Friday, May 31, 2013
Deanna T.
Lord be with Deanna! She is struggling right now with her past and with the many fiery arrows from the evil one. God be with her and strengthen her! May you comfort her and give her your peace - peace that passes all understanding. Lord protect her family: Her boyfriend, Jason, and their young daughters, Jaci and Tabitha! Break their bondage Lord, in Jesus' name....Amen!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Coral's Uncle
Coral's uncle who lives in Yakima Washington almost died when two perpetrators slashed his throat. After 8 hours, he was finally rescued and hospitalized. He underwent a surgery! According to Coral, he is stable and is doing better. The perpetrators were caught by police (praise the Lord for this!) Lord be with Coral's uncle and place your healing hand upon him. Thank you for giving him an opportunity to live. If he doesn't know you in a personal way, may this experience draw him closer to you! Lord, be with Coral and her family; give them your peace that surpasses all understanding! To you be the Glory!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Praise Report - Deric F.
One of our church members, Deric F. gave God the glory that he is healed from liver problems. He was taking some liver medicine from the doctor. Upon checkup, the Doctor was amazed that his liver was 100% healed, something that defied medical science. This indeed was a miracle. Praise the Lord for healing Deric!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
THQ Bulletin - Tragedy in Fullerton
Maribel's body was found last week in the Fullerton, Calif., foothills. She had been missing for almost two weeks after leaving her softball practice. They have discovered she was killed by her roommate. Brandi and Maribel were friends at Cal State Fullerton. Marisol was a student intern who worked in Brandi's outreach office. Brandi and the outreach staff are still in shock and very sad.
Please pray for the family and co-workers of Maribel Ruiz and my daughter, Brandi Burke
Monday, May 20, 2013
Oklahoma Tornado
From Fox News:
At least 20 children are among the 51 confirmed dead after a destructive tornado with winds up to 200 mph laid waste to scores of buildings and landed a direct blow on an elementary school in Moore, Oklahoma, pictured, with officials saying they could see as many as 40 more fatalities as rescuers race to find survivors.
Pray for each family affected by this tragedy! May God move among these people. May God continue to send and give each worker an extra measure of His Grace as they comfort those who are directly impacted by this.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Men's Camp
Praise the Lord! Our Men's Camp at Camp Homelani went really well. Seventeen guys (Fred, Sammie, Walter, Tim, Dio, Sonny, Nicky, Maxi, Deric, Troy, CJ, Thomas, Richard, Mike,Phil,Mikie, and I) represented Hilo. We arrived on Friday (5/17) morning and went to Ala Maona Mall and then to the Kroc Center for a tour. There were about 190 men at the camp, which has never happened before (according to some, it's doubled the amount from before). Everyone was so blessed mingling with others, having fellowship with old friends, and encouraged and challenged under Captain Terry Masango's excellent preaching! It was a revival in many ways! The Holy Spirit moved in our hearts and in our midst! Praise the Lord!
Pray that all the men, and a couple of wonderful women(Major Carol Abella and daughter), will carry and share this message of restoration wherever they go!
Monday, May 6, 2013
THQ Bulletin - Mourning family
Winifred passed away on Friday. The doctors had expected her to live for a few months, but it turned out it was only a few days. Please pray for the family as they grieve the unexpected loss of their beloved mother and grandmother.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Neil's Health
Dear Friends and Family,
I am pleased to let you know that my chemo-treatment continues to be working after all this weeks and months. I am currently on the 7th cycle on this particular "Clinical Trial Drug Treatment Study" and though the doctors cannot definitely say or determine at this time how much longer I still need to have treatments, I will continue to have weekly treatments until they feel I have reach certain marker.
Although the overall results were positive, there were a couple of lesions that slightly increase in very small size (1 mm each)- the analysis indicated that the slight increase may not be a progression of tumor but something more technical yet suggest we continue to monitor it in the next couple of test. My doctor tried to explain the reason for the increase and was not concerned at all. The oncologist was very positive and encouraged about the overall positive progress saying that he has never seen this type of positive progress before in any of his case. He mentioned that I am very lucky to be part of this particular clinical study that is showing significant decrease positive results. When he reviewed the latest CT Scans he thought he got the wrong slides and had to double check it again too make sure it was indeed my scans because he did not see any recognizable lesions from previous scans. He added that some of the lesions were not visually visible with the eye and some are no longer measurable. So overall, the majority of lesions are stable and is not growing or spreading.
