Thursday, June 30, 2022

Sarah W. - Husband's back

Please pray for Ruairi today. His back is in the kind of pain that keeps a man up all night long and causes serious grimacing as he moves. Multiple calls in to local chiropractors to see him as soon as possible; pray the right one has an opening today, too! 

Luckily, Cillian made him buttered toast and coffee delivered as room-service this morning, so his spirits aren’t too low🥹🥰

Jason K. - Health / surgery

Most of my adult life, I haven’t had to go to the hospital often. But, when I have gone it’s usually been for something that I couldn’t just deal with on my own. Such as breaking my toe in a couple of places, putting my head into a wall while riding an inflatable ball at full spead( not my finest moment 😊), and having a kidney stone surgically removed.

Yesterday afternoon, I finally decided I needed to have a health issue checked out at the hospital. While in the ER I am informed that my issue is serious enough that I need to stay in the hospital overnight and possibly for the next few days. I had a minor surgery this afternoon. The doctors are going to monitor my recovery from the minor surgery to determine when I can have the second surgery. Hopefully, if all goes well, I will be able to have the second surgery and return home by Tuesday of next week. Please lift us in prayer as there is a lot going on with us (more than usual) during this time within our lives.

Monday, June 27, 2022

TSA Prayers - Kenya West Territory - 7/25-31


Prayer Focus – 25 - 31 July 2022

Kenya West Territory


Territorial Leader:  Commissioner Margaret Siamoya


Prayer requests:

The following areas needs prayers;

1.  Pray for Peaceful Elections and Leadership Transition in Kenya 2022

2. Pray for Spiritual Development of Officers, Local Officers, Soldiers and Junior Soldiers

3. Pray for Officers affected by Chronic Sicknesses like Cancer in our Territory

4 Pray for the Expansion of Gods Work in the Kenya West Territory as we target the unreached areas.

5.  Pray for Steadfastness on our Strategic Plan as we Focus on Self Reliance


TSA Prayer - Japan Territory - 7/18-24


Prayer Focus – 18 - 24 July 2022

Japan Territory


Territorial leaders:  Colonels Stephen and Wendy Morris  


Prayer requests:

Please pray so that,


§  The Salvation Army may provide place for children and young adult to gather and meet their needs.


§  The territory may respond to the spiritual hunger of young people and encourage their spiritual growth.


§  There may be more candidates.


§  The small number of officers that we have may be strengthened physically and spiritually to communicate the true word of God.


§  The aging soldiers and officers’ health and welfare may be kept well.


Thank you very much.

TSA Prayer India Northern Territory - 7/11 - 17


Prayer Focus – 11 – 17 July 2022

India Northern Territory


Territorial leaders:  Commissioners Daniel Raju and Baby Sarojini Dasari


Prayer requests:

§  Pray for new extension work and officers working over there

§  Strengthen our children and youth ministry, women's ministry, and Corps ministry.

§  Pray for our Institutions

§  Pray for our candidates, Training College Staff, and new session begging from July 2022

§  Pray for our spiritual life development of our people. 

§  Pray for implantation of Territorial Strategic plan 

§  pray for challenges of the territory. 

We thank you for praying for our territory globally and Lord will answer of our prayers. 

TSA World - France and Belgium Territory (7/4 -- 7/10)


Prayer Focus – 04 – 10 July 2022

France and Belgium Territory


Territorial leaders:  Colonels Jacques and Claude-Evelyne Donzé

Prayer requests:

The officers and leaders of the France and Belgium territory are grateful for the prayers of our international Salvation Army family. 



We ask that you pray for our officers who are moving this July, that transitions for them personally and in their ministry will be God-infused with treasures they could not otherwise expect or imagine. 


Our territory has significant changes occurring at THQ within the executive leadership of both the Congregation and Foundation teams due to retirements and international moves. Please pray for Holy Spirit power to intercede for the blessing and binding together of these new teams. 



The 5th wave of covid has washed over a number of our active officers. Please pray for restoration of their health. We pray that they will take time to heal fully and not race back into action preventing full health renewal. 


