Tuesday, January 26, 2010

From our Divisional Commander

We received word today of the passing of Cadet Misty Raup's grandfather, Paul Heringer, who died of natural causes in his home in Sidney, MT. Mr. Heringer was a great man of faith and loved people immensely. Both he and his wife were members of the Missionary Alliance Church. A service for Mr. Heringer is set for spring or early summer to allow for everyone in the family to travel. They are expecting treacherous weather in Montana this weekend, so a brief burial service is planned with the few that are there for now.

From the General Re Haiti

Dear Colleagues in Christ,

The whole world is by now fully aware of the devastating earthquake which hit Haiti on Friday, 12 January 2010. This was just six weeks after my wife and I made an official visit to Haiti to conduct the Caribbean Territory Congress. During our visit we drove often through the very streets and past the very landmarks (such as the Presidential Palace), that are now in ruins.

We thank God for the swift and pragmatic lead being given by the territorial leaders, Colonels Onal and Edmane Castor, who originate from Haiti.

During our visit we met Majors Lucien and Marie Lamartinière, the divisional leaders for the Haiti Division, together with all the officers in Haiti. We were impressed by their devotion to their callings and to their delight at being in Army service. The local officers and soldiers, and the junior soldiers, were full of enthusiasm. The impassioned singing still rings in our ears. The fervent prayers remain a powerful memory. Our numerical strength in Haiti represents fifty percent of the soldiers of the whole Caribbean Territory.

Therefore, my main purpose in writing to you is to ask that you once again call your territories / commands to prayer for Haiti on Sunday, 31 January and Sunday, 7 February 2010. Recent International News Releases have already requested prayer support. Please pray for:

the citizens of Haiti whose homes and livelihoods have been destroyed;

the children of Haiti, many of whom lie injured;

the bereaved families, too many to number at the present time, and with corpses still lying untended in the streets as I write;

those in government and in public service in Haiti trying desperately to restore a semblance of structure and order;

members of the international community bringing medical and other relief;

our own Salvation Army personnel from territorial headquarters in Kingston, Jamaica, and from overseas territories and International Headquarters, ministering to the needs of both body and soul in the Name of Christ;

Please refer to the International Headquarters website and that of the Caribbean Territory, as well as other territorial websites, for moving and graphic pictures which can support your call to your comrades for fervent prayers, over and above the encouragement you have already given to that end.

I am most deeply grateful to you all and to Salvationists everywhere for your godly and compassionate responses to this major tragedy.

As we pray for Haiti and for those bringing merciful relief and help, let us exercise strong faith that the hand of Almighty God will somehow bring good out of tragedy and chaos. We cling tenaciously to our belief that God can and will do this.

With my deep thanks.

Yours in Christ,

Shaw Clifton

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mrs. Carol C.

Please lift our Cook, Mrs. Carol, up in your prayers as she is dealing with some health concerns. May the Lord go before her and prepare the way for the Doctors to treat her. May God give Mrs. Carol His wonderful peace and strength during this time.

Also, Please lift up her family durinig this time as they are mourning the loss of Mrs. Carol's sister. Praise the Lord that Carol was able to visit her in California a couple of weeks ago. May the Lord be glorified in all!

Captain Ron M.

Please continue to lift Captain Ron M. up in your prayers as he is recovering from his knee surgery this week. May the Lord heal him quickly and strengthen him during this time. May God give his wife, Captain Roberta M, extra measure of His Grace and Strength as she supports him during this time.

Mrs. Jackson

An employee, Mrs. Imogene Jackson, passed away yesterday morning. In The Salvation Army we say that she was 'promoted to glory!' Mrs. Jackson is with the Lord today; we know this because of her relationship with Christ, and for this we rejoice!

Please lift up the Jackson family in your prayers during this difficult time of loss. May the Lord strengthen and comfort them during this time. May the Lord be with this family as they get all the details together for the funeral; may everything fall in place smoothly. Above all, may all who know Mrs. Jackson give God the glory for the wonderful legacy that she left. To God be the Glory and Honor!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sarah and Family

Please lift Sarah (our church singer) up in your prayers during this difficult time. She received the call that her dad passed away on Saturday (1/16). She and her family will be traveling tomorrow (1/19) to Mississippi. May the Lord keep them safe as they travel. May the Lord give Sarah and Jimmy the wisdom to encourage their family members during this time. May everything in the funeral go well (all the detail fall in place).

Leonards New Home

Please lift up Dave and Geraldine Leonards in your prayers as they are preparing to move to Sheridan. They will be the new Corps Officers (Salvation Army Pastors and Administrators) in Sheridan. May the Lord go before them and prepare their steps. May they fulfill God's Will and expand God's Kingdom in Sheridan. May their move go smoothly!

Friday, January 15, 2010

From Our Chief Secretary

Thus my reason for writing is to ask you and your comrades to do two simple things:
I invite you to join me in specific prayer, asking God, who loves each of us with perfect love to provide peace during this storm, safety during the days of uncertainty, rest for weary bodies and souls, hope for a better future and confidence in knowing that God is still sovereign. As you gather with your people on the next four Sundays, please make this important prayer focus a part of your worship experience.

I invite you to join us in making a “special offering” (over and above your normal Cartridge and World Services gifts) for the specific purpose of rebuilding the Army infrastructure in this devastated country, and for the services and support of our suffering Salvationist comrades (note: arrangements have been made for these special offerings to be recorded in our accounting system using the general ledger code 4005-850 which bears the title, “TSA Haiti Rebuild.”

Monday, January 4, 2010


Please continue to lift our staff and family up in your prayers. Pray for Chris' Daughter, Faith Marie; for Monticue's son, Orion Connaly; for Tabitha and her daughter Tia. May the Lord heal them and strengthen them during this time. May the Lord be with Carol as she is in California visiting her sister, who is not expected to live long due to cancer. May the Lord give Carol the wisdom to talk to her family and His wonderful peace. May the Lord continue to be with Mrs. Jackson. May He comfort Mrs. Jackson and give her strength during this difficult time. May the Lord's peace and sense of presence be upon her body, mind and spirit! May the Lord bless the Red Shield Staff!

Prayers from Children