God is really good to have us where we are in USC Medical Cancer Treatment Center. The doctors and nurses are believers and they just know what to say. In fact the first thing that my doctor said was to light a candle in the church to offer thanks (referring to his Catholic tradition when something good happens or blessing comes to light a candle to Jesus as a way of thanksgiving). We were laughing because although we were not Catholics I guess it something that we could do perhaps we told him (hahaha). Then we went on talking about being Protestants but yet we were all Christians. Our clinical trial nurse too is a very strong and solid Christian always encouraging to be positive and to keep praying because she really believes that prayer is what is making the drugs work.
I want to again thank you all again for being an encouragement to myself and my Ohana. It's feels quite a long time being in treatment after all this months but God has been my strength throughout days and months. With your prayers, I am always encouraged and grateful for your faith in the Lord in the miracle and power He will provide through for his GLORY.
My next test and result will come again in two (2) months (I know- it's a long time to wait but it's all good). In the meantime, please continue to pray for comfort and strength physically, emotionally and spiritually. More specifically I covet your prayers in the following:
*comfort with the numbness in my toes and fingers (can't even open simple packages or botton-up my botton-collar)
*pray for the infection in my fingers nails to heal- it can be very sensitive at times ( I like to wash the dishes sometimes jus to feel the warmth and clean the fingers)
*pray that the effectiveness and potency of the medications continues to be the same (the doctors have decrease the dosage of two medications due to the high toxicity resulting in the nail infection)
*pray for the strength in time of fatigue so I am able to continue to be part of the corps ministry.
*prayer of PRAISE for my Kids- they are handling it all so well. I am so proud of them and just to see them sing, dance and play in the band this weekend made me CRY out of joy and gratefulness of how God is bringing them through it all the challenges and differences in our lifestyles.
*pray for Rubina for continued strength as a wonderful care-taker and mom at the same time and a Pastor also.
*pray for our corps and the awesome leaders and pastoral team.
I cannot really express in words how much I am so blessed to have you all in my life and know that you are with me through this journey discovering and experiencing God's love and grace. Thank you for all your support. May God richly bless you and your family.
In God's Service,
Captain Neil N.
THQ Bulletin - Update on Mom
Description Update on Mom
Submitted by Katina Durrent
Surgery went great yesterday. Thank you all for the prayers!
National Day of Prayer
On the National Day of Prayer, time for a revival
Posted by Greg Laurie on May 2, 2013 at 8:09 am
Pastor Greg Laurie is the Honorary Chairman of the task force for the National Day of Prayer, observed May 2.
Everywhere we look in America, we see signs of decline. That’s because we have largely forgotten God, but the good news is God has not forgotten us.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God says, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
In other words, America has two options: judgment or revival.
Of course, revival is God’s work; it cannot be manufactured by men. But if we want Him to work, then we must pray.
So on the National Day of Prayer on May 2, my most fervent prayer will be for a spiritual awakening. With all of the problems in our country — political, economic, moral and social — the only lasting solution is to turn back to God.
The heart of the problem is the problem of the heart. Clearly, the fate of the country we love so much hangs in the balance.
So what does the future hold? Is America going to end up on the ash heap of history? Or are our greatest days still ahead?
No one can say with certainty. When I study the Scriptures, I can’t find America in the End Times. I can find smaller nations like Iran and, of course, Israel. But there is no passage that clearly speaks of America, the undisputed superpower on the face of the planet today.
That doesn’t mean there won’t be an America in the last days, but it will be a different America than it is now.
We know this much: America’s days are numbered. No country lasts forever. Rome, once the reigning superpower, collapsed internally before it collapsed externally.
Unlike Rome, the United States was built on a Judeo-Christian foundation, but we have strayed dramatically from the vision of our Founding Fathers. Freedom of religion seems to have become freedom from religion. We have removed God from our schools, our sporting events, our public places and our workplaces.
But the freedom we enjoy was built on the foundation of absolute truth. And when you remove that foundation, freedom can turn into anarchy.
That’s what’s happening in our country today. We don’t like the idea of a family of a man and a woman married for life. We don’t like the idea that there are things that are right and things that are wrong. We prefer moral relativism, where we can all choose our own truths.
But Scripture indicates that there is hope for America. The Book of Jonah tells the story of a wicked city that turned to God and escaped his judgment.
Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, the superpower of its day, was renowned for its wickedness and violence. Archaeologists have discovered monuments built by the Ninevites with inscriptions boasting of their cruelty.
But the Lord decided to give Nineveh one last chance, and he summoned the prophet Jonah to go to the Ninevites and preach to them.
Despite Jonah’s obvious failings – and a detour in the belly of a whale – the Ninevites turned to the Lord en masse and repented of their sin and he spared them.
If God could bring a revival to Nineveh, surely he can do the same for America.
Pastor Greg Laurie is the Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force and the founder of the Harvest Crusades. Harvest America 2013 will be simulcast live from Philadelphia on Sept. 28–29.
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