2-L3 PSF (Posterior Lateral Spinal Fusion)

The picture shows the area that was fused with 2 rods. Nicholas has quite a recovery ahead of him so keep the prayers coming.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Jean B. - Migraine

Terrible Migraine today. I would appreciate prayers for it to stop. 
Thank you!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Brynne B. - Team Member Injury

"Hey family we are asking for prayers for one of our members name Sam he had a concussion. One of the staff members fell off the rock wall and only broke a bone!"

Prayers from Children