Wednesday, July 31, 2019

ARC & SAFE - Closing & Transitioning

Please pray for all involved (Staff, Volunteers, Beneficiaries) with the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) and the Salvation Army Female Emergency (SAFE) center in the coming days as they make their transition.  The ARC will be changed into different programs.  Pray also for the Salvation Army leadership as they make decisions in all of these transitions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mike B. - friend

"Could you lift a friend of mine in prayer.
Hoping from the depths of my being that Jesus becomes real in his head and heart this week."

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Corps Prayers & Praise

1. Debbie - Erin / family / Betty in hospital (lung cancer & pneumonia)
2. Desmond - Wife's co-worker.
3. Brianda - Hard to move
4. Dee - Driver of radio cab (change his life)
5. Michelle - Dad's unspoken / Mike's friend
6. Lloyd - Housing / ARC brothers
7. Philip - ARC / Women
8. Cheri - "Thankful to be here" / Philip pulled a muscle in back
9. Tom - Self and family
10. Mike - Son Trevor going back to drinking
11. Angela - Daughter (downward)
12. Linda - Diagnosis
13. Heather - brother Nathan - diagnosis
14. Daniel - Step father / Abigail - safety
15. Jodi - Job starts tomorrow
16. Desmond - Alcoholism and family
17. Paul - Unspoken / pray for the homeless and addicts.
18. Lynette - car accident / pain started to 'softening (healing)
19. Dee - Neighbor Mary - cancer / 19 year old grandson suicide
20. Bobby - 5 yr old boy William couldn't breathe / surgery (biopsy and growth remove).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mike J. - Health

"Prayers needed. In heavy pain after the gall bladder surgery yesterday afternoon Was at the ER all night until early morning due to some of the incisions opening and bleeding badly. Prayers appreciated."

Friday, July 26, 2019

Lena L. - Healing & peace

To all My Family, Friends, and Prayer Warriors,

Please join me as we keep one of my friends 2 family members in your prayers. Last night they were cut off by another driver which resulted in a serious accident. Both women are in a coma and fighting for their lives. Please pray for my friend and his family during this time lifting them up in prayer.

Thank you all so much for coming alongside and praying him and his family up today 🙏🏼 Let’s go My Prayer Warriors 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼We serve a mighty God who can do the impossible. Send your positive vibes and love his way.

Love you all,
Lena Girl

Alan H. - Mom's Health

"My mom is in the hospital she had a stroke please pray for her and my family"

Dan and Verna H. - Daughter Ruthie's health and traveling

"On Tuesday Dan drove Ruthie from their home in Lewiston, MT to a doctor appointment in Casper, WY. They traveled to Billings Tuesday evening for an additional doctor appointment the next day. On Wednesday Ruthie had an asthma flare up and she was admitted to the hospital in Billings. 

At this point she will remain there for at least another 4 days before returning home with her parents. 

Please pray for Ruthie’s healing and recovery. Also, keep Dan and Verna in prayer as they travel and take care of their daughter."

Joe and Eveyln C - Son's Health

"We are asking prayers for our son David who has been admitted to the hospital in Manila, Philippines. He is very sick with a staph infection and they haven’t determined the cause. He was supposed to come home this Sunday but now he will not be able to do that. They are doing tests and working with his doctor here. We would appreciate prayers for his recovery and for the doctors who are giving care to him. Thanks."

Rachel J. - Update on Heath

“Health Update:  I don’t think I have been this happy in a while to have a diagnosis.  After a 5th trip to the ER in a matter of a couple of weeks, an MRI has finally given me an answer.  I have significant cervical disc disease in my neck.  They believe it is affecting my spinal cord and contributing to my migraines.  I will follow up with my neurosurgeon and find out what the next steps will be.  Please continue to keep Mike Johnson and I in your prayers.”

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Erin K. - husbands heath

"Please say an extra prayer for my husband. Follow up doctor visit revealed broken rib and concussion."

Monday, July 22, 2019

Chris G. - Wife's Health

"Been at the ER with Joanne for the last 4 hours, prayers for her would be appreciated!"