Covid has also impacted our corps ministries in France and Belgium as it has around the globe. Please pray for our ministry teams to lean into God to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit as He unfolds insights into the way forward. May each ministry accept the spiritual challenge not to return to the past, rather to press forward for the glory of God and salvation of humanity. 



We are a territory that is receiving refugees from the Ukraine. Please pray for clarity for us in how to move forward in caring for these individuals and families as we embrace them. We desire to care for their needs so that they feel that they are valued as people, that they belong in community where safety can be felt and that the love of God is experienced. 


Thank you for your intentional prayers for our territory.



Officers move

Please pray for the Officers as they travel to their appointments today. For our Silicon Valley area, pray for Caleb and Iliana as they're in Gresham Oregon now; pray for Nayeli as she goes to Watsonville and for Debora as she comes to San Jose. May God bless them as they transition to their new ministries! To God be the Glory! 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Jean B. - Camden and Family Health

URGENT: Prayer request from Jeanine Gaines, mother of Aimee Docherty. 
Please pray for Camden. His father, Justin, has tested positive for Covid & is isolating at home. 
Camden is being tested at the hospital now. As you know, his immune system is very low because of the chemo. 
His sister, Cambria (9) is doing what she thinks is best until her mom, Aimee Docherty, returns home from the hospital.

May God bless this wonderful family as we continue to bring them to the throne of God in prayer.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Nigeria - 50 dead (Open Doors USA)

Please #pray! Yesterday, June 5, unknown gunmen attacked a church in southwestern Nigeria as worshippers gathered to celebrate Pentecost. Please take a minute right now where you are to pray fervently with the grieving families.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Lynnel B. - Husband Surgery tomorrow

Dear Prayer Warriors:  I have another prayer request.  My husband Earl is going in for surgery tomorrow to have Basil Cell Cancer removed from the back of his right ear.  He went in for a biopsy a couple of weeks ago and it came back positive.  Please pray that the doctor is able to remove all of the cancer tomorrow.  Thank you for your prayers!  God Bless!

Monday, June 13, 2022

Matt G. - prayer

"Tomorrow will be a tough day! Any prayers will be appreciated!"

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Dale's mom Shirley - health

Please lift up Dale's mom Shirley in your prayer. Lord, we ask for your healing hand to be on Shirley today. Be with the Doctors and nurses as they treat her. Be with her son Dale and her family and give them peace and comfort during this time. We lift up Shirley up to you Jesus' name Amen! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

THQ prayers

Dear Friends,


Tomorrow, May 19, the Crestmont Campus will be joining together for a time of prayer at 8:30.   We will be praying for the territory.  If you have any requests that you want added to the prayer list, please submit them no later than 7:00 am tomorrow, May 19, 2022


“Prayer is the breath, the comfort, the strength, the honor of a Christian.”  Charles Spurgeon

Bob L. - Arm

Keep me in prayer went to doctors today to talk about my right arm and she is sending me to a surgeon same one that as work on my arm twice already and there looking at number three

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Sara R. - Prayers

Hey fam, could really use some prayers for comfort and peace tonight.

Stella P. - Husband Health

They took my husband to St. Mary's Emergency room here. He has an infection. Waiting to see where and what is going on.

Matt G. - family

Please say a prayer for my family. I am having some real concerns.
Thank you!

Friday, June 3, 2022

Mark G. - sisters husband PTG

Rachel J. - Health/Surgery

Seeing my new neurosurgeon.  Please pray that he can help with the lower back severe disc compression and the disc compression in my neck.  Thank you in advance for the prayers.

Update:  The neurosurgeon is scheduling 2 test to be done as soon as possible, a nerve study and a more detailed MRI.  He is also helping by medication temporarily until we can get the test done.  Thank you Mike J. for taking me and being there.  Please pray for the upcoming test to reveal the cause of all the issues.  Thank you again in advance for the prayers.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Julie S. - Katie's Health

Update this morning. Eating her diabetic friendly breakfast. Blood sugar is already responding afte several shots of insulin. 

This is hard and life changing but we have so much to be thankful for. She did not have KDA which would have made this an ICU stay. It was caught early so now we just learn to deal with it. 

My mom heart is sad (and only two hours of sleep doesn’t help), but God is still good and I am thankful.

Prayers from Children