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Corps Prayers & Praise

1. Haley - Kids back
2. Mchale - got job / pay for housing
3. Phil - Israel / Protection/ Demonic
4. Angie - successful surgery / struggling with transportation / unspoken / Lynette's car accident
5. Debbie - family / heather on call / brother Steven depression / sister in law pray to make it.
6. Mark - job / salvation
7. Wes - Men at ARC
8. Tasha - Shepard's door
9. Maxine - 190 Salvation in Philippines / discipleship = maturity
10. Angela - Ben B. - pink eye / structure in team ministry
11. Tom - Pray for church / Holy Spirit to touch us
12. Anna - Youth at Camp
13. Dan - Wife 'Deloris' eye infection / sister to come up for visit
14. Tasha - Addiction

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Julie D. - Son's Health / Family

"Andrew has had a fever most of the week.  Phone call Dr appointment last Tuesday said it was probably just a virus, and wait to bring him in. Duncan took him to urgent care this morning. He has pneumonia and possibly a UTI. Full work up done with a follow up on Monday. Sigh. This has been the summer of sickness for us. Praying that Duncan stays well."

Dave W. - Healing


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Camp Kuratli

Please continue to pray for Camp Kuratli's staff, volunteers and kids. They have 60 for All About Kids from Salem and 80 for Music Camp. Pray for the Salvation of all our kids and strength for all helpers and staff.

Rachel J. - Health Update

"Health update...tumor on brain is minor and not the cause of the headaches.  We’ll put that on the back burner and keep an eye on it.  Trying a new monthly injection (yesterday) and got an infusion today.  My regular migraine is currently gone. I am still experiencing the other head pains.  Hopefully when I wake in the morning, all will be gone.  Thank you for your prayers!"

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Erin K. - Car Accident

"Praising God that everyone is ok, but David was hit pretty hard. It could have been a lot worse. Pray for the woman with children that hit him, she was shook up."

Monday, July 15, 2019

Rachel J. - headaches/

Serious, quick prayer needed.  I see my neurologist in a hour and a half.  I have been having crippling headaches worse than my typical migraine for the last 3 days.  They also found a small tumor, that we are not currently stressing about, about a month ago.  Please pray that we can get the headaches under control and find out what to do with the tumor if it needs anything done.  Thanks in advance.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Corps Prayers & Praise

1. Jim - ARC
2. Cheri - Left torn rotator cuff / life situation
3. Dan - wife (Deloros) eye infection (drop every hour)
4. Silvia
5. Heather - Shepard's Door / Bible Study
6. Paul - Blessings / Unspoken / "Okay to have pain in life."
7. Angela - God is Good amidst the craziness of life (Kind, Patient, etc )
8. Desmond - Alignment in family 
9. Michelle - Grandparent / Son Trevor 32 yr old - drinking / otherside of FB
10. Haley - Thursday (reunit with Family)
11. Shoshannah - Moving
12. Lorrie - Salvation Army - Finance Provision
13. Anna - Daughter going to Canada
14. Lloyd - looking for work / Mchal - his girlfriend "find happiness."
15. Jim - Captain Raymond's ministry (Dalles Corps)
16. Camp ministry / Summer Day Camp / Staff serving

Friday, July 12, 2019

Jessica G. - fire in Maui and brother

"To all the prayer warriors: please pray for my brother and the other men and women battling this fire! Let the winds stop and the fire subside- In Jesus’ name! Amen!"

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Dwight M. - Family

"Pray for my family. I haven't seen in 15 years. I will see them all today, and pray all well and strong."

Haley - Children's Father

"My children's father Jordan for him to realize how special his children are and that they love and need him to be sober and there for them."

Martin H. - Dad's Health

Arrived in England yesterday as my Dad is critically ill. It’s good to be with my wonderful family during this difficult time.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Corps Prayers & Praise

1. Michelle - '...husband died a few years ago...... / son Trevor
2. Jim - Capt. Raymond at the Dalles Corps
3. Clair - Shepard's Door
4. Camp Overnight Staff
5. Anna - Fourth of July / Freedom of Religion
6. 'Micky' - ARC - Encouragment / Grit
7. Jody - Praise the Lord - Baby Cameron - red hair
8. Brett - Ran into younger brother Garrett
9. California Earthquake (Ridgecrest)

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Bianca M. - Strength and Peace

"After yesterdays accident my anxiety has been off the walls. Prayers please."

Monday, July 1, 2019

Nancy D. - Mike's cousin

Team Cascade:


Captain Mike J. has received word that his cousin Nicholas was in a very serious accident. His injuries are already very significant and he is asking for his Army family and friends to be in prayer for his whole family as they care for Nicholas and specifically for Nicholas’ healing.


Thank the Lord for the power of prayer!

Prayers from